The other person who came over was Suwako’s friend, Kanako Yasaka, who was also a god.

Because Sanae Higashikata served two people, she also absorbed the faith and became a human god, possessing the ability to cause miracles.

The reason why the three people came to the door was very simple, that is, Frogzi heard that there was an adventure team that killed countless frogs every day, and even got the title of Frog Team for this.

Frog who loves frogs will definitely not be able to bear it!

So today, I brought all my troops to come to Sato Kazuma and the others to reason. Since you are all so advanced, don’t kill the frogs!

Of course, when Frogoko enters the world of Yakumo, the root vortex also gives her corresponding power based on her own mystery.

In addition to possessing the ability to control the earth, he also earned the title of the "Frog God".

This allows her to control and summon frog-like wild monsters, and she can also absorb the experience gained from frog-like wild monsters killing other monsters or players.

Frogzi is a god of pure faith. She is purely made up of faith and has no way to leave the place of faith. Simply put, she is a god who cannot win a soul.

Because of this, in the modern era when faith in the outside world has faded, her friend Kanako Yasaka moved from the outside world to Gensokyo to save her life.

Coming to the Yakumo World for adventure was just a trip, but I never expected that in the Yakumo World, Frogzi would gain his own soul because of the power of the Root Vortex, and its essence would change from pure faith. God, became the 'Frog God'.

After finishing on the inside and before the open beta started, she returned to Gensokyo and still retained this essence. This can be regarded as solving the biggest problem of Moriya Shrine.

The fundamental problem of lack of faith!

There are two gods in Moriya Shrine, one is Frogko and the other is Kanako Yasaka.

Unlike Frogoko, a god of pure faith, Yasaka Kanako is a Yamato god. Even if she has no faith, her power will only regress, but it will not disappear.

Therefore, the fundamental purpose of collecting faith is to save the frogs who are gradually disappearing due to the lack of faith.

But now, this problem has been perfectly solved.

However, after the open beta of the game, the three people from Moriya Shrine still came to the Yakumo World. Here, they can continue to strengthen the essence of Frogko, and it is also a place where the three people's power can be improved.

You must know that in the past, they could only become stronger by absorbing faith. But faith is really unreliable. It belongs to others. You only have it if others believe in it. But people's hearts are always changing and beautiful, so the source of faith and The quantity is also unstable.

Of course, there are more practical reasons why Kanako Yasaka agreed to Frogko's visit.

Frogzi's natural ability allows her to level up and become stronger with the use of frog-like wild monsters.

Therefore, she can choose another path to become stronger, which is to protect and promote the development of frog monsters. As long as she farms well, she will naturally grow quickly.

Of course, wild monsters are designed to be killed and upgraded by players. They cannot go against 30 million dungeon warriors in order to protect frogs. This is truly seeking death!

But we can't let guys like Sato Kazuma, who is already considered an advanced player among many players, kill frogs all day long to level up.

Isn't this destroying Frogzi's plan to become stronger?

Therefore, a more practical and shrewd god like Yasaka Kanako would go to the door together at the expense of Frogko and have a good talk with the rumored Frog Team.

The purpose is not only to prevent Sato Kazuma from doing this, but also to scare the monkeys, otherwise their future plans for the Frog Kingdom will be difficult to realize.

Of course, for now, they can only come into contact with wild frog monsters such as big frogs. If they want to encounter stronger frog creatures, they need to open up wasteland or go to a new world map.

"Suwako was right this time——"

Kanako Yasaka, who had her arms folded and looked like a royal sister, nodded in agreement:

"The big frog is now an important material of our Moriya Shrine. Whether it is to quickly upgrade Suwako or to train them and use them as our army to attack other bosses, there is no room for error."

"If we don't stop Frog Squad's behavior now, more imitators may appear in the future, and that's when we'll be in real trouble!"

"All right--"

As Fuuzhu who serves the two of them, Dongfengya Sanae saw that her two gods had decided, so she could only abide by it.

Under normal circumstances, the boss of Moriya Shrine is Tofudani Sanae, who takes care of the two increasingly useless gods. But once the serious time comes, the boss of Moriya Shrine is still Yasaka Kanako and Gakuya Suwako.

Sanae Tofudani, who has a relatively gentle nature, had to switch from the normal state of married woman to the domineering Miao mode when she went to Hakurei Shrine to play gym.

"Leave the next thing to me. Lord God, you are watching from behind."

Having said that, Sanae's painting style changed from a soft life style to a Hong Kong comic tough guy style like Fist of the North Star. She walked to the door, rang the doorbell, and waited for the owner to open the door. A head start!

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!"

"Is something wrong?"

About a minute later, Aqua, the goddess of wisdom who was still hungover, opened the door, looked at Sanae Dongfengya who exuded the aura of steel, and asked:

"If not, I will go back to sleep -"

"Can you tell me something?"

Sanae Dongfengya leaned hard on the door. A loud noise woke Aqua up from her hangover. She felt the aura of a strong man emanating from Sanae Dongfengiya. Aqua, who had never had the upper hand in her heart, forced herself to 'Can' becomes 'can't'.


Although Sanae Dongfengya looks like a domineering female CEO now, with domineering leaking from her body, she is actually extremely panicked inside. The more domineering she is outside, the more panic she feels inside.

The strong appearance is used to hide the panic in the heart.

Sanae Dongfengya glared at Aqua and said in a slightly loud voice:

"I want to find someone who can talk to me, so hurry up and call him over!"


At this time, what Aqua wants is naturally her good friend Kazuma Sato. Isn’t the so-called friend used at this time?

And at times like this in the past, the most reliable person was Kazuma Sato.


Aqua yelled and ran back.

"Come out quickly, someone is knocking on the door!!"

Dongfeng Valley Sanae: "···"

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

I'm just here to reason!

In short, when Mo Yi woke up from the sound outside, he happened to see the Moriya Shrine trio and Sato Kazuma's Wonderful World quartet in the courtyard, looking at each other side by side.

After explaining his purpose, Tofugiya Sanae punched the ground, and the ground paved with hard stones was suddenly covered with spider web-like cracks, which made Sato Kazuma very stressed.

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