After Mo Yi's reminder, Sato Kazuma finally found the fraudster's introduction page from the many choices. After reading it, he had to admit that this was a profession designed for him.

Whether it is offense or defense, you need to experience the luck value to judge. A complete gambler, a so-called fraudster, defrauds not the enemy, but reality and fate.

The only thing Sato Kazuma is confident about is his lucky value!

"I choose this!"

After confirming the job change, Sato Kazuma began to choose skills according to his own ideas, because he was only at level ten and had not many skills, or no matter how high the level was, there would never be enough skill points.

Because human energy is limited, knowing a little bit of everything means knowing nothing.

The same is true for game design. Only skills are always more important than skill points, so that the gameplay of the game can become diverse and various genres can appear.

Sato Kazuma didn't need any further prompting from Mo Yi, so he added the points in a smart way. First, he filled up the points of 'Destiny Fraud' that could be upgraded to the current level, then all the skill points were level one, and then added the remaining skill points to the required points. The probabilities of character and skills.

That's right, a proper method of adding points to the character stream, even if it is a little bit of stealth, if the character is improved, triggering the great success of Deception of Destiny, it will be directly upgraded to the highest level of stealth at the moment.

"Boss, how should I add free attribute points?"

After adding skill points, Sato Kazuma began to consider the issue of free attribute points.

"This is simple-"

The entertainment profession of fraudster was originally designed by Mo Yi, so he is naturally very familiar with his skills and said:

"Two points for durability, and one point for each of the other attributes. The Trickster is a profession that values ​​luck. Once you are lucky, you will be all-powerful. If you are unlucky, you will be mediocre. Add some attribute points to everything, and in the end, just rely on luck and manipulation."

Calling mediocre is just to give face. If you always have to make failed judgments, you are simply rubbish than a player who has not yet transferred. After all, others only take normal damage, while the fraudster may take double damage, even against residual health. The enemy's last hit will not be able to hit the enemy's health bar.

After changing his job and adding points, Kazuma Sato feels that he is very strong now and no longer needs to be used as a salted fish to seduce the enemy.

If I strike with my sword, I might get ten times the critical hit, so I asked Aqua, are you afraid?

"Aqua, I've tolerated you for a long time—"

The swollen Sato Kazuma pointed at Aqua and said:

"Now let's go to the side and challenge each other to show you who is the scumbag!"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Although Aqua felt bad, and she also knew that Sato Kazuma was far more lucky than her, but she was provoked like this, but as a goddess, she definitely couldn't bear it.

And she is no longer the high priest who had no output skills before. Now she is a priestess who knows how to shoot arrows. After awakening, she can also activate the power of the stars to use the wrath of the stars and summon meteorites to bombard her. enemy.

"Come just come, no one is afraid of anyone!"

Then the two started duel mode——

The duel mode allows two people to enter a virtual one-on-one state. Others cannot affect or attack them. When the two people decide the winner, their blood volume will return to the previous state.

Of course, this kind of duel state is on tap, similar to the duel mode of entering the arena. There is also a kind of direct fighting without turning on the duel mode.

In such a battle, the opponent will be killed and directly resurrected in Yakumo Square.

Visitors from another world like Sato Kazuma and Aqua are dead, they are really dead. There is no such thing as resurrection. After all, they are participating in the world of Yakumo in their true form.

When the 10 countdown in mid-air ends, the two people standing in opposite positions can move.

Even after being adventurers for more than a year, Sato Kazuma and Aqua's fighting skills are still weak. It's just that Sato Kazuma, an ordinary boy who has no talent and is always cheated, is slightly better than Aqua. Kuya is better.

After all, Sato Kazuma was always tricked to death and resurrected by Aqua. Even after being resurrected several times, he wanted to reject the resurrection and directly reincarnate to start a new life.

Under such a different world life experience, no matter how lazy he is, he will still grow.

"Watch me cum continuously——"

Aqua directly filled up various buffs for me, and then took out the bows and arrows purchased in the game system just now. After clicking on the bow and arrow proficiency skill, Aqua was still self-taught, or in other words, after being exposed to bows and arrows Sometimes, you react subconsciously.

He automatically drew the bow quickly with both hands and shot three arrows in succession.

"Let's see how you avoid it, Kazuma!"

Aqua was quite nervous at first, but Ken felt swelled when he realized that he could actually shoot arrows so skillfully.

Sato Kazuma was also very upright. He took the Novice Village Sword brought from the original world, added a blessing of wind to himself, and then avoided Aqua and ran around Aqua while catching up with her, preparing to get close to him. The opponent tries his newly learned skill 'Destiny Critical Strike'. After turning on this skill, the next hit has a certain probability of hitting multiple critical hits, plus the bonus of 'Destiny Fraud'. If the luck is right, both will be judged successful. , it can not only prevent the effect on the basis of critical hits, but also allow Sato Kazuma to fight against the ordinary flat A of the five scum, and produce tons of output.

After dodging two arrows, Sato Kazuma still couldn't avoid the third arrow. Since he couldn't avoid it, he rushed forward and took one arrow in exchange for a chance to attack Aqua.

Then, the arrow that hit Sato Kazuma's left shoulder immediately triggered the deceiver's core skill 'Destiny Fraud'. A big success was randomly achieved in an instant and he was directly immune to the attack.

The arrow was directly blocked by a layer of golden film, and then lost its kinetic energy and was thrown to the ground.

Aqua was confused now.

What the hell is this!

"This is a foul!"

Aqua angrily pointed at Sato Kazuma and complained:

"It doesn't count this time!"

However, Sato Kazuma had already rushed in front of Aqua, the squishy mage, and ignored Aqua's complaints. This was a formal duel anyway, and even if he died, he would return to normal after a while, it would just hurt a little.

Sato Kazuma, who was tricked to death by Aqua several times, had long wanted Aqua to let him taste death!

If the opponent wasn't the only one who knew the resurrection technique, he would have done this long ago.

"Hey Hey hey--"

Aqua looked at Sato Kazuma, who had a vindictive smile on his face, tears instantly flowed out, and he shouted:

"Kazuma, you can't be serious, can you!?"

"It's okay, Aqua! You will be resurrected after the duel is over!"

The Sword of Novice Village in Sato Kazuma's hand, with the blessing of fate critical strike, emitted a faint golden light. The moment it was swung, it triggered the 'Fate Fraud' effect again. Sato Kazuma's super-lucky natural talent made Sato Kazuma This fateful critical strike is doubled again on the basis of the critical strike. In an instant, you emit golden light like a light bulb.

"Eat my Dragon Sword!"

The sword of Novice Village, which glowed with golden light, looked directly at Aqua and made a loud cracking sound.

And the sound of Aqua screaming——

"Ya Zhudie!"

This feeling is a hundred times more refreshing than that!

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