"Which way do you think we should go?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, do you want to be skinned like this?

Do you think I can’t tell that this is the plot of “Let’s go, Pipi Shrimp”?

Sure enough, guys with immortality like to seek death!

"Just follow me."

Then, Grandpa Mo Yi and Kaguya slipped in quietly.

After several dangers of being discovered by Teresa, Scathach or Snow Cat, Grandpa Mo Yi finally found Hakurei Wind Chime with his head lowered in a room, seemingly handling something.

"I found someone, you wait here now——"


Seeing Mo Yi's serious look, Kaguya stood here obediently.

However, the other party just told me to stand, but didn't he say that he couldn't peek or eavesdrop? !

So, Kaguya used her time ability to find a good position and observe in secret.

Then she saw a woman wearing an Ultraman mask in the room. What concerned her most was the miko uniform she was wearing. Isn't this the same as Reimu Hakurei's painful red armless miko uniform? !

However, Kaguya can be sure that this is not Hakurei Miko!

Because Hakurei Reimu is a poor guy, both in terms of wealth and breast size!

And the guy sitting there, even looking at it from a distance, knew that this was a bad omen.


Kaguya took a breath and murmured in her heart, she seemed to have discovered a big secret!

Hakurei Miko is a human being, not a monster, so naturally she is a human being. Thinking about it this way, Reimu Hakurei should also have a father and a mother.

Could the woman in front of me be the mother of the unscrupulous miko?

So, could Mo Yi who came to the door be Ling Meng's father? !

It would be very interesting if Reimu knew that he still had a father and mother——

Thinking of this, Kaguya couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile.

"Wind chimes——"

Grandpa Mo Yi walked in and called each other's name very familiarly. In fact, the two of them were indeed familiar with each other.


Boli Wind Chime raised her head and was a little surprised when she saw Mo Yi, and joked:

"Big boss, why do you want to find an old woman like me?"

"Haven't you met a lot of girlfriends recently?"

"There are quite a few of them in the Winter Carpentry Guild."

Chapter 606: It is the duty of a witch to serve the gods.


There was Hui Ye secretly peeping behind her. Mo Yi didn't want to talk nonsense with an older woman like him who could even marry his daughter, because no matter what, he was the one who suffered.

"Wind Chime, you should know why I came here."

Hakurei Wind Chime didn't reply and sat quietly.

"Gensokyo Guild——"

"Since you know, why don't you come and ask me——"

Hakurei Wind Chime lay on the table uncomfortably, complaining like a salted fish:

"I have read all the works of Yakumo House's Gensokyo Project. It is precisely because it contains my story, and I have obviously not told anyone about the past, but you know——"

"Doesn't this mean that you know everything about Gensokyo?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"What does this have to do with you not going back to your hometown to recognize your daughter?"

Well, actually Grandpa Mo Yi came here mainly to see Hakuli Wind Chimes. After all, they have been friends for ten years. The other party has helped me a lot and is very concerned about the other party's affairs.

"What should I do if Reimu is really as outrageous as the story you wrote?"

Hakurei Wind Chime covered her face, which was still wearing a mask, with her hands and complained:

"My savings after finally giving birth will definitely be taken advantage of and eaten up by the other party."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I'll go. Grandpa Mo Yi really couldn't think of this reason!

At first, he thought that the other party was more cowardly because of his close proximity to his hometown. Because he felt guilty about his daughter, he did not immediately go to recognize his relatives after coming to Yakumo World.

Hakurei Reimu's lack of moral integrity was inherited from you, a weak soul, you a shameless miko!

It is clear that Hakurei Reimu was just picked up by the other party, but her personality is more similar to that of her own daughter. This is probably the inheritance of Hakurei Miko.

"And what reason do you want me to use to explain to the other party why grandma didn't disappear?"

Hakurei Fengling, who is unwilling to face reality, can always find various reasons to recognize her relatives.

"Wouldn't it be better to just tell the truth?"

Mo Yi said in a serious tone this time:

"I think Reimu Hakurei would be proud of having such a gentle mother."

Hakurei Wind Chime also became serious, no longer letting herself be in a round-faced state, and said distressedly:

"But this tenderness is based on my daughter's pain. I may be a qualified friend and a gentle person, but I am definitely not a qualified mother."

"At that time, I thought I was very handsome like this. It wasn't until I was rescued by you that I felt so **."

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