Aqua seized the opportunity, and when she let go, she locked Sato Kazuma with each other, and started an ugly fight with him on the ground.

Everyone was not surprised and did whatever they had to do.

After taking one look, Grandpa Mo Yi shook his head. He could only say that it was great to be young, and he could be so happy at any time.

Afterwards, Mo Yi walked out, preparing to go about his own business.

After taking only two steps, he looked back at Kaguya Horaiyama, who was two steps behind, and asked speechlessly:

"Kaguya, why are you following me?"

"I have no intention of going out to the wild to kill monsters."


Penglai Shan Huiye took two quick steps, came to Grandpa Mo Yi, and said with a smile:

"So I thought it would be more interesting to follow you."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"Should I also say at this time that you are also an interesting woman?"


Kaguya put her hands on her hips and said with a smile:

"You've earned it by having an interesting woman like me accompany you."

"sounds good--"

What Grandpa Mo Yi wants to do requires concealing his identity and sneaking around. Wouldn't it be troublesome for him to bring someone with him?

"But, I refuse!"

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

"You are really an interesting man——"

Grandpa Mo Yi ignored Kaguya and walked quickly, using his powerful stealth skills. However, with Kaguya's time ability, he couldn't leave the opponent at all.

After walking for a while, Grandpa Mo Yi looked back at Kaguya who was right behind him and complained:

"alright, you win."

"Miss Kaguya, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Hey——, you actually called me Miss Kaguya?"

Horaishan Kaguya joked:

"Are you implying something to me? I have watched the TV series "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess"."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I wanted to complain, but I didn't expect that the other party actually heard it, and now I felt a little embarrassed.

"you think too much."

Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"If you always wear a Kamen Rider mask, who would like you?"

"And as far as your figure is concerned, with all due respect, Miss Kaguya, you may not be worth much in this life."

Kaguya: "..."

"What do you know! A figure like mine is the best. I can control, control, and control women. Can those unscientific guys from Purple Mom compare to that?!"

"Okay, let me show you the peerless beauty of this princess, and then you will understand what it means that Ah Wei is dead."

After that, he really moved the mask and put it on one side of his ear and hung it diagonally.

Just as the other party said, with her flawless pretty face, the other party finally turned into a prosperous beauty. In addition, because the ancients all liked lolita, the other party was such a "girl" but she made a story called "The Tale of Bamboo" Myths are also understandable.

However, Mo Yi has seen a lot of beautiful girls. There is one in the goddess's house. Recently, he has also seen a water goddess every day. He is even more resistant to creatures like the goddess.


Grandpa Mo Yi commented very objectively:

"In terms of appearance, he is indeed the best-looking person I have ever seen."

Then, there was none.

Kaguya: "..."

"That's it? Don't you have the urge to seduce this princess and make me your wife?"

"not at all--"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"you think too much."

"I've been chatting with you for so long, and I have to do something serious."

After that, just slipped away.

"I don't believe this princess, just wait for me——"

Kaguya continued to speed up time and chased after him, urging Mo Yi to be an honest child and obediently admit that he had just had a 'heartbeat'.

After the two bickered and complained for a while, Mo Yi took Kaguya with him and set off towards the Winter Carpentry Guild together.

That's right, Mo Yi's destination today is the Fuyuki Trade Union founded by the friends in Fuyuki City, and the target task is his secretary Hakurei Fengchi.

Since even the Gensokyo Guild has appeared, then Hakurei Reimu and Yakumo Murasaki must also be in the Yakumo World, so as Hakurei Reimu's grandmother and Yakumo Purple's old friend Hakure Fuchi, there must be some idea.

After all, the other party was also with his secretary. Mo Yi, who knew that the other party was upset, felt that he still had to come and see if the other party had recognized Hakurei Reimu.

Think about it, this thing is so interesting, how could Mo Yi let it go?

When I think of Hakurei Fuchi discovering Hakurei Reimu's unscrupulous character who is better than his predecessors, the other party's expression must be wonderful!

Kaguya, who was following Mo Yi, couldn't help but ask:

"where are we going?"

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