"Marisa, do you know what DOG means?"

Marisa touched her nose and muttered:

"I don't know. Is this a new spell?"

But Patchouli, who was born in the West, quickly understood and explained speechlessly:

"This is the language of modern Europe, and it is still a dog. Well, a dog is an animal. A good dog does not block the road."

Hakurei Reimu: "···"

Okay, I get it, don’t repeat it again! Didn’t the other party just call me a dog?

The mental damage fee claimed later will be doubled, Hun Dan Kaguya!


Penglai Mountain Kaguya smiled and said:

"It seems that you are quite self-aware. If you don't get out of the way quickly, I don't have time to play with you today."

"Shut up, Kaguya!"

Fujiwara Meihong, who was affected by Kaguya's map cannon, jumped out, pointed at Kaguya and said:

"Today I must make you pay for your past actions!"

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

But I'm almost tired of hearing your words like this.

"Whatever, is this the reason why you brought people here to cause trouble? You have grown up, Mushroom Carbon, and now you actually know how to call people?"

"I'm sorry, Princess of Eternity-"

Reimu Hakurei jumped out at this time, with a righteous and awe-inspiring look on his face, and said:

"It's not that Fujiwara Meihong asked us to come here, but as a partner of the same union, we can't bear to see your evil behavior towards Fujiwara Meihong!"

"This is all because of justice!"

After hearing this, Kaguya couldn't help laughing, and after a while she laughed and said:

"I'm laughing so hard. In a place like Gensokyo, there is still so-called justice?"

"I think you just want to use the idiot Mushroom Carbon as a reason to extort compensation from me."

After feeling the suspicious looks from Fujiwara Meiko and Kamishirasawa Keine, Reimu suddenly panicked and said loudly:

"Don't think that this can undermine the trust between us! We are comrades who live and die together!"

Marisa on the side covered her face, almost unable to stand it anymore. Reimu's acting skills were really bad, and no one in Gensokyo knew about her immorality. Who would believe her words like this? !

Lingmeng directly took out the royal coin and said with a ruthless expression:

"Say it, Kaguya——"

"Do you want to be beaten up by a group of righteous people like us, or do you want to fight a group of us alone!"

Reimu: Humph, I originally thought I would give it to you if you gave me the money directly, but now I have no choice but to give you a good beating and then claim compensation.

Kaguya, you brought this all on yourself!

Chapter 622: Mother and daughter recognize each other?

Although Reimu said that he wanted to gang up on Kaguya, the other friends had no intention of taking action.

After all, everyone is just wandering around in their hometown, and they are all considered to be prominent figures. If word of this gets out, how can they meet people?

Marisa feels embarrassed, and it’s pointless to fight like this; Patchouli is a witch, with the dignity of a magician, and Marisa can’t do it without asking her; Alice Megatron is the daughter of the devil, and the reason is that Patchouli is a witch. Qiu Li is the same, after all, she likes the same person and has similar thoughts.

The remaining Fujiwara girl is because of her special relationship with Kaguya (they fall in love and kill each other). She can beat Kaguya by herself or others, but she will definitely not be able to do it if she is beaten by a crowd.

The last one, Keiin Kamishirasawa, is the teacher. It can be said that he is the most sensible and moral monster in Gensokyo, and he can't do anything like gang fights.

Reimu dared to fly for two seconds before he realized something was wrong. Where are my teammates? Why did you leave them all behind?

Do you know why the Demon King and the Four Heavenly Kings lost to the Hero?

It's just because you have such a shameful face issue and think that they are so awesome, how can they engage in group fights? Isn't that a disgraceful thing?

That's why there are brave men who keep slaying the demon king's subordinates, leveling up step by step, and eventually even the demon king can be defeated. All of this is caused by your 'face-saving' behavior!

There is only Reimu, well, it would be better to say that she is being beaten by a group of people. Kaguya is not afraid. Not to mention her immortality, there is also the final boss of this world hidden beside her. What else does she need to be afraid of? (The God of Creation is often the final boss in novels. This is already a routine.)

Kaguya took the Horai Jade Branch and moved forward to fight with Reimu. Facts have proved that Reimu, who has lost the invincibility of Gensokyo, really can't beat an old woman like Kaguya. Although she has superb physical skills, she can't fight against Reimu. With Ye's helpless time ability, she was still much more tender. After more than ten seconds, she was sent flying by Kaguya's friendly fist.

It has always been her dream to use the Friendship Breaking Group to beat people up. Who would have thought that one day she would also use the Friendship Breaking Group to beat people up?

After Marisa, the harem king, saw her main harem Kaguya flying out, she couldn't help it and jumped out directly to block Reimu.

"It seems that there are more people bullying others than there are fewer people?"

After Kaguya knocked Reimu away, the stepmother's pleasure arose spontaneously in her heart, and she said with a proud smile:

"I have helpers too!"

After that, he pointed at Grandpa Mo Yi who had been watching the show beside him.

Mo Yi: "..."

Kaguya, you can just hit my daughter, but now you want me, the father, to do it myself. Isn’t this not good?

After the other party knows the truth in the future, how can I, Mo Yi, hang out in Fantasyland?

At this time, Fujiwara Meihong said seriously:

"It was this man who beat me up before. Although it was a bit unexpected, at least his strength is not inferior to mine!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Oops, Mo Yi felt like he was going to die after being hit by Mushroom Carbon's 'Not Under Me Magical Skill'.

Is it better to fight later, paddle, or pretend to be dismissed by the other party and find a place to stay and watch the show?

Reimu stood up, and there was no emotion like anger or depression on her face. Instead, she was smiling, because within a second of flying upside down, she thought of a question, that is, she could now think about Penglai Mountain openly. Kaguya filed a claim!

Because Marisa had already stood up, the others were too embarrassed to continue watching the show, so they had no choice but to stand up as well, and a melee was about to happen!

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