Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Well, this is the price of being a hero for five minutes. If it is not a heavy price, who wants to be a coward for a lifetime?

After Mo Yi was silent for a few seconds, he finally thought of the right words.

"Because of this, you have to recognize the other person as soon as possible and make up for the love you owe the other person."

"Ahem, I think Reimu Hakurei knows that his mother is so rich now, living alone in an independent villa and living a bourgeois life, it must be very good."

Hakurei Wind Chimes: "···"

Grandma, I have worked for ten years to earn so much money, and you guys always want to inherit my inheritance!


Hearing Mo Yi mention the villa, Hakuli Fengzhong became unhappy and complained:

"I spent all my savings to buy this independent villa just to wait for some heartless guy to come and talk to me."

"Hey, after all these years, I only went there on the first day I moved in."

After that, he glanced at Grandpa Mo Yi with a resentful look, the meaning was self-evident.


"Well, you will be hacked to death by Erina."

Grandpa Mo Yi spread his hands helplessly.

"Why, serving the gods you believe in is the responsibility of a witch!"

Hakurei Wind Chime took a step forward, faced each other, and said:

"I've had enough of those tedious documents and endless work! If it weren't for you, do I think I could have persisted for so many years?"

"Does this mean you still don't understand my heart?!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Although I have known the other party's intentions for a long time, the other party has never been so aggressive before!

How could a guy who has always been a gentle person become a bold person?

There must be something fishy in it!

Grandpa Mo Yi wordlessly stretched out his hand to remove the opponent's Ultraman mask, revealing a charming face of about twenty-four or five years old. Then he reached out and touched the opponent's forehead and muttered:

"No, I don't have a fever."

"Okay, what are you paying attention to?"


Boli Wind Chime took the mask from Mo Yi's hand, put it on the table, and complained:

"If Lingmeng knew that my mother had been living outside for ten years and was still single, how could I have the face to meet Mr. Jiangdong?"

After Mo Yi thought for two seconds, he complained:

"You really didn't do this just to let the unscrupulous miko touch me?"


Hakurei Wind Chime turned her face away, smiled embarrassedly, and complained:

"I've given all my people to you. Reimu is your daughter. Isn't it natural to raise a daughter?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I know that you, an unscrupulous guy, must be thinking of some unscrupulous plan, but what the other party said is quite reasonable.

"So, as long as I don't have sex, you'll be fine, right?"

Hakurei Wind Chimes: "···"

Go ahead, I have never seen such a dishonest man.

"You have already taken off my mask, and you still want to marry me? You are thinking too beautifully, how can such a good thing happen!"

"You didn't wear this mask to find a husband. Don't think I don't know that you put it on a long time ago because you couldn't stand the strange looks from other people in Gensokyo."

Grandpa Mo Yi thought that he had always been the only one who cheated others, but the mask issue was one of the rare things he had been cheated on.

"When I asked you if I could take a look, you said it was okay!"

Hakurei Wind Chime was stuck on her waist and she said proudly:

"You will marry me after reading the first one. As long as you are willing, it will be no problem!"

"I thought you knew."

After saying that, Hakuli Fengzhong put his face in front of Mo Yi, and his nose almost touched his nose. His pretty face suddenly became strange, and he laughed and said:

"Erina is finally gone——"

"It is the duty of a shrine maiden to serve the gods——"

This is an obvious reminder——

Grandpa Mo Yi silently pointed at Kaguya Horaiyama, who had half of her head exposed outside the door and was peeping, and complained:

"Where is your fellow countryman?"

If I had known better, I wouldn’t have brought Kaguya here!

Hakurei Wind Chimes: "···"

The somewhat naughty childish smile on Hakurei Fengling's face disappeared instantly, and turned back to a slightly cold expression. She looked at Kaguya Horaiyama, who knew she had been discovered and stood up outside the door.

"Haha, hello, Hakurei Miko of the previous generation——"

"I'm so polite."

After Horaiyama Kaguya bowed, she covered her face with her sleeves and said with a smile:

"How about I go back first and you continue?"

Chapter 607: Kaguya, what are you doing? Kaguya?

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