If she had to seek revenge from Kaguya every time, she would never have time to do her own thing.

Moreover, when she was usually in a bad mood, she would go to Eternal Pavilion to fight with Kaguya to vent her emotions, thinking it was revenge for the other party's usual troubles with her.

This can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the two.

Seeing the Fujiwara girl in red clothes, she couldn't bear to swallow it. Hakurei Reimu, who had finally found a sudden increase in income, was naturally unwilling to give up such a good opportunity. While pulling the other party away, he talked to himself about all kinds of provocations. Good words from Fujiwara Meihong.

In the end, Fujiwara Meihong was successfully provoked and led a group of friends to find trouble with Kaguya.

Bai Zehuiyin, who was trying to stop the fight, could only follow him to avoid making things worse.

As for the love between Fujiwara Meiko and Horaizan Kaguya, Kamishirazawa Keine also knew about it, but this kind of love and hatred that spanned hundreds of years was not something she could cut off if she wanted to.

What can she do? I can only choose to forgive!

As long as Fujiwara Meihong doesn't stay overnight at Eternitei and tolerates it as much as possible. As long as the other party comes back and gives her a headbutt of love to clear the recent memories of the other party and Kaguya, then there will be no problem.

After blowing away the mushroom carbon, Mo Yi and Kaguya took a walk again.

"Mo Yi, I have tolerated you for a long time!"

Kaguya, who had just acted cute and seduced, was ruthlessly rejected by Grandpa Mo Yi and cold-bloodedly mocked the billion-year-old old woman. She stared at Mo Yi with a very depressed expression and muttered:

"What's wrong with me, princess? Couldn't you be a little nicer to me?"

"Although I am very generous, I will get angry if I am treated like this too many times!"

Mo Yi: "..."

"Are you going to say in your next sentence that I have attracted your attention again?!"

Mo Yi didn't know how many times he had heard such lines and complaints. Others might have been deceived by Kaguya, but how could Mo Yi, who had survived thousands of Shura fields, be deceived by the other party?

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

However, she was really interested in Mo Yi.

Over the years, Mo Yi was the first member of the opposite sex to have fun with her.

In fact, Kaguya's experience is very monotonous. First she was born in Tsukidu, and then Tsutsuki was an inhumane place.

Then he was exiled to Earth for making Penglai medicine. At that time, it was a feudal society, and the place where the other party was located was District 11, which was an extremely backward feudal country. There were no interesting people or things.

So the story called "The Tale of Bamboo" happened.

Later, in order to escape the pursuit of Yuedu, he finally lived in seclusion in Gensokyo. He really didn't meet any interesting men in his life.

Later, she fell in love with the Internet, games and the second dimension.

But after coming to this game world and meeting Mo Yi, Kaguya found that the other person was really special. He actually ignored her and was very disgusted with her, just like the friends she met on the Internet, but those people were not I don't know her identity, which makes her very comfortable to get along with.

This is what equality and friends feel like.

Exceptionally, the other party has the conditions to become her target. Although she has become an unscrupulous NEET under the influence of Lily Village, her pride as the Princess of the Moon has never diminished by half.

If you want to be her man, you can't be worse than her, right?

Otherwise, how to protect her from the two sisters in Yuedu? This is a matter of strength.

In addition, you must have money, otherwise how can you afford to support her.

The most important thing is to live a long life. After all, she has an immortal body. It's not a problem if she can live for another hundred million years without any accidents. She can't be left a widow, right?

After thinking about it like this, Kaguya discovered that Mo Yi unexpectedly met the conditions. Although he didn't know much about the other party's specific situation, could a person who could create such a world that was comparable to the real world be bad?

If you don’t have enough strength, you definitely can’t do it. With strength, what else is there that you don’t have?

This is a very simple truth!

Therefore, Kaguya is investigating whether Mo Yi can become a target.

If you see the right thing, you will naturally take the initiative!

After so many years in Lily Township, she finally realized that good things are always available to others. If there is no one to fight for them, they are definitely not good things!

Therefore, Kaguya has changed from a teasing attitude to a serious state——

Mo Yi, you are already the person I like.

You can't leave, whether it's this world or another world!

Chapter 621: Reimu: All this is because of justice!

"Kaguya in front of me, stop immediately!"

"Otherwise we have the right to open fire!"

When Kaguya was thinking about how to defeat Mo Yi, a roar suddenly came from the sky.

That was the Gensokyo City Management Team, and the leader was naturally Reimu Hakurei.

Mo Yi subconsciously looked up and saw that there was no holy light. Of course, the bloomers and the like were nothing good-looking either.

Immediately, seven people including Hakurei Reimu, Kirisame Marisa, Patchouli, Alice Megatron (Margot Royd), plus the victim Fujiwara Meiko, and the victim's family member Kamishirasawa Keiin, descended from the sky. Falling in front of Kaguya.

Kaguya: "..."

What the hell is this? Why did so many old friends suddenly appear?

When I was bored in Gensokyo, no one came to my door. When I was about to start 'My Youth Love Story', so many troublemakers suddenly appeared. I think you are just making things difficult for me, Da Kaguya!

"This is not Gensokyo, and it is not a place under your control, Hakurei Miko——"

Facing the threat from Reimu Hakurei, Kaguya will definitely not be able to bear it!

You may not be able to tell Reimu, but the hot man next to me is your father, and I am the woman who will soon become your stepmother!

How dare you come out to cause trouble?

This princess is a woman who has watched tens of thousands of family ethics dramas out of boredom. They contain all the ways and routines in the world on how stepmothers can help their children grow up.

Once this princess turns evil, even this princess herself will be scared!

"So, a good DOG doesn't stand in the way!"

Hakurei Reimu: "···"

He never expected that Kaguya, who looked like a princess the last time he saw her, would become so vulgar now. Although she didn't know what DOG meant, Reimu could still detect the malice contained in it.

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