Because of the existence of Penglai Mountain Kaguya brand light bulbs, Mo Yi was not able to enjoy the service of the miko lady in the end. He could only find him on the friends list if he needed my help after saying, "Think about it."

Then he continued to sneak out with the curious princess on his face.

After all, Cu Chulainn only went to Yakumo Square to count the seconds for rebirth, and he didn't take them away directly. If they didn't leave, Mo Yi and Kaguya might really be discovered when the other party came back.

However, Hakuli Wind Chime would not let Grandpa Mo Yi leave so easily.

If you don’t explain this matter, don’t even think about running away!

In the original world, there was no need to worry about hooking up with a high school girl or a Valkyrie, the sisters at home and the purple-haired passerby heroine.

Now you don’t even let the fellows from Gensokyo go?

Why! She, a flowery girl in her twenties, has almost become an old aunt in her forties in order to wait for the other party. During this period, she has to help him with work and help him solve most of the trivial matters in Yakumo no Yumo, so that he can It’s good to concentrate on your own career.

Although she didn't understand why the other person, who in her eyes was like a god and a powerful man who could create the world at will, worked so hard to open the Yakumo House, it didn't seem to make sense.

(Since meeting Mo Yi, Hakurei Fungling finally understood what a god is. Beings that cannot observe or even affect the existence of multiple worlds are not worthy of becoming real gods at all. The gods of Gensokyo are not considered gods in the sense of multiple worlds at all. God.)

But Mo Yi said that after he did this to make him stronger, she helped him without hesitation, transforming from a witch who only knew how to fight monsters and collect protection fees to a strong business woman, during which she put in too much effort. .

In the final analysis, she is just a mortal with powerful power, completely different from the truly powerful people whose thinking ability transcends dimensions. In order to learn these things, she stayed up countless nights.

At first, it was to repay the favor and distract the longing for home and daughter, but later it was to help Mo Yi.

She had always thought that the one standing between them was Nakiri Erina, who added her to the red list and stared at her all day long because she discovered that she wanted to take action against Mo Yi.

But now, after the other party entered the game, he actually met a new female friend, and she was from Gensokyo.

Can this be tolerated? !

Although Eternitei was still living in seclusion when she was collecting protection money in Gensokyo, she had never come into contact with Kaguya Horaizan.

But recently in Mo Yi's Oriental Fantasy Township project, she knew everything, and felt that she knew Gensokyo better than Yakumo Murasaki.

Naturally, she also knew about the setting and existence of Kaguya Horaisan.

"Mo Yi——"

Hakurei Fengchi and Horaishan Kaguya nodded, then pulled Grandpa Mo Yi who wanted to escape, and said with a smile:

"Why don't you explain it?"

"Kaguya is just a teammate I met in the game, it's not what you think-"

Grandpa Mo Yi explained truthfully.

Hakurei Wind Chime snorted and complained:

"You say that every time, but what happened in the end?"

"I heard that the Emiya family has recently expanded."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

There is absolutely no way to refute, what should I do now?

Faced with the aggressive witch lady and the possibility of being discovered at any time, Grandpa Mo Yi decided to resort to a trick.

This is the number one trick in the world that is effective only for those who love you!

That means hugging, touching, kissing and having sex. Due to the time and situation, Mo Yi simplified it into hugging and kissing.

A minute later, the very strong Hakurei Fengzhong had turned into a weak girl with a face full of pain. If Mo Yi hadn't been holding her, she might have collapsed on the ground.


Grandpa Mo Yi exuded the aura of a domineering president and said:

"I won't let you off so lightly next time."

After that, Kaguya Hōraiyama sneaked away with a playful look on her face.

Just when I was leaving, I heard from behind——

"Next time you come at night, I'll wait for you."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

After confirming to leave the Dongmu Union, Grandpa Mo Yi let go of Horaishan Kaguya and complained speechlessly:

"Are you happy? You have achieved your goal of following me."

"Hey, it's okay-"

Horaishan Kaguya showed the mysterious smile of a female Saki and said:

"I didn't expect you to be such a person. Could it be that the next target is one hundred thousand shrine maidens? Then you can activate the rice bowl achievement."

"Then, by conquering the urban management of Gensokyo, start the Gensokyo paradise plan!~"

"It seems that this princess has already been included in your plan!"

"Just, can you be gentler? This princess is afraid of being pricked by needles, and she doesn't want to have a baby. Can she not get caught? After all, there is such a game waiting for me to play, and there is no time to raise a baby. I guess you Such a scumbag has no time to take care of his children."

After saying that, he stared at Mo Yi with mocking eyes.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"What are you afraid of?"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"After that, I just need to die for you. You can be resurrected anyway."

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

"Are you the devil?"

You, an unscrupulous otaku, dare to call me a devil?

"I'm not just a devil, I'm also thinking about letting you understand now that what you are about to endure is not the pain of being pricked by a needle, but the unbearable pain of being beaten with an iron rod."

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

At this moment, she finally confirmed that the other party was an experienced driver whose driving skills were not inferior to hers.

It's better to continue to ridicule and provoke the other party. What if the other party loses her temper and knocks her down directly, leading to a driving competition?

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