Mo Yi, who was startled by this unexpected scene, reacted naturally and said feeble words.

"What are you doing, hehehe——"

Yusa Emi looked at Mo Yi with dull eyes, and said with a bad laugh again:

"Of course I'll kill you using your favorite method, Shi-chan!"

"Calm down, you must calm down——"

Mo Yi turned around and said:

"Sister-chan will kill us!"

"Well, sister-chan is-"



The broken Huimei-chan ignored Mo Yi's other words and directly extracted the most important information "Sister-chan". After letting out a strange laugh, she rushed forward, turned her face away, and wanted to explain that Sister-chan was During her reincarnation of Ilyas, she was knocked down.

His mouth was blocked, and what he wanted to say was blocked.

Mo Yi, who wanted to push the other person away, suddenly felt a wet touch on his face, which turned out to be the other person's tears.

In other words, Mo Yi has been in different worlds for many years. Although he can't be said to be invincible, he still has the last laugh. There is nothing he can't defeat, except the tears of the people he cares about.

As for Emi-chan, she was one of the few people she really cared about. After seeing the anger, sadness and love in the other person's dull eyes, Mo Yi's attempt to push the other person away was interrupted.

And the book "Two or three things that the female hero and the devil have to say" didn't know when it fell from under Emi-chan's skirt. It was lying on the ground, under the air flow caused by Emi-chan rushing towards it. , opened it in front of Mo Yi's eyes, and interpreted the story inside in the form of a comic strip.

And so things began to happily run amok—

"So you have little tiger teeth?!"

————The dividing line between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.————

"Finally alive, I almost died here!"

Mo Yi panted and looked at the dim ceiling, and muttered with difficulty:

"Fortunately, the resurrection magic was not touched."

After rebirth, Mo Yi has always maintained a semi-sealed state. If this kind of magic that violates the basic laws of the world is triggered, then his existence will be completely exposed to the eyes of powerful people who can observe the level of changes in the world.

What's more important is that Sister-chan will definitely go berserk and then follow her scent to find her.

If she finds out that Emi-chan is still leaning on her, the daughter she created before, a war that will destroy District 11 will break out.

But bang, it’s so snappy!

In order to save the innocent people living in District 11, Mo Yi tried his best to survive from Emi-chan, who inherited the blood of his sister-chan.

"Don't be afraid, Shi-chan, my best skill is resurrection-"

Leaning on Mo Yi, He Meijiang, who was also exhausted, looked red and asked shyly:

"Mo Yi, will I get pregnant?"

"When the time comes, what name should our child give?"

"Why don't we think about it in advance? Although angels are all female, if it is your inheritance, it should be able to break the rules set by the goddess. So, should we give a name to each of the boys and girls?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Emi-chan, although you are very rude, you are indeed a good wife and mother. You have thought of such a long-standing problem so quickly.

When you say this, I think it is very necessary.

No, now is not the time to think about this matter. If Sister-chan discovers what her daughter has done, a large-scale family ethics drama that spans centuries and the world will probably be staged.

When the time comes, should I stand for Emi-chan, the mother of my child, or for my mother-in-law, sister-chan?

this is a problem.

"Emi-chan, what you said makes sense, but I think it's better to tell you about my sister-chan first."

Mo Yi comforted the other party gently, and said in a manly voice:


Suddenly, a murderous aura emanated from Emi-chan, who was just a kitten a second ago, and she once again showed a bad smile that made Mo Yi's balls hurt, and said:

"Now that things have happened, do you still dare to think about the so-called younger sister?"

"It seems that if you don't want to die once, you won't understand how good I am!"

After that, he was about to go berserk again.

"Stop, Emi-chan, listen to my last words——"

Mo Yi, whose whole body was still sore, said loudly:

"Sister-chan is the reincarnation of your goddess Ilyas. She is my adopted sister in this life!"


Emi-chan, who still had a darkened smile on her face, suddenly stopped smiling and laughing, and said tremblingly:

"Sister-chan, is she the mother goddess who created me - Ilias?"

I have no pictures to post. .

Chapter 90: This is all your fault, Shi-chan!

Why does this happen?

He finally reunited with his beloved Shijiang whom he had been waiting for for thousands of years, and he also broke through the hatred between the country and the family and achieved positive results. The two things are combined together, and the two joys add up to bring me even more happiness. It should have been a dreamlike and happy time——

But why does it become like this?

Yusa Emi was shattered at this moment. After learning that her mother-goddess was reborn, she was instantly confused.

The other party and Mo Yi are sworn enemies. They are the kind of real sworn enemies where you poke me and I hit you.

If the other party had a life-and-death duel with Mo Yi again, who would she help?

At this moment, Mo Yi appeared in her dreams every time for thousands of years. (I’ve only met Elias a few times)

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