"go to hell!"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Tch~~, you couldn't defeat me, so you took action. You are indeed a barbarian."

After Kaguya complained, he unfolded the barrier of 'Eternal and Momentary Ability', pulled Mo Yi to the other direction, and after snapping his fingers, the almost temporary ability ended.

Fujiwara Meiko, who has fought with Kaguya many times, naturally knows that this is the opponent's time ability. If the opponent does not want to confront her head-on, she really has no way to defeat the opponent. Time ability is such a rogue!

Chapter 618: As expected of my dear

"You are such a weak soul!"

Fujiwara Meihong tried several attacks, but after being easily dodged by Kaguya, she had no choice but to give up.

Kaguya, you have changed!

When you saw me in the past, your eyes would light up, and you would go into a bloodthirsty rage, and you would start masturbating face to face with me.

"If you have the ability, do it head-on!"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Horaizan Kaguya complained with a mocking smile:

"I have already said that I don't want to play with you today. I want my dear to come out and play today, so I don't have time to play with you, a loser."

After that, she held Mo Yi's arm and acted like a little bird clinging to someone. She looked as cute as she could.

Mo Yi: "..."

Kaguya, you are clearly angry with the other party, and you are also bringing your anger on me! After all, Mushroom Carbon is also one of Kaguya's official CPs, and the other party's father, Fujiwara Nobita, was frustrated and disappeared because he was rejected by Kaguya on the spot, and his final whereabouts are unknown.

Even if you use me as a shield, you can't just put your arms around me!

No matter what, I have to give the horse a cute beating. I want the horse to run but refuse to let the horse eat grass. How can it be such a good thing?

"You, you—"

Fujiwara Meihong pointed at Horaishan Kaguya and Mo Yi in disbelief, and finally could only say:

"I'm going to burn you!"

After that, he transformed into a phoenix with a flame structure and crashed into the two of them at high speed.

The result was naturally the same. Mo Yi was easily avoided by Kaguya, and then continued to taunt:

"You are allowed to find Bai Ze and live a life without shame, but you are not allowed to find a man, Kaguya?"

"I just asked Turkey if you are angry?"

"With Mo Yi, you are useless as a turkey."

Mo Yi: "..."

What big secret do I seem to have discovered? !

Is this another white story?!

Mushroom Tan, who was in love with each other, abandoned his original partner Horaishan Kaguya and fell in love with his teacher Kami Shirasawa Keiin. The grudge-filled Kaguya looked for Mo Yi as a shield to stimulate Mushroom Tan, a scumbag.

It's so cute!

I never thought that this was a white photo album like Gensokyo?

And he is Kaguya's tool to take revenge on Mushroom Carbon? !


Seeing Kaguya waving her hands in disgust, Fujiwara Meihong just wanted to blow herself up on the spot a few times, and then rushed towards Kaguya, but Kaguya didn't panic at all.


"Hey hey——"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who stayed where he was, looked at Kaguya who had appeared on the other side speechlessly and complained:

"You forgot to take me with you."

After hearing Mo Yi's words, Kaguya turned pale with shock and shouted:


"It's too late to go back and save you, my dear——"

"Don't go there, Mushroom Carbon, or I will fight you to the death!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

You who have the power of eternity and a moment, tell me that you can't make it in time to save me? !

Are you lying to Aqua?

Seeing the phoenix that was about to rush into Mo Yi's face, Mo Yi was speechless. Kaguya clearly did it on purpose, but Fujiwara Meihong, who was already so angry that she lost her mind, obviously didn't expect this.

The more Kaguya says something, the more she will do the opposite!

Therefore, I, Fujiwara Meihong, will not stop!

"Well, I guess you can't listen to what I say now, so why don't I give you some time and space to calm down."

After saying that, Mo Yi took out the Shield of Gaia, and then hit Fujiwara Meihong with all his strength.

Because Fujiwara Meihong, like Kaguya, is a native of Penglai who has taken the Penglai medicine and has the ability to die, Mo Yi will naturally not worry about beating the opponent to death.


Then the mushroom carbon turned into a ball of flame again and flew into the distance.

"nice shot!"

Kaguya will appear next to Mo Yi again, holding out his thumb and saying with a wicked smile:

"As expected, my dear."

Chapter 619: Gensokyo robots, move out!

The people in Gensokyo, who were taking turns flying kites to Groudon, suddenly felt a big fireball flying towards their location, and everyone immediately ran away.


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