"Isn't it natural for a Kamen Rider to wear a mask?"

Horaishan Kaguya complained:

"Thank you for moving into Gensokyo from the real world, Sanae Tofudani."

"It's you--"

After Kaguya spoke in a normal tone, she was immediately recognized by Dongfeng Gu and complained speechlessly:

"No wonder I didn't see you at the Gensokyo Guild meeting. I thought you were hiding in your room playing games. I didn't expect you to come here alone."

"It's just that we are all from Gensokyo. We have reported this matter to the president, Youkai Sage. Is it really okay for you to intervene like this?"

"What's wrong? Now you hit my teammate——"

Horaishan Kaguya ignored Dongfeng Valley Sanae's words and complained:

"When did Zi Mama order my Eternal Pavilion?"

"Don't talk so much. Are you going to fight or not!?"

Facing the local thief Horaiyama Kaguya, Tofudani Sanae could only look at Yasaka Kanako.

Horaizan Kaguya is the daughter of the Moon Goddess Yozukimi, one of the three noble sons of the Yamato God Line, and Yasaka Kanako was also a god in the God Line before, so the two are still related.

After seeing that Horaishan Kaguya really wanted to go against them, he thought about it and nodded to Sanae Tofudani, indicating that she should go ahead and do it.

Yashi Eirin is also in the Gensokyo Guild. If something goes wrong, just throw it to Yashi Eirin to solve it.

"Then come -"

Kaguya of Horlai Mountain also launched a mutation called the 'Eternal Night Mutation', among which Dongfeng Valley was one of the urban management officials who came to solve the mutation.

However, she never had the chance to fight against Kaguya. In the end, it was the real city guard Hakurei Reimu who defeated Horaishan Kaguya.

Then, the two entered a duel state——

This time, Dongfengya Sanae did not use the skills of a mechanic, but the ability of a human god. The first move was a large wave of spiritual bullets. This is the popular barrage fighting method in Gensokyo.

Then, he rushed towards Horaishan Kaguya and continued to use the boxing technique that defeated Megumin before.

As the saying goes, any city manager who is not good at boxing is not a good miko. As a miko from Gensokyo, Sanae's boxing skills are definitely not bad!


Horaishan Kaguya used her own ability to manipulate time to force a mage like her into a super-agile assassin. Even the dense spiritual bombs like rain could not even scratch her clothes.

Then she pulled out her double swords and rushed towards the oncoming Dongfeng Gu Sanae. The two did not use any fancy attack methods, but only used their own abilities to empower themselves and engage in a close hand-to-hand battle.

Sanae Tofudani, who was blessed with the divine power of Kanako Frog, finally couldn't keep up with Kaguya Horaiyama's rhythm after persisting in a high-intensity confrontation for more than a minute.

Not to mention the original strength gap between the two, one is a god who has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and the other is a girl who has been a living god for a few years. Their abilities alone are amazing. Even if they are of equal strength, Sanae would not be able to compete with her. Kaguya.

In the previous confrontation, Kaguya continued to stretch her own time, giving her countless time to deal with Dongfeng Gu Sanae's attack. Perhaps in Dongfeng Gu Sanae's eyes, this was a super-intense confrontation, but against For Horaishan Kaguya, this couldn't be easier.

"Super Martial God Tyrant Slash!"

Finding a flaw in Dongfeng Valley Sanae, Horaishan Kaguya's crazy combos were actually just crazy slashes relying on the ability to accelerate time.

"You win, Princess of the Moon——"

After Yasaka Kanako said something, she left with Tokoko and Tofudani Sanae who wanted to do it themselves.

"The people who come next time won't be us, so you can take care of yourself."

After that, he simply ran away.

Half an hour later——

In the Gensokyo Guild, after hearing what happened to Dongfeng Gu Sanae and others, his eyes suddenly lit up and he thought: Great, I finally found a good opportunity to make a living!

Yakumo Purple, who was sitting in the president's office, frowned. She didn't expect that she would take the initiative for the first time and prepare to take the first step to become famous in Gensokyo, but she would meet fellow villager Horaizan Kaguya.

That feeling is really sour!

"No, we have to go to Bayi Yonglin to deal with this matter——"

Chapter 604: You are really an interesting man

After Moriya Shrine and others left, Buddhist players like Sato Kazuma and Aqua finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's true that others seem to be very capable of fighting, but they are full of traps. It seems that no one can beat him. Fortunately, he hugged the big sword master's lap.

Although, Sato and Shin have never seen the master swordsman use a sword!

"Boss Mo Yi, what should we do now?"

Sato Kazuma looked at the open door uneasily and asked:

"It seems like they'll still come looking for me."

"It's okay. Leave the rest to me. I just have something to talk to someone from the Gensokyo Guild."

Grandpa Mo Yi comforted his friend and said:

"Just do whatever you have to do. If possible, kill less frogs and kill slimes or wolves and other wild monsters of similar level."


Aqua was relieved when she heard that Mo Yi helped her solve the problem. Although she is a god, she is indeed a god who can only fight against the chaotic camp. She thinks of the same order as Frog and Kanako Yasaka. The enemies in the camp are really helpless.

After all, she was able to become a god in the first place only because she could be reincarnated and become a god as soon as she was born.

It was also because of this that she became such a good-for-nothing goddess. Compared with gods like that who were promoted by their own abilities, she was simply scum.

"Aqua, you still have the nerve to speak—"

After the matter was settled, it was naturally the usual time for fooling around. Kazuma Sato jumped directly in front of Aqua, slapped the opponent's head crazily with his hands, and complained:

"You were the one who let them in!"

"Stop fighting, this goddess is going to be angry, what a devil!"

Aqua will definitely not take the blame, complaining:

‘Even if I don’t open the door, won’t someone else break it open and come in? Didn't we lose a door at that time! ’

"It's obviously your and Huihui's fault. You blow up frogs every day. Now it's causing trouble, Hundan!"

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