"It really surprised me!"

However, when the other party recognized him, Mo Yi had already recognized the other party as Kurumi Tokisaki, one of the heroines in "Date A Live".

Although I don’t know why the other party joined the Bilibili Empire, Mo Yi will not mistake the other party’s identity.

After all, in Mo Yi's books over the years, many of the prototypes of yandere heroines were created based on each other. When he saw the original owner, Mo Yi was still a little embarrassed. After all, he had spent a lot of her books over the years. If he was found out and asked to pay for the portrait rights, would he be compensated or not?

"Miss Tokisaki Kurumi, I'm glad to see you here."

I am never afraid of business conflicts, and said:

"Why did you join the Bilibili Empire?"


Tokisaki Kurumi was shocked by Mo Yi's words. He was not a native of this world, but the other party still knew about his existence. What was the principle behind this?

Is this the other party's ability?

Of course, he didn't know that Moyi had actually drawn her in her book before, so he recognized her instantly.

As expected, he is a person on the same level as His Majesty the Cute Emperor.

Thinking of the cute emperor, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help but tremble. He still remembered that when he challenged the cute emperor to death, he was deceived by the opponent's black, long, straight and cute appearance. The opponent just waved his hand casually and gave away all his possessions. After the clone is destroyed, it is really so powerful that it is hopelessly powerful!

When I thought I was going to be killed by the other party, I saw the other party suddenly became dazed, and then seemed to remember something, and said:

"Girl, I like your twin ponytails and yandere attributes very much. You can hang out with me from now on!"

Chapter 95: Catching marbles with bare hands, tearing them apart with your hands!

(PS: The word "zi·dan" is a sensitive word and cannot be typed in Shuke, so this chapter uses the word "pinball" instead.)

"Yakumo-sama, it is very impolite to pry into other people's secrets at will!"

Kurumi Tokisaki, who misunderstood that Mo Yi possessed omniscience, began to worry. If the other party really had the ability to spy on her own information, the longer it took, the worse it would be for her.

So, Kurumi Tokisaki, who was a man of few words, said the above words in a girl's shy tone, and at the same time, he held two guns in his hands and shot one at his own temple——

"One bullet!"

After being hit by his own marbles, Tokisaki Kurumi's speed instantly accelerated, and then while continuously accelerating, he used another gun to fire countless marbles to attack Mo Yi.


Eirili was hiding behind Mo Yi and observing secretly. Although she couldn't understand what Mo Yi said to the other party, she could probably tell that the name Master Yakumo seemed to be very powerful not only in the porn world. , seems to be very powerful in other places, even if the other party has heard of the name of Master Yakumo, he probably doesn't know how powerful he is.

However, this is not the point. The point is that the woman opposite who is suspected of being a snake suddenly shoots at herself. The image of using the holy sword of physics to chop up a watermelon immediately appears in Yinglili's mind, and the watermelon juice rushes towards her. Terrible look.

So he yelled out subconsciously, causing Mo Yi's left ear, which was originally on guard, to buzz.

Damn Aqua!

Unexpectedly, I, Mo, was not injured by the opponent, but was attacked by my teammates with sonic attacks.

The Great Dionysus once said that if you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, you should be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

Yinglili, I'm not insulting you, you're cheating me like this. If it were during the war, I would have forced you to take off your skirt, or send you to the cooking class to wash dishes.

Although his body was hollowed out, he was attacked by his teammates, he couldn't use his own abilities, and he couldn't move to protect his teammates.

Um (⊙o⊙)..., Mo Yi just thought for a moment, is today my unlucky day?

Otherwise, how could he be debuffed all over his body——

This lucky value is almost catching up with Wang Jiang who holds the Noble Phantasm!

However, Miss Tokisaki Kuangsan would not let Mo Yi have time to complain. The opponent's marbles shot under the acceleration of time ability, coupled with the legendary gun fighting skills, made the opponent's marble attacks not only continuous, but also Turning around, attacking Mo Yi and Ying Lili behind him from all kinds of weird angles.


Faced with such an unexpected situation, Yinglili let out a cry of fear again, but after a few seconds she didn't feel the pain of being penetrated through her body, so she got out of the defensive posture of hiding behind Mo Yi and holding her head in front of her. .

When Ying Lili opened her eyes again, what she saw was Mo Yi's hand that had turned into an afterimage, catching the marbles that were shot towards them, and she complained in amazement:

"Here you go, the legendary catching marbles with your bare hands!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Suddenly hearing Ying Lili's complaint, Mo Yi almost couldn't help but answer the next sentence - "Tear it apart with your hands, it's weird!"

Because I wanted to complain, I was distracted for a moment and almost missed a marble.

Yinglili, you are indeed a joke sent by the opponent's monkey. If you cheat me like this, won't your conscience hurt?

You'd better crouch down and defend yourself!

However, at this time, two shadow monsters with the same figure as Kurumi Tokisaki but completely black appearance suddenly jumped out of the shadows around them and pounced on Erili behind them.

Seeing this, Mo Yi lifted up his right foot and lifted one of the shadow monsters towards the direction of the flying marbles to help them deflect the marbles, while the other one grabbed it with his hands and pulled it apart with force on both sides.

"The legendary hand-shredding monster appears again!"

Yinglili couldn't help but complain again.

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, I finally found out that in addition to the attributes of blond hair, loser, tsundere, small breasts, and twin tails, Yinglili also has the rare cuteness of complaining.

You know, after all, no one complains, but you can't act in a third-rate script!

So, Yinglili, you are great, you should continue to practice your ventriloquism♂ Oh, you will be able to use it one day.

It's not Mo Yi's style to be passively accepting all the time. Although he can't use his own abilities, he can borrow the power of his teammates!

For example, Yinglili beside me.

So, Mo Yi put one hand directly around Ying Lili's thin waist and quickly avoided the opponent's dark marbles.

"Ah, ah——"

Ying Lili, who was hugged by Mo Yi and moved along the street like flying over the wall, after the initial period of panic, she no longer cared about being held by Mo Yi like a large doll. After all, they still had someone who kept laughing. The crazy woman was chasing them with both guns and shooting something.

"Senior Mo Yi, what should we do? That crazy woman behind doesn't seem to want to let us go?"

"It's okay, but for some reason, I can't use my power, so I need your help, Eiri."

Mo Yi hugged Ying Lili and kept dodging Tokisaki Kurumi's marble attacks without showing any panic expression. Although he was riddled with various debuffs, there were still many ways to defeat the opponent. But with Ying Lili's power, It's the easiest way.

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