A big fireball hit them: "???"

"what is this?"

Hakurei Miko, who had been paddling, looked at the big hole on the ground. After more than ten seconds, the thing in the big hole revealed its true appearance. It was Fujiwara Meihong who was knocked away by Mo Yi.

"Damn man! And Kaguya-"

Mushroom Carbon was not stingy with vulgar words at all and began to curse.

However, after this flight, she calmed down. Based on her years of understanding of Kaguya, she did not believe that Kaguya, the guy who always thought he was superior to others, would really fall in love with someone else.

She was fainted with anger before, and the hot man was not transferred away by Kaguya in the end. From this, it can be concluded that all this was Kaguya's calculation.

The other party took advantage of the hot man to teach her a lesson!

But even so, Mushroom Carbon was still very angry.

"Isn't this the Fujiwara girl in the human world?"

Hakurei Reimu looked at the Fujiwara girl who was smelling fragrance very curiously, and asked curiously:

"I remember you were knocked out by Groudon before, why did you fly back again? Isn't this wrong?"

Fujiwara Meiko has an immortal body. In order to obtain the 100-year supply of cigarettes promised by Yakumo Murasaki, she fought hard. At the beginning of the battle, she was the first to rush to Groudon, and then because of her ability Fei triggered Groudon's hatred and was sent flying by the opponent's Cliff Sword.

In addition to the immortal guy like Fujiwara Meiko, and the fighting madman like Kazami Yuka, who wouldn't OB on the edge of the battlefield?

Even the nominal president Murasaki Yakumo was watching the show, watching those Katatsuki players consuming Groudon's energy, finding a good opportunity to go up and deal a wave of damage, and then just come back.

As for Reimu, Purple Mom promised a lot of benefits, but she is not a fool. This is not Gensokyo. Her invincibility has been temporarily confiscated by Yakumo World. Now she has the most strength in Gensokyo. It's a top-notch level, and it can't be beat by old ladies like Zi Mama and Hua Mama.

No matter how many benefits there were, they had to live to enjoy them, so she kept paddling.

As for Marisa Kirisame, who was calling her to charge with her, she ignored her.

Damn you idiots, if you are killed, you will die. Why don’t you understand such a simple truth? !

In this world, visitors from another world like them do not have the so-called spring water resurrection treatment.

She was bored, and when she saw Fujiwara Meihong making such an interesting appearance, she naturally went to have some fun.

Fujiwara Meihong: "..."

Can you please not mention this matter? Don't you see that I am in a bad mood?

"Mei Hong——"

At this time, Fujiwara Meihong’s wife Shirasawa Huiyin came up, looked at Fujiwara Meihong who looked embarrassed, and asked:

"I told you not to rush so fast. Even if you are immortal, you still have to be strategic during battle."

"But how did you fly back from which direction?"

Well, actually, this is what Shang Baize Huiyin is most curious about.

Fujiwara Meihong: "..."

It is impossible to lie. As a teacher, Kamishirasawa Huiyin has the ability to judge lies almost according to the rules. As long as she is her student, she will never be able to hide her lies.

And Fujiwara Meihong happened to be one of her students.

"It's that guy Kaguya!"

Under Fujiwara Meihong’s narration, everyone quickly figured out what was going on!

Hakurei Reimu originally listened to it as if it were an interesting story, but he soon discovered his blind spot!

Of course he knows Horaisan Kaguya——

The Princess of the Moon runs the only hospital in Gensokyo. She is a very wealthy person. She plays games and surfs the Internet at home every day, but lives a life of fine clothing and meat. How can she be like a city manager who is often so poor? There was no food to eat, and in the end he had to rely on the charity of the old lady Zi to survive.

What a miserable word!

However, now is a good opportunity for her!

After all, Fujiwara Meihong is also her little friend. The other party was beaten. Is it right for her to help avenge him?

After venting your anger on the other party, isn’t it also appropriate to ask the other party to compensate for some soup and medicine expenses, labor costs, mental damages, lost work wages, etc.?

As for the guy who refuses to give or loses, he has no right to refuse!

Moreover, it is also a good excuse to avenge Fujiwara Meihong, so that she will ignore Yakumo Murasaki, and let her go up and fight such a big Groudon. Isn't that asking for death?

She's not that stupid!

"Mei Hong, I can't recognize you!"

Hakurei Reimu suddenly became filled with righteous indignation, clenched his fists, and even his style of painting became hard-line, and said:

"As your good friend, I can't stand it anymore!"

Fujiwara Meihong: "Meow meow meow?"

When did you become my good friend? !

We're not very familiar with each other.

"Let's go, let's go now, I'll give that damn Moon Princess a good beating and let her train us properly!"

Fujiwara Meihong: "..."

This sounds like the General Administration is obedient.

"I see--"

Marisa Kirisame thought you Reimu had lost your mind, but it turns out that the other party’s goal was the money for the soup and medicine!

But it sounds very interesting. The last time she solved the change in Eternal Pavilion, she had not fought against Horaishan Kaguya. Now is a good opportunity.

"Yes, I'm going too!"

Fujiwara Meihong was dragged away by two city guards with a confused look on her face, looking for trouble with Kaguya.

Accompanying him were Mushroom Tan's wife Shirasawa Keiin, Marisa's harem Patchouli and Alice, and a dark figure hiding in the dark who had been secretly observing Reimu Hakurei.

Chapter 620: Kaguya: Mo Yi, you can’t leave!

Fujiwara Meihong, who looked confused, had never thought of going back to trouble Kaguya. After all, this was not the first time that Kaguya had cheated her. It had been countless times over the years.

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