Emi-chan, you are really an old arrogant person. You have done it yourself, why can't others tell you?

It is not a good habit to avoid medical treatment!

"Okay, let's get to the point, Mo Yi!"

After Yusa Emi saw that Mo Yi didn't mention the book again, she took a deep breath, took out her holy sword, and said to Mo Yi:

"Now you have two choices. The first is to resist to the end. If you choose this option, be prepared to accept the first five-year labor reform plan prepared for you by this brave man!"

After that, he took out a notebook from his arms and opened the notebook to Mo Yi. It was filled with various plots of the devilish version of Master Yakumo's notebooks, among which the book "What the Female Brave and the Demon God Have to Say" was written. The plot of "Two Three Things" is the main one, supplemented by the plots of other similar books.

There is only one of them - "I have to shout ten times before eating every day, I want to be a good person, love peace, and like Emi-chan the most. Everything Emi-chan says is right!"

Just let Mo Yi feel how scary the other person is. If he really goes through the five-year labor reform plan at the hands of the other person, wouldn't he become his love partner?

But bang, it’s so snappy!

Seeing Mo Yi's expression change, Yusa Emi knew that the other person was frightened by her words, so she smiled kindly and said:

"Of course, there is a second option here. As long as you sign this contract and undergo my twenty-one days of pre-job training, you can leave here unscathed!" (The Twenty-One Day Rule, Part Two) It takes eleven days to form a habit.)

After that, he took out a printed contract from his back and placed it in front of Mo Yi.

"A marriage contract?"

Mo Yi felt bad after just reading the beginning, and then after a quick glance, he realized that it was actually a marriage contract. If he signed it, wouldn't he have sold himself?

Damn it!

Abide by the agreement is the bottom line of Mo Yi's life. The other party must know Mo Yi's weakness to come up with such a terrible plan.

Moreover, this routine is clearly his own plot in "The Heroine and the Demon God Have to Say a Thing"——

The kind-hearted Demon God finally couldn't bear the torture of the female warrior. Under the temptation of the other party, he finally had sex with her. Facing the beautiful female warrior, the Demon God had no choice but to bear the humiliation and bear the heavy burden and signed the contract that the other party had prepared long ago. Engagement contract!

From then on, a generation of demon gods fell like this and became a man who loved his wife, children and life.

It's really sad!

Unexpectedly, the notebook I drew one night a few years ago because I thought of Emi-chan would actually become a military strategy used by the other party to deal with me.

Moreover, I still remembered that there was a paragraph in the marriage contract that was full of déjà vu, so Mo Yi looked down and found that terrifying spell——

From now on, you can only be nice to me; you must pamper me and not lie to me; you must do everything you promise me; and you must be sincere in every word you say to me. Don’t lie to me or scold me, but care about me; when others bully me, you must come out to help me as soon as possible; when I am happy, you must accompany me to be happy; when I am unhappy, you must make me happy; always You think I am the most beautiful; you also want to see me in your dreams; there is only me in your heart...


As expected, Emi-chan added this paragraph to the marriage contract——

So cool!

How could my great master, Master Yakumo, sign such a treaty that is so humiliating and humiliating to the country, and that I, the descendant of a large flower-growing family, could not bear to lose face?

Faced with such a desperate situation, what choice should I make?

Should I choose to resist to the end and be reworked by the other party into a love-making device, or should I just go ahead and sign this "engagement contract", give up treatment directly, and become a tracheitis patient with no future?

Chapter 88: You know nothing about the power of membrane method

"Emi-chan, your female hero character is crying!"

Mo Yi ignored the marriage contract in the other person's hand and said in disappointment:

"You promised to be fair, upright, conscientious and responsible, and to protect the weak. What you are doing is clearly imprisonment, illegal threats to underage boys, forced marriage and other extremely egregious illegal behaviors. Are you the devil or am I the devil? !?"

"Don't think about transfer. I'm no longer the same person I was a thousand years ago!"

After hearing Mo Yi's words, Huimeijiang's face turned red, but she still said angrily:

"To deal with bad guys, you have to be worse than the bad guys so that you can defeat them and protect the weak. This is what you taught me before."

"Although you are a demon, you are not bad enough and can be saved. In order to save you, I sacrificed the life-long happiness of this brave man. How can it not be regarded as the sacrificial character of a brave man?"

"Moreover, the best way to eradicate the universal concept of this world and defeat the devil or devil is not to marry him back home, and then let him be busy at home day and night to have children. Naturally, there will be no time to go out and harm the world!"

"That's right, the only way to save the world and the hopeless you in the best of both worlds is to take you home and have you as a wife and child."

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#), don't get me wrong. I don't like you. This is all to create a world that doesn't hurt anyone."

Mo Yi: "..."

What you said makes sense, and I was speechless. But could you please stop plagiarizing the lines from the book "The Heroine and the Demon God Have to Say Two or Three Things". Listen to my disciples, and use what I wrote. The thing struck me as too subtle.

"So, you'd better choose quickly!"

After seeing Mo Yi being shocked by his words, Yusa Emi couldn't help but laugh in her heart. Master Yakumo's masterpiece is something that Mo Yi, an old antique like you, can't understand, but I have to hold back and not laugh out loud. , because I, Yusa Emi, will soon complete the mission of defeating the most powerful demon in history. Yes, I will soon become the King of Braves!

Holding back the shame and joy in her heart, Emi-chan took out two extremely evil props from under the bed, a whip and a candle. With the other hand, she took out the marriage contract and said seriously:

"Whip, candle, or engagement contract?"

"This is a decision related to your fate, Lord Demon God!"

Facing Yusa Emi's last general, Mo Yi didn't show any shy, panicked or troubled expression as she imagined. He still maintained an ungrateful smile. Such a smile made Emi-chan feel uneasy and couldn't help but think of herself. The fearful memory of being dominated by the other party.

"Don't panic, Emi. Your plan is perfect. You have carefully prepared the plan for many years. How could you not deceive the unsuspecting Shi-chan?"

Yusa Emi encouraged herself crazily:

"Plan goes through!"

"I am strong and invincible!"

"Feilongqiu, I'm asking you how to lose?"

"This one is as stable as an old dog!"

"This is all Steins;Gate's choice!"

"Emi-chan, although your plan was perfect, it can be said that you were truly caught off guard——"

Mo Yi showed the proud smile in her memory again and said:

"Choosing one or the other is a matter for children. Of course a real man uses his own hands to create the future he wants!"

That's right, the future you cultivate is the future you want.

"Mo Yi, you still want to resist now. It's impossible for you, a melee mage without magic, to defeat a paladin like me here!"

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