So, Horaishan Kaguya changed the subject and said:

"Today's sky is blue and the clouds are really white."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Then, after finishing the matter, the two people felt that it was still early, so they prepared to go out to the wild area to fight monsters and upgrade them. After all, isn't the greatest pleasure in playing games is to fight monsters and upgrade them?

Not far after the two of them walked out of the wild area, an arrow suddenly shot from the air towards Grandpa Moyin who was walking.


Although this is just a game data body, Mo Yi's fighting consciousness still exists. When the arrow comes close to a certain extent, he has noticed it and is ready to take out the Shield of Gaia and block it.


Although Penglai Mountain Kaguya was slow to notice, she had the ability to time, but she reacted extremely quickly, pushing Mo Yi away, and then the arrow penetrated her chest and was nailed to the ground behind her.

Mo Yi: "..."

Kaguya, what are you doing, Kaguya? !

I could obviously block it, why did you push me away?

And with the ability of time, you can simply push me away and avoid it.

Kaguya was half-crouching, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of her mouth. She looked at Grandpa Mo Yi and said:

"Don't stop!"

Chapter 608: Tell me, do you want me to overthrow that god system?

"Don't stop!"

Mo Yi looked at Kaguya, who was lying on the ground silently, performing.

"I won't stop. As long as you don't stop, Mo Yi, I will wait for you in front, so don't stop..."

After saying that, Kaguya closed her eyes and seemed to be leading him with a smile.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

You think I don’t remember that you have immortality!

In order to be funny, you really work hard, and you can really do whatever you want with unlimited resurrection.

Mo Yilai also walked over, preparing to poke Kaguya on the face to tell him to get up quickly. The unknown attacker was still in the dark, and now was not the time to play.

Kaguya suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi and said:

"My only wish after my death is that you can spread my ashes all over the world, so that I, who have never stepped out of this town, can finally see the scenery outside the town."

After that, he closed his eyes again.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, this time the meme is a little more subtle and not as famous as the last one ‘Don’t Stop’.

Kaguya's joke this time is from "God of War 4". Kratos Kuiye's wife suddenly died. In order to fulfill his wife's wish, Kuiye spread her ashes to every corner of the world, so Kuiye took adventure with his son.

Then of course the god seeking death jumped out to challenge Mr. Kui.

However, because all the gods in Greek mythology have been chopped down, the one that has been properly arranged this time is Nordic mythology. Yes, it is the Nordic mythology where the shameful Odin is the king of gods.

Due to some arrangement of fate, the aging Kui Ye finally chopped down the gods of Nordic mythology and brought the Ragnarok in the language to them.

At this time, the question arises again. All the Greek gods were chopped down by Kui Ye. Didn’t the Nordic gods not far from Greece receive any news at all?

Grandpa Mo Yi knelt down, poked Kaguya with his hand, and complained:

"After all, do you want me to kill the Greek gods or the Nordic gods first? Actually, I think it would be good for me to kill Takamagahara first. I can help you kill your mother Tsukiyomi, and then you can inherit the throne."

"Is it?"

After seeing that Grandpa Mo Yi could even follow this joke, Kaguya opened his eyes with satisfaction and complained:

"I think it's okay-"

"Actually, if you give me the joy of fire, I think I can stab Yeyue Jian myself."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Kaguya, how did you know that I have a fire?

Ever since the Fire Joy was used in the world of Sandjo Aige and Magical Girl Illya, it has been kept in Mo Yi's portable space, because there is no chance to use such a weapon that can blow up the earth. As for the more dimensional The battle is no longer a pursuit of energy power, but a battle of deeper laws and information.

"The Joy of Fire is with my body. I'll lend it to you when I have time. When you go to meet me at night, remember to start the live broadcast."

"No one likes to watch the scene of a loving mother and a filial daughter."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

At this time, Kaguya's injuries had healed, and even her clothes were repaired automatically, which was a bit unscientific.

Grandpa Mo Yi clearly remembered that apart from the necessary underwear and pants, 300 Heroes did not use the so-called clothing protection system.

"Not now, you can say whatever you want."

At this time, the person who released the arrow had also appeared. It was Yashi Eirin, the breeder of Horaishan Kaguya!

She didn't expect that the princess would take the initiative to block Mo Yi's arrows. Before, she was just trying to warn Mo Yi, but she actually dared to be so rude to Kaguya.

In fact, Kaguya's blocking of the arrow just now had a deeper purpose.

In addition to being a joke, she had long recognized that this was Bayi Yonglin's arrow. After seeing the opponent attacking Mo Yi, she suddenly became anxious. After all, the opponent was too unfathomable. Even the performance in the game was obvious. I don't know about the opponent's extraordinary ability, well, I don't know about his personal strength, but his background and gameplay in the game are definitely not simple, and he is a proper authority dog.

After the arrow fell, Grandpa Mo Yi might as well attack Ba Yi Yong Lin, but at least in this world, Ba Yi Yong Lin would be protected by the opponent.

Although she has great confidence in Yonglin's strength and wisdom, and even Yonglin has the ability to die, facing Mo Yi who has the entire game world to help cheat, there is absolutely no possibility of victory.

Moreover, there is no way for the opponent to be immortal. Even if it cannot be killed directly, it can be sealed forever, such as being locked in a black hole.

Therefore, she would jokingly help Grandpa Mo Yi block the arrow, hoping to solve the problem in such a funny way.


At this time, Yachi Eirin looked at Kaguya and looked at each other. Yachi Eirin probably understood what Kaguya meant and told her to stop causing trouble.

"If it weren't for the news about Yakumo Murasaki, I wouldn't know where you are."

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