"Senior Mo Yi, be careful, the other party doesn't seem to be an ordinary person."

Yinglili hid behind Mo Yi at some point and exposed her face from Mo Yi's shoulder. She looked at Kurumi Tokisaki who had Mo Yi's right hand in fear and whispered in Mo Yi's ear:

"How about we run away together!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Yinglili, it seems that you are also a sage who understands the profound meaning of "gou".

"It's not the behavior of a gentleman to grab a lady's hand and hold on to it, this handsome guy who cares about his younger generation!"

Tokisaki Kurumi, who was grabbed by his right hand, also reacted at this time. After struggling hard, he found that the opponent's slender hand actually had strange strength that was inconsistent with his appearance. He wanted to lift his right foot and raised his leg towards Mo Yi. The key.

As a melee mage, it was impossible to hide the opponent's behavior from Mo Yi, but because Ying Lili was still behind him, it was difficult to use extreme movements to avoid accidentally injuring friendly forces.

So, enduring the feeling of weakness and fatigue in his body, he grabbed the opponent's right hand and swung it out hard, throwing Tokisaki Kurumi away who was still trying to sneak up on him with his vaginal legs. He rolled on the ground countless times along the way. , and then stopped.

Yinglili: "Senior, why are you so strong?"

Ying Lili, who usually didn't follow the live broadcasts of various professional competitions, was naturally frightened by Mo Yi's outburst.

Oh my God!

Although the opponent looked very slender, he still weighed about fifty kilograms. Why was he thrown away by Mo Yi like a small stone?

Why is it that everyone is just a book maker, and he can't even pick up a box weighing a hundred pounds, but the other party can use any sexy woman to knock water off the ground.

Could it be that this is the arm strength developed by drawing notebooks?

At this moment, Yinglili finally understood why she was just a famous book painter, while the other party was an almighty pornographic master. The strength of her hands could explain the problem.

Facing the question from Ying Lili, who was eager to explore the new world once it was safe, Mo Yi said speechlessly:

"Do 100 sit-ups every day, 100 push-ups every day, 100 squats every day, and run 10 kilometers every day. In a year, you can be as strong as me, punching Pipi shrimps, kicking monsters, and hand Mr. Tie Ke.”


After hearing this, Yinglili found that it didn't seem to be difficult, so she said:

"Then I'll go home and give it a try."

Chapter 94: I, Yinglili, am fearless!

I just wanted to make fun of Yinglili, but I never expected that the other party actually thought that what I said was true. You must know that this is a world where various mysterious forces are rampant.

What should we do if Eiriri evolves from a defeated dogmon into a one-punch defeated dogmon?

Mo Yi is not saying that it is not good for the opponent to become stronger, but if the condition for becoming stronger is to be bald, that would be too cruel!

Especially when Mo Yi replaced Teacher Saitama's face with Yingli's face, he didn't find any sense of violation. It was really terrible.

Could it be that from now on, the responsibility of guarding world peace and maintaining the safety of the earth will be placed on the book painter Eri Kashiwagi?

"Yinglili, the method mentioned above is very difficult to stick to. I think you should give up."

The good man Mo Yi made a last-ditch effort to prevent the tragedy, Tao.

"Not afraid-"

Ying Lili leaned behind Mo Yi, clenched her fists, looked at Tokisaki Kurumi who stood up without any injuries, and said firmly:

"As long as I can become stronger, I, Yinglili, have nothing to fear!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Yinglili, you seem to have set a very serious flag. Is it possible that a generation of bald heroes will finally appear in the world?

"What a rough man. It hurts me to death."

Tokisaki Kurumi quickly stood up from the ground. Apart from his dirty clothes, there was no sign of injury. He said:

"It seems that you are not an ordinary person, little brother."

Kurumi Tokisaki took out a glasses-shaped detector from his pocket, put on his glasses, looked at Mo Yi, and said:

"Let me see if you have attributes and combat power worth collecting!"

Don't think that only girls have the power of attributes. This is a prejudice. After all, boys can also have attributes such as philosophy, white learning, evil-mindedness, transvestite, strong attack, and weak acceptance. Of course, the premise is that they are cute!

"This is?"

After she used the detector to view Mo Yi's data, the adorable energy and combat effectiveness on the display continued to rise, and soon exceeded nine digits, which frightened Ms. Tokisaki Kurumi to death. I just wanted to catch one. The blond man with twin ponytails was just absorbing the power of attributes. Why did he encounter the Roshan Demon King?

However, Kurumi Tokisaki is a girl who has experienced many battles after all. She quickly calmed down, and then remembered that the person in charge of the invasion of this world, King Billy, one of the ten kings of His Majesty the Cute Emperor, said that if you encounter If the detector cannot detect a man with specific combat capabilities, then you are allowed to escape as soon as possible to save your life.

The other party was a man who could fight to a draw with His Majesty the Emperor Meng. More importantly, he was the prey designated by His Majesty the Emperor Meng. He was not someone they could fight against.

Yes, the other party is one of the strongest people in the world and a mentor who continues to spread the power of cuteness, Kami-sama Master Yakumo.

Of course, this title of Lord God is only a title circulated in the Bilibili Empire.

Because the members of the Bilibili Empire, except for members like Kurumi Tokisaki who joined midway, were all born from human thoughts, and the thoughts that gave birth to them were only about people's love and longing for Moe. Even the cute emperor was born from the concept of cuteness.

As Master Yakumo, Mo Yi's efforts over the years have greatly promoted otaku culture and brought cute elements into the homes of millions of people.

Many people in the Bilibili Empire are derived from the prototypes in Master Yakumo's works. Even if this is not the case, the people's love for Master Yakumo's works has greatly enhanced their power.

Simply put, Mo Yi is a farmer, his works are grains, and Bilibili Empire is the bugs that eat grains.

This is the food chain relationship between them.

Even though many unlucky guys are hit by Mo Yi every year and then beaten to death, to them, Mo Yi is still a god whom they deeply worship and respect.

They were not beaten to death by Master Yakumo, they just returned to Kami-sama's pen to rest.

However, as a foreign member, Kurumi Tokisaki will naturally not respect and admire Mo Yi as much as the people of the Bilibili Empire who have a well-established reputation!

All she thought about was that Master Yakumo had an agreement with His Majesty Emperor Meng that he would not use his own power to interfere in the battle between the Bilibili Empire and this world. In addition, she possessed the power of time, and the senior members were all Enjoy the benefits of leaving a mark on the empire and being resurrected for free after death in battle.

Combining the above conditions, it seems that challenging Master Yakumo is also a good choice. Without the opponent using his true power, it is impossible to truly kill him, and he only needs to tear off a little bit of the opponent's cute attributes, which is enough. It greatly increased her strength and allowed her to take a few steps forward in her plan to return to her own world and eliminate the original elves. (The beliefs Mo Yi collected are, in a sense, the power of their attributes.)

As the saying goes, if you give it a try, your bicycle will become a motorcycle. Although the Roshan Demon King can be beaten, after killing him, he can obtain the Immortal Shield with the power of Brother Chun. (The Immortal Shield can resurrect the owner with full health and mana on the spot.)

This time, you can do it!

Thinking of this, Tokisaki Kurumi smiled happily and smiled at Mo Yi:

"It turns out to be the legendary Kami-sama Master Yakumo. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

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