A bold idea quickly sprouts from my heart and then develops into a huge tree!

Mother Goddess, I'm sorry, this time I chose to help Shi-chan!

After silently saying sorry in her heart, Yusa Emi, who had always been decisive, happily changed her camp.

Then, both body and mind feel relaxed instantly.

Feeling the warmth in Mo Yi's arms, Huimeijiang rubbed it and said:

"It doesn't matter, Shi-chan, I will always stand by your side this time, even if the enemy is the mother goddess Ilias who created me."

"Furthermore, with your strength, you should be able to defeat the Mother Goddess who has lost her divine status and needs to re-train. Coupled with the righteous backstab of my hero, there will definitely be no problem."

Mo Yi: "..."

What expression should I use at this time to comfort my sister-chan who may be crying and fainting in the corner of the toilet?

Although I am very happy to hear your disguised confession, but, Emi-chan, you seem to be thinking in a different direction than me.

Because the person my sister-chan wants to kill is not me, but you, the daughter she created, Emi-chan!

"Emi-chan, you are so good to me!"

Mo Yi encouraged him by touching the other person's head and continued:

"But that's not what I want to say. I wonder if you still remember Emilia who traveled with us?"


Emilia, she must remember, or rather, she has never forgotten her.

Emilia, a trainee priest who was so gentle to everyone, was killed by Tamamo Mae, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, just to save her.

It was also from that time that the innocent and playful girl realized the cruelty of reality and the preciousness of life. She spurred herself day and night to become a powerful warrior and protect all kind people.

But even so, she never dared to forget Amelia. The person she saw the most in her dream was Mo Yi, and the second person was sister Amelia who cared about everyone and treated them all with tenderness. .

But, why did Mo Yi mention Amelia at this moment?

Although she knew that Mo Yi seemed to have all the unknown secrets with Amelia, she had already died like the demon Alice Fitz, disguised as their partner.

Naturally, she would not be jealous of a dead person, let alone her own savior.

Seeing Emi-chan's thoughtful expression, Mo Yi thought that the other party must be ashamed because she remembered that Emilia was killed to save her.

"Actually, Emilia was not killed by Tamamo Mae."

Mo Yi said gently:



Huimeijiang was so surprised that she spoke out and interrupted Mo Yi's words. After realizing that she had interrupted Mo Yi's words, she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and said:

"I'm sorry, Shi-chan, please continue talking!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Emi-chan is so cute, she seems to have only seen her look like this when she was a lolita, and has never seen her since she grew up.

Is this what is called tsundere? Well, now she is in a coquettish state.

However, business is still important now, so he continued:

"It's just that the so-called Emilia is Elias in disguise. She just faked her death back then."

"Ahem, actually this is not the point -"

Boom, a thunderbolt hit Emi-chan's mind. Of course, it was the Mother Goddess who saved her?

At this moment, she couldn't help but feel ashamed for her happy decision just now. This was not the point. She didn't know what to say for a while, so she gave up the treatment and said:

"Shi-chan, I have nothing to be afraid of anymore, just keep talking!"


At this point, even Mo Yi felt a little embarrassed, but the other party has become his own, and some things still need to be explained clearly. He has always disdainful of deceiving others, and said:

"The point is, when we were traveling in the mainland and looking for a way to defeat the Demon King, Emilia had already had an affair with me. In other words, Ilias was my first woman, the Demon King Alice Fitz. It’s the second one.”

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mo Yi also told the story about Lord Demon King. After subsequent investigation, he also knew that it was Amelia who hurt him that night.

However, on the night before arriving at the Demon King's Castle, facing Alice Fitz who suddenly came to confess her love, and the unknown life-or-death duel tomorrow, the two naturally had a good time.

Although the Demon King is already dead, based on his own observation of fate, the other party should be reborn from the demon world of Mo Yi Continent soon.

After all, the other party represents the darkness of the world. Unless that world is destroyed, it cannot truly disappear.

So I'd better take this opportunity to explain everything clearly at once.


At this moment, the following formula appeared in Emi-chan's mind: Emilia = Ilias = sister-chan, and 1. sister-chan, 2. Alice Fitz, 3. herself.


Emi-chan was devastated by the sudden revelation. She thought she was the first one to land, but actually there were already two nasty guys sneaking across.

What’s even more terrifying is, how will I face my mother goddess?

Is it a fight, or is it that the female warrior will never be a slave?

Mo Yi fell silent after seeing Emi-chan participating, and continued to explain clearly what happened over the years. For example, her experience after rebirth, and that she was Master Yakumo, the author of her favorite book.

She thought it was scary enough, but after listening to Mo Yi's words, Yusa Emi knew what a public execution was.

The lines and behavior of the other party before me turned out to be created by the other party.

"There is nothing to be afraid of anymore, because there are no songs worth singing anymore..."

Yusa Emi, who was so ashamed, muttered some lines that were full of déjà vu, which made Mo Yi worried. Is the other party really going crazy with shame?


Mo Yi shook the other party and asked:

"are you OK?"

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