Combined with the various stealth skills that assassins must have, it is simply too cumbersome.

But Kaguya, who had immortality from the beginning and the ability to time, chose Shadow Assassin because of the erosion of shadows and the ability to use shadows to move quickly.

As a Horaiyama Kaguya who aspires to become an unparalleled assassin, she never needs to think about stealth. In order to light up the skill book, Kaguya symbolically clicks on stealth, and then focuses on various shadow skills. Assassin skills are learned Weak points are broken, critical strikes are skills that increase damage, and the rest are general skills such as two-handed sword mastery, blocking, charging, bravery, rage, and unyielding will.

Do you know why the white-robed swordsman Gandalf can become the most powerful wizard?

Because he focused all his skill points on melee combat, he could just use the level 1 holy light spell as illumination.

What's the use of sneaking? Didn't they have to be discovered during the final assassination?

Life doesn't have so much time for you to sneak around. The so-called assassination is to go all the way and kill everyone who sees you. Doesn't that mean the assassination is successful?

Thus, Kaguya Horaiyama, the first unparalleled assassin among 300 heroes, was born.

"It's time to clear the assassin's name!"

Kaguya took out the dual swords she bought from the mall and rushed towards the big frog who was trying to digest Aqua and Darkness. (On the personal panel, most items can be purchased from the game, but some special items, or truly powerful exclusive weapons, require players to find materials to build.)

"Everything is empty, everything is allowed -"

"All of us are killers——"

Kaguya, who wields a big sword with both hands, uses her ability to control eternity and moments to speed herself up. When she approaches the big frog, she leaps high into the air with a 'leap of faith'.

"Eat my Ultimate Martial God Tyrannical Slash!"

The double swords entangled in the shadow, with the blessing of time ability, were so fast that the big frog didn't even have time to react, and Kaguya's double swords made a big cross on the snow-white belly. A second later He fell to the ground.

————The dividing line at the end of the first day’s adventure——————

After everyone finished lunch, they stopped fighting monsters and upgrading on the first day, because Sato Kazuma and the others had to consider one issue, and that was where they would live at night.

Players like Grandpa Mo Yi can just go back to the city at night and leave the game, so they won't be in danger.

But a visitor from another world like Sato Kazuma has no offline control. He can't sleep on the street in the wild at night, right?

Putting aside the inconvenience issue, just having to guard against wild monsters at night is unacceptable.

But if they were asked to keep watch, if it was an ordinary adventurer team, it would be a normal operation. If it were Aqua's team, there would be no one reliable. If they were asked to keep watch, it would be more likely to deliver supper to wild monsters.

Fortunately, Megumin's explosion magic exploded a gathering place of wild monsters that no one had leveled before. I don't know how many wild monsters were killed. Although the items dropped by those wild monsters cannot be picked up, you can defeat the wild monsters. The experience and gold coin rewards obtained by the monster queen do not need to be picked up personally.

Therefore, Aqua and others can definitely be called rich people in their persuasion.

After all, no one had an unreasonable nuclear explosion attack like Explosion Magic on the first day of service.

So, everyone quickly returned to Yakumo Castle (the name of Novice Village) and started shopping, looking for a place to stay overnight.

It was soon discovered that there are three ways to solve the problem of living at night. One is to live in the hotel provided by the innkeeper in the game, the second is to buy the house provided by the game, and the third is to buy controlled land and build your own house.

After some discussion, everyone finally decided on the third method. They quickly purchased a piece of controlled land near the city gate and started construction.

There is still half a day left. Even with the help of various special abilities in the game, it is impossible to build the house in one go.

However, you don’t need to build a house all at once. You can fence the place you purchased with wooden stakes in a few days, and then set up a few tents. You can deal with it here first, and then build a new house while living there.

Then Grandpa Mo Yi discovered the true talents of Sato Kazuma and Aqua!

I saw that the two of them were very skilled in rubbing lime, cutting bricks, driving ground piles, or building stands, as if they were masters who had been working for more than ten years.

All these skills can be traced back to when the two of them first arrived in another world. At that time, the two of them had no level, no fighting ability, and were still poor. It was impossible for them to go out to fight monsters and take risks. They had no place to live. Just live in the stable, move bricks during the day, and become a construction worker as fast as possible.

After working for a month, both of them were already addicted to the joy of working. If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't go back without defeating the devil, they would probably have been happy construction workers until now. With their talents, , maybe he has become a contractor.

However, he chose the wrong major and became an adventurer. He has still achieved nothing in his life. Every time he defeats a demon king cadre, instead of receiving praise, he will get into all kinds of troubles and owe a lot of debt.

As for the overall design of the house, it must be Grandpa Mo Yi. Not to mention that he once played Minecraft on a desert island. Even if he has relevant experience, he definitely has more experience than Sato Kazuma and the others. I can't trust something like this that requires planning and thinking. These guys have a fatal flaw.

Darkness was assigned to carry bricks and various materials, which was probably the most suitable for the eldest lady of this great noble family. After all, she had eight-pack abs that surprised Sato Kazuma.

Paladins and the like are inherently melee combatants, so they are naturally the strongest among them all.

Megumin, the remaining useless magician, helped to get things.

Finally, there is Kaguya Horaizan. She has the ability of time and can be said to have the highest work efficiency, so she was sent to the forest to cut wood. Under her double swords full of shadow power, it was a cut. A big tree, and then put it into the inventory until it is full, then come back.

Wait until other materials are insufficient, then buy or go out to collect them. .

In this way, except for the experience of fighting monsters in the first half of the first day, the new adventure team spent the remaining three days mainly building houses in the city.

"Finally finished!"

Looking at the spacious house like a mansion, everyone felt a sense of pride.

Probably only Grandpa Mo Yi felt that there was something wrong with this style of painting?

Didn’t they come to another world for adventure?

Why upgrade an adventure game to a strategy game of farming and building!

Chapter 600: Frog is coming to kill you!

After spending three days, under the guidance of the great chief architect Mo Yi, everyone finally built their future base hand by hand, brick by wood, and wood by wood.

Now Sato Kazuma and Aqua can be said to have a house, money and class, and their life is extremely comfortable. It's like the original world. They don't know what kind of big boss is hidden, and they don't dare to come out and jump out.

And Yakumo World is still a game that has just launched its server. Sato Kazuma can be sure that they are definitely at the highest level among many game players.

The only daily job is to take the one-shot mage Hui Hui to find a suitable monster nest every day, and fire a cannon at that place, which will turn out a pot of screaming monsters.

Because their current range of activities is still in the Novice Village, unless they happen to encounter a passing boss, ordinary monsters will be wiped out by Megumin's explosion magic and become the experience points and gold coins of Sato Kazuma and others. .

Of course, when everyone feels that the danger is not great, they can also walk to the nuclear explosion site and pick up trash, and they really pick up a lot of good things.

They may not necessarily be the items dropped by wild monsters when they die, but they may also be ordinary stones that are burned by the high temperature of explosion magic and directly turn into various gems.

Therefore, Sato Kazuma, who was ambitious at the beginning, was soon corrupted by such a beautiful and comfortable life.

Every day is like clocking in at work. After having sex with Huihui, he and everyone go to bully the low-level monsters in Novice Village. I am afraid I have killed thousands of big frogs in the past few days.

Faced with low-level monsters like Big Frog that give novice players experience, except for Darkness, who has no output at all and is bent on death and seeking torture, everyone can face such a group of moaning monsters alone.

It comes with a variety of critical hits and dodges, as well as general skills that are inherently insignificant for thieves. Kazuma Sato said that he can go in and out of the frog group seven times.

Even Megumin, a loli with only one shot durability, can summon various summoned beasts, such as basic summoned beasts such as fire element, light element, earth element, and vine monster, to exchange with the big frog.

Of course, frogs really have no definite means to deal with these summoned beasts that are much more ferocious than them.

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