Mo Yi: "..."

In the end, Mo Yi gave in and followed Kaguya out for a walk.

Then, they met Mushroom Tan (Fujiwara Meiko) who had just been blown away by Gulaton to the two of them.

Chapter 617: Mo Yi, are you from Chongguo?

Mo Yi and Hui Ye had just walked not far when something burning with fire suddenly hit them in front of them.

In fact, this is not uncommon, because when the two of them were watching the show, they saw many people being flown into the air to mock Gulaton, who could not fly, and then being sprayed with flames by the other party, or the dragon stars (sky) (Jiejie) was beaten until the plane crashed.

The fireball in front of him was obviously a player shot down by Gulaton's skill.

However, things are not as simple as Mo Yi and Kaguya thought——

"It really hurts——"

The black charcoal creature that was hit on the ground and should have gone to the spring to count the seconds stood up from the burning pit, and then more red flames erupted from its body.

Then, behind their eyes, they miraculously healed and turned into a white-haired girl.

Grandpa Mo Yi also recognized the identity of the other party. He was Kaguya's lifelong enemy on Mount Horai, and he was also the only friend of Kaguya Fujiwara outside the Eternal Pavilion.

Seeing Fujiwara Meihong standing up, Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Kaguya curiously and asked:

"Kaguya, actually I have always been curious. In Gensokyo, when you were resurrected by the Horai medicine, did your clothes also return to the same state as they did in Yakumo World?"

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

What you are focusing on is really tricky, and you are asking this as a client of mine, is that really okay?

"Then I'm definitely not coming back—"

Horaishan Kaguya said speechlessly:

"It's because the Penglai medicine was taken in the stomach, but not on the clothes. How can the clothes share the resurrection ability?"

Then he looked at Mo Yi with contempt and continued to complain:

"Needless to say your bold idea, I have already guessed it. This princess will not run naked or anything, because I have eternal ability. After applying it to the clothes, when resurrected, I can activate the ability to repair it. So there won’t be a situation where Mushroom Soup and Mushroom Soup are disheveled and fighting in the bamboo forest.”

"Of course, mushroom soup is not the case. Every time the opponent fights with me to the end, his clothes will become tattered, or even completely unwearable."

"Pretty much what you imagined."

"And according to my guess, the main factor that restricts the opponent's time to fight with this princess is her clothes. After all, Gensokyo is relatively short of material, and it is not easy to make new clothes."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"Is there a picture or the truth?"

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

"Are you from Chongguo? With my princess here, you still need some mushroom charcoal. Look at her. She has a bit of femininity. She is no different from a Chinese tablet. She is also violent, likes to smoke, and will set fire to others at every turn."

"Except for the white hair, there is no bright spot at all."

"Didn't I tell you?"

After Mo Yi was silent for two seconds, he said:

"I am a genuine Chongguo native."

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

Well, you damn white-haired man, how can you ignore the temptation of this princess?

"It's you!"

Grandpa Mo Yi and Kaguya talked for such a long time that Mushroom Fujiwara Meihong, who didn't notice the two of them at first, became aware of it. After a while, she turned around and saw her 'father-killing enemy' Horaiyama Kaguya!

"Horaiyama Kaguya!"

After Fujiwara Meiko was resurrected, she was planning to go back and fight Gulaton for another 300 rounds. Unexpectedly, she bumped into Kaguya, and she gritted her teeth and said:

"Are you here to trouble me?"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense-"

If it was the boring days in the past, Horaishan Kaguya might have thought of shaking up Fujiwara Meihong. After all, the way the other person is angry is so interesting, especially when the other person is so cruel that there is nothing he can do to her.

But now that she has a new strategy target, Mo Yi, she has no time to pay attention to the mushroom carbon that she has long been tired of.

"It was obviously you who fell in front of me, and I didn't pay attention to you."

"It's up to you to play, I still want to go out with Mo Yi."

After saying that, he hugged one of Mo Yi's arms and smiled proudly.

Fujiwara Meihong: "..."

In the past, it was the other party who came to trouble her. Recently, she was still thinking about why the other party didn't come. She never expected that he now disliked her!

Did they agree to fall in love and kill each other until Gensokyo is destroyed?

Kaguya, you big pig hoof! !


Mushroom Tan stared at Kaguya, then turned his gaze to Grandpa Mo Yi and said:

"Although I don't know you, I still tell you to stay away from this woman."

"There are countless men who died because of her."

"Don't be fooled by her beautiful appearance."


Although Kaguya knew that Mo Yi knew everything about her, she was still very unhappy when she heard Mushroom Tan shaking out dirty information about her, and she immediately complained:

"Including your father?"

Fujiwara Meihong's face suddenly changed and she shouted:


After saying that, he rushed towards Mo Yi with a cry of flame——

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