Mo Yi also calmed down. In fact, this is a normal operation. If the situation is unclear, the boss will go directly to the new world. That is Zhi Xi's magical operation.


Aluelma smiled maliciously again and said:

"She has forgotten everything before, including the memories of your adventures together."

Chapter 615: You are the mastermind!

After hearing that Alice Fitz had no memory of the past, Mo Yi felt disappointed at first, and then relieved. Such an ending might not be a bad thing.

There is no real beginning without the memory of past lives!

After learning the unexpected news that Demon King Alice Fitz was resurrected, Mo Yi felt that today was worth it.

As for Alueluma opening a succubus bar in Yakumo's big world, she doesn't want to pay attention to it. After all, the other party's operation cannot be said to be impossible.

Dreaming or something, you can't kill someone in a dream, and you need someone to take charge when you wake up, right?

Besides, they are also former partners, so they have to give each other some face.

After some coercion and inducement, the other party promised to take him with him the next time he went back to Mo Yi Continent, and Mo Yi left the Succubus Bar.


"Boss Mo Yi?"

Sato Kazuma was in the union, looking at Mo Yi who came back in less than half an hour, and said curiously:

"I thought it would take you a few hours. After all, the succubus queen is very difficult to deal with."

Mo Yi: "..."

You wink like this, even if I don't understand what you really mean, Hundan!

Am I, Mo Yi, such a person?

Did you know that there is a Kaguya in the union who wants to play with me♂, but I don’t even want to!

"After meeting, I discovered that the other person was an old friend of mine."

Sato Kazuma: "..."

"Wouldn't that be better?"

Mo Yi thought: What you said makes sense.

After chatting with Sato Kazuma for a few words, Alueluma's matter is over for the time being. Now we can only continue to deal with it when the other party returns to Moi Continent.

Before that, when Mo Yi needs to finish the game and go to Mo Yi Continent, it might take a long time.


Several days later, a big event happened in the world of Yakumo. It was a very important event for the players.

That is, the gatekeeper boss of the first level world has been discovered. As long as the opponent is eliminated, a new world map can be opened.

Therefore, the player forces headed by the three major trade unions began to take action, preparing to launch a human wave tactic against the gatekeeper boss Gulaton set by Mo Yi himself, regardless of the cost.

As long as the opponent is eliminated, a new map can be opened. This is not a bad thing for any player or force.

Players will naturally not resist!

Even Sato Kazuma, a relatively famous team, was invited to participate in this crusade.

Of course, their plan is to paddle. After all, as visitors from another world, they are different from Xingyue players. Others can be resurrected after they die. If they die, they are really dead.

Unless the corpses are complete and Aqua uses the resurrection spell in time.

Grandpa Mo Yi and Kaguya also plan to join this strategic battle.

By the way, the reason why the gatekeeper boss Guraton was discovered was inseparable from Sato Kazuma and the others!

Because of Frog's incident, Megumin no longer dared to inflict violence on Frog, so she changed the target and changed the location of Honkai Magic's attack to a certain volcano.

Press the button on time every day to release explosive magic at the volcano, allowing Megumi to release her daily joyful mood. You can also get a lot of gold coins and experience points by blowing up the fire elements living in the volcanic magma every day.

But it was this behavior that finally woke up Gulaton, who happened to be sleeping in the crater nearest to Novice Village.

It was obviously not time for him to wake up, and being forced to wake up like this, Gulaton must have been in a bad mood. He just launched a volcanic eruption, and sneaked out for a while, finally hiding it in the novice's body. Information about the gatekeeper monster near the village was exposed.

Although there are still many places in the first-level world that have not yet been opened up, players still can't help but yearn for the second-level world. After all, many resource-rich places have been occupied by big forces. Only by opening up new worlds can we re-divide the new world. Good time for cake.

The big forces have the same idea. After all, no one would dislike territory.

The most important thing is, isn’t the purpose of gaming just to explore the unknown and have fun so you spend time participating in it?

No player can resist the temptation of exploring the grass even though they know there is a new map ahead!

After learning about the situation, the players organized all the players to fight against the legendary God of Earth, Gulaton.

And Mo Yi and Kaguya naturally followed Sato Kazuma and the others to go paddling. Fighting the mountain guard monster is the most meaningful thing in online games!

"Mo Yi——"

Kaguya, who was walking behind, couldn't control her excitement when she looked at the dense crowd of players around her!

Today is the day when she, Kaguya, achieves the title of ‘Three Hundred Players’!

before this--

"Can you give me some information about the boss? I know you must know it!"

The longer Kaguya hangs out with Mo Yi, the more she feels that Mo Yi knows too much, as if he was the one who created this game.

"The boss's name is Gulaton. Isn't it clear enough?"

Mo Yi spread his hands and complained:

"It's the only mythical beast that can't fly, Gulaton."

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

"Well, the game designer is really casual, aren't he afraid that others will come after him for infringement?"


Grandpa Mo Yi replied very calmly:

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