"Not afraid-"

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

You are admitting that you are the mastermind! !

PS: The story has entered its conclusion. After the main plot is over, the pitfalls in the story and the outcome of the heroine are planned to be filled in with a small theater extra.

Chapter 616: Mushroom carbon falls from the world

"We are here all the time watching others deliver, is that really okay?"

Darkness looked at Guraton in the distance, who was like Godzilla, sending several people back to the spring water every second to count down the seconds. The power of fighting in her heart could no longer be suppressed, and she was about to rush forward and send a wave.

The other person is so big and red, it must be very comfortable when you snap it down!

"Don't cause trouble, Darkness!"

Sato Kazuma had already prepared, so Darkness was tied up by Sato Kazuma. No matter how much she wanted to send him off, she could only crawl on the ground, but before she could crawl far, she was captured again by Sato Kazuma. return.

After repeating this several times, Darkness was tied to the trunk of a big tree with a rope.

"Kazuma, you are such a pervert——"

The female knight Darkness would not give in. The humiliation she needed was far from over, so she shouted loudly:

"You have the ability to continue torturing me?!"

"Even if you can help my body, there is no bibimbap binding my heart to help the weak knight!"

Sato Kazuma: "..."

I believe you, you pervert, you obviously want me to torture you, just use your turtle shell, torture you, besides giving you perverted pleasure, what else can it do. You perverted female knight!

It has been said that we are different from ordinary players. When we die, we really die. There is nothing as good as being resurrected by spring water.

Don't look at how ferocious Gulaton is a few stories high. When you meet, he will breathe fire, or he will be the sword of the cliff. If he is hit by the other party's skill, wouldn't it be a direct dog lead, or the kind of corpse that can't be found, Aku The kind that even Ya can't save.

"Damn it Aqua——"

Aqua, who was watching the show while holding a bottle of bubble wine, heard Sato Kazuma's words and said in confusion:

"Kazuma, why are you scolding me?!"


After Sato Kazuma opened Aqua's face with one hand, he complained:

"You go on drinking and watching the show."

Grandpa Mo Yi agrees with Sato Kazuma's current battlefield OB behavior. For a one-life player like them, how can they learn to brush Gradon? Even if the opponent can't fly, they just think that the opponent is stepping on them. The last one laughed at the opponent. The flightless Poseidon has been knocked down by it.

As the designer of Gulaton, doesn't Grandpa Mo Yi know the opponent's strength?

With the current abilities and levels of the players, it is impossible for anyone to be able to defeat the opponent. Even the legendary Grandpa Kirito using the Starburst Air Slash is of no use. The world will fall apart when others use the Cliff Sword. How can you have time to give it to them? Are you pulling the sword light?

Of course, if you use human sea tactics like this and take advantage of the unlimited resurrection of players, and persist in a long human sea attrition war, you may be able to kill the opponent.

The last resort for Sato Kazuma and others is to do this now, long-distance battlefield OB, wait for Guraton to have residual health, and rely on Megumin's explosion magic. If they are lucky, they may be able to grab a head.

"Mo Yi, just look at-"

Mo Yi was sitting aside, thinking about things, when someone suddenly climbed up from behind him. No one except Hui Ye would be so boring, and the other person complained directly in Mo Yi's ear:

"As long as you deal damage, you can get contribution points!"

"Don't you want to be a '300 hero'?"

If it was before, Mo Yi would have been very interested, but after learning about the resurrection of Demon King Alice Fitz, he no longer had any enthusiasm for the game.

Mo Yi also gave up the useless move of getting rid of Kaguya. The more he cared about it, the more proud Kaguya became, complaining:

"I created the boss. He is almost like my child. How can I bear to beat him?"

Kaguya: "..."

Okay, now I am making no secret that I am the mastermind.

Of course, Kaguya is just listening temporarily. After all, there doesn't seem to be much difference between such a game world and the real world.

If this is really what Mo Yi did, then how awesome is the other party?

"But your child is about to be beaten by a crowd, why don't you go and help? You are really heartless."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"No problem. As the first mountain monster, Gulaton, I was very serious about it at the time."

"Except for the cuteness of not being able to fly, he is almost omnipotent and has five stages of transformation. Each time he transforms, he can replenish his health bar and add new abilities, defense, and speed."

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

"Are you the devil?"

"Of course not -"

Mo Yi complained:

"When I originally designed it, I set it to wake up when a hundred level 100 players appeared in the first world. I never imagined that it would be blown up by Megumin using explosive magic for several days."

"All right--"

After listening to Mo Yi's explanation, Kaguya felt that she would still be a battlefield OB for a few more days. How could she pass the fifth stage of transformation without three days and three nights? !

It's better to save your physical strength and wait until Gulaton's health is reduced, then use the time ability to grab the kill. By then, you will definitely become famous in one fell swoop!

I, Kaguya Horaizan, will soon become famous throughout the Yakumo world!

And obviously, it is more important to find Mo Yi to play with.

"Mo Yi, let's go out for a while. We can't stay here watching the show all day."

Mo Yi: "Don't-"

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

"Get up quickly——"

After saying that, Kaguya can make trouble around Mo Yi, covering her eyes with her hands, scratching and so on, endlessly.

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