
Sato Kazuma said in a panic:

"Miss Dongfeng Gu Sanae, we will seriously consider your proposal."


Seeing her teammates gathered, Aqua, who was hiding behind Sato Kazuma and feeling herself inflated, revealed her blue head, looked at the three people at Moriya Shrine and said:

"We rely on our own ability to fight frogs to upgrade, why don't you fight for me?"

"You are gods, am I not this goddess?!"

"With your behavior like this, this goddess can regard you as provoking us to go to war!"

Sato Kazuma: "..."

Aqua, what are you doing, you idiot?

Didn't you see that I was communicating and negotiating with others?

Believe it or not, when the fight actually breaks out, I will throw you over as soon as possible to block a wave of damage!

However, before he could complain about throwing Aqua back, other teammates with the problem started taunting him again.

Megumin held the magic wand in her hand, pointed at Dongfeng Valley Sanae, and said very unhappily:

"You mean, don't give me a**?!"

Megumin's current daily shots are fired at the swamp area, because there are basically no players in the swamp area, and the swamp area in the novice area happens to be the spawning location of the big frog.

"Anyone who dares to stop my love for explosion magic will be destroyed by explosion magic——"

"It seems this is an inevitable battle!"

Darkness, on the other hand, stood in front of Sato Kazuma with a tough attitude and said firmly:

"Don't even think about getting past me, Darkness, and hurting my teammates!"

"Knock me down if you can, you troublemaker!"

Sato Kazuma: "····"

Do you guys all want to kill me so that you can inherit my great empire? !

You traitors, get out of here!

As for Dongfeng Gu Sanae, she was also panicked. The boy she just talked to seemed easy to bully, but the others were so irritable and upright that she didn't know how to react.

Do we really want to open it up? !

But this is the opponent's territory and cannot be carried out in the living area. Unless it is a formal duel, otherwise you will be punished by the game!

After experiencing the unfathomable methods of the game, Dongfeng Gu Sanae will naturally not seek death.

"Aqua, listen to me—"

After the atmosphere suddenly became quiet, Sato Kazuma felt more and more uncomfortable. He pulled Aqua behind him and whispered in the other person's ear:

"Hurry up and find Mr. Mo Yi and Penglai Shan Kaguya."

"I just took a look at the opponent's level. That little girl is level 32. Do you want to send you to fight the opponent later?"


Aqua once again recalled the pain of being slashed by Kazuma Sato in that one-on-one duel. She nodded quickly and replied:

"I'm going right away!"

After that, it was time to find Mo Lai Buddha.

After seeing Sato Kazuma and Aqua's little moves, Yasaka Kanako could no longer wait patiently. She walked up to Tofudani Sanae and patted Tofudani Sanae's shoulder with her hand, indicating that the next thing would be left to her.

Different from the strong and domineering appearance of Sanae Tofudani, although Kanako Yasaka smiled lightly, the confidence she exuded gave Sato Kazuma and others a sense of oppression that was even greater than that of Sanae Tofudani.

"Since it doesn't make sense, we have nothing to say--"

Kanako Yasaka sighed and continued:

"You have your reasons, and I have mine. In the final analysis, it's just a matter of different interests—"

"So let's use the most effective way since ancient times to solve the problems between us!"


Sato Kazuma, who has an online IQ, can naturally hear what Yasaka Kanako means. Doesn't it mean that war will be used to decide who is just?

For this reason, as a modern person, I have naturally heard such bad words.


Megumin, who only had explosive magic in her mind, couldn't understand Yasaka Kanako's words, and asked Sato Kazuma with some confusion:

"Kazuma, what does this older sister who seems to be kinder mean?"

Sato Kazuma: "..."

kind? You can see how kind you are! Others are confident!

"What she means is to use fighting to decide who is right."

"Oh, that's it--"

Megumin whispered softly:

"Speak directly. If you say it so tactfully, who can understand it?"

"Of course you can refuse, I'm just suggesting-"

Kanako Yasaka smiled and said:

"However, if you continue to slaughter frogs in the future, we will inevitably come to the opposite side. At that time, it will not be a one-on-one duel like now, but a real fight in the wild!"

"I will recite the enemy mercilessly if they stand in front of me."

At the end of the sentence, he exuded a domineering aura that was far stronger than the one Dongfeng Gu Sanae had pretended just now!

"Come just come, who is afraid of you!"

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