Chapter 599: How can there be so much time for you to sneak around in life!

Under the numerous critical attacks, Aqua, who had no defense at all, was directly slashed and exploded. This is not a description, but a true description. It exploded directly. The scene was extremely bloody and tragic.

Fortunately, the two were just dueling, and at the moment when the winner was decided, the exploded Aqua appeared again.


However, she had not yet woken up from the fear of ascending the Dragon Sword just now, so she closed her eyes, screamed with tears and runny nose.

Seeing this, Sato Kazuma didn't even think about complaining and showing off, because the other party was so ugly at the moment!

If you walk over, you will definitely be hugged by the other person, and then you will punch him in the heart with a small fist.

After several seconds, Aqua woke up from the state of resurrection. Holding her magic wand, she chased Sato and Shinawa to fight.

"You, this heartless Hundan, can actually do this?!"

"It was this goddess who resurrected you many times! Even your savior was killed. Do you have any humanity at all?"


Then, a very lively chase began again.

The two old teammates, Darkness and Megumin, have long been used to seeing such things. It would be better to say that they are not used to seeing such farce once or twice a day.

————The dividing line after ten points————

After ten minutes of arguing, Aqua and Sato Kazuma, two enemies who just wanted to kill each other on the spot, became good friends again and sat there, continuing to brag.

Next, there is only one guy left who does not have the skills to change his profession.

"No, this alone is absolutely unacceptable!"

After regaining her strength, Megumin shook her head when she felt Sato Kazuma's evil gaze.

Let her, a great magician who has already decided to devote her life to explosive magic, learn other professions or skills. This is the only thing that will not work!

Sato Kazuma can naturally see his wife's stubbornness, but in order to live, many things must be adapted.

Then, Sato Kazuma spent an unknown amount of time persuading the other party.

Because the 300 hero skill points do not support Megumin's original explosive magic system's talent skills, it is really a waste not to use it.

Furthermore, under the suggestion of Grandpa Mo Yi, Huihui can choose the summoner among the magicians. The other party has the habit of raising pets. Now she just keeps more pets and lets the pets help her fight when necessary. That’s all.

This would violate her single-minded love for explosion magic.

Under these two main reasons, Megumin was persuaded by Sato Kazuma and changed her job to a summoner, becoming a person who hides behind to summon various pet beasts, which is the most obscene and hateful profession.

Of course, her style of painting as a summoner is likely to be different from others. The main thing the summoned beast does is to run on its back and become a mobile gun mount, or after she releases the explosion magic, it takes out the body with it. of her strategic shift.

After thinking about it this way, Megumin felt that she could accept it, which also enhanced the comprehensiveness of her explosive magic system.

As for the free attribute points, Megumin naturally focused all her points on magic power. Feeling the obvious increase in magic power in her body, Megumin couldn't help but have a bold idea.

If I continue to upgrade and increase my magic power, won't my total magic power soon exceed my original level?

In this way, she can break away from her reputation as a one-hit mage and become the legendary explosive magic master who can fire twice or even three times a day.

After thinking of this possibility, Megumin suddenly became energetic. She took her staff and was about to fight the big frog jumping on the plain.

In order to be able to have more sex and get double or even triple the pleasure of sex, Huihui feels that she has nothing to fear!

After everyone solved the problem of adding points after changing jobs, it was still quite early, and it was not lunch time yet. In addition, the resting place was almost the same, so everyone felt that their strength had greatly increased, and they began to take the initiative to seek revenge on the big frog and show off their style!

The next plot is that Aqua, who thinks she is very good, successfully flies a kite with a longbow and kills two big frogs, and then they collide.

So he gave up the unskilled tactics of flying kites and performed a wave of bow fighting. In fact, there was no problem, because Aqua was already at level ten, and those big frogs were generally below level five.

The big frog's attack mode is very simple, which is to hit or spit out the enemy.

Just pay attention, with Aqua's level advantage, even a crispy mage can easily kill a big frog.

It's just that Aqua is a lucky E, and the target she chose is a large, elite level 8 frog.

When he thought he could show off, he walked up to the big frog and slapped him with bow fighting skills. Then this elite-level big frog found the opportunity and spit out his tongue, catching Aqua like lightning. , shrinking into his mouth.

How could Aqua have imagined that this frog was different from other beauties in that he also knew how to attack with his tongue.

The tragedy happened again. Aqua could only show her two feet and kick them in the air, pitifully asking for help——

"Help, I'm going to die!"

"I'm here to save you, Aqua!"

Darkness, the female knight who always stood in front of the opponent and aspired to become a wall of steel, was the first to react and rushed towards the elite-level frog.

Then the big frog opened its mouth and swallowed Darkness, who was charging to die.

Then four trembling legs appeared in the big frog's mouth.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

If a funny character is a funny character, no matter what the situation, he can be funny to new heights.


After seeing the difference between this elite frog and other frogs, Sato Kazuma did not dare to suddenly go up to save people.

After all, he didn't know whether the other party could swallow three people.

In the end, he could only turn his attention to Grandpa Mo Yi for help.

"let me--"

At this time, Kaguya Horaiyama, who had been enjoying tax evasion, took a step forward and actively asked to fight.

"I just changed jobs, and I just wanted to try out the skills of the Shadow Assassin."

Just now, Mo Yi had seen the panel of Penglai Mountain Kaguya.

The most suitable profession for the opponent is actually a warlock. After all, she is originally in this system. Kaguya, who just wants to enjoy the game, naturally chooses according to her heart.

This is the essence of playing games!

So the other party chose an assassin and determined to become an unparalleled master assassin!

In the end, I chose the profession of Shadow Assassin. Others chose Shadow Assassin mostly because shadow has a relatively unreliable attribute system. In addition to rare abilities such as time and space, it can make people turn into shadows and sneak into the shadows. Shadow abilities are cumbersome and difficult abilities.

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