"Forget it after being defeated, why do I have to be tied up in such a shameful way? How will I face Yukino in the future after being seen!"

However, no matter how she moved, she couldn't change the situation. She had been drained of her magic power by Mo Yi's membrane method. Even if she was tied up, she couldn't run away even if she was let go.

No matter how long the road is, it will come to an end. With the prayers of Yukinoshita Haruno, Mo Yi and Miss Sesshōin, who was carrying the loot, finally returned to Emiya's home.

"Onii-chan, you are finally back!"

When he returned home, the first person to greet him was the cutest Illya.

"Mo Yi, don't you know that this is still the period of the Holy Grail War?"

Tohsaka Rin, who was following Illya, kept chattering:

"If you hadn't called back in advance, I would have thought you were killed by someone else."

"Can you make people worry less?"

"Hmph, also, I don't care about you, I'm just worried that you will become the other party's prisoner, and then we will be in trouble."

Well, okay, there is also Tohsaka Rin, who is temporarily staying at Emiya's house because of the Holy Grail War.

"Sorry, I encountered some special circumstances today and came back a little late, Rin."

Mo Yi looked at Tohsaka Rin amusedly, who crossed his arms, turned his head, and looked disgusted and angry, and apologized.

Although she was a very arrogant person, Mo Yi could naturally feel the concern in the other person's tone. For those who cared about her, she would naturally respond to them with reciprocal kindness.

"Yi, you're finally back. Have you eaten?"

Well, what follows is Sakura Matou, who helps cook at her home every day:

"I'm still warm."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Tohsaka Rin saw her sister treating Mo Yi so well, and said very unhappily:

"Sakura, why are you so nice to this guy?"

Well, in addition to them, there was Shirou Emiya who was wearing an apron and had no time to talk at all, and Yukinoshita Yukino who didn't say anything but still walked to the door to greet him.

Although Yinglili has a mother who loves her very much, she is not bad herself.

Although there is no blood relationship, he also has relatives who care about him equally, um, and friends.

"Mo Yijun, Miss Gungun disappeared suddenly, and I knew it was you who summoned her. Was there a battle?"

Yukinoshita Yukino asked coldly, but her eager eyes never left the giant Sesshōin lady, saying:

"There seems to be something behind Miss Gungun?"

That's not a thing, well, it's actually a thing.

After complaining in his heart, Mo Yi was so full of fun that he looked at Miss Yangonoko who was trying her best to stick to the panda's back to prevent Yukinoshita Yukino from seeing her, and teased, saying:

"Well, I met a pair of servants and a master. They were the ones on Ms. Sesshōin's back."

"I originally wanted to kill her and not bury her, but the other party pulled my trousers and begged for mercy, saying she knew Xueno, so I had to let Gungun carry them back."

"That's too much, Mo Yijun, I didn't pull on your trousers to beg for mercy!"

Yukinoshita Yukino, who wanted to pretend to be dead but had a cute side, heard that Mo Yi maliciously vilified her great image in the heart of her younger sister Yukino. After understanding that the other party was just trying to cause trouble, she couldn't help but retort:

"My skills are inferior to others, and I have nothing to say, but I can't bear it when you slander me like this!"

"Is this voice, sister?"

After hearing the voice of Yonoko that once dominated her, Yukinoshita Yukino felt like she was struck by lightning and said in disbelief:

"Are you also a magician who participated in the Holy Grail War?"

Facing Yukinoshita Yukino's questions, Yonoko maintained her usual policy of pretending to be inscrutable. Although she was tied up now, she didn't have to reply.

However, her plan was broken by Miss Sesshōin who wanted to go back to continue watching the drama. After Miss Sesshōin dropped Yukinoshita Haruno and Arquette who were bound by turtle shells, they returned to their original size and were very happy. ran away.

"elder sister--"

At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino finally saw what happened to Yukinoshita Harano. Although there were no scars on her body, she was tied up with ropes in an extremely shameful way. As she struggled, the biggest problem between the sisters was revealed. The difference trembled in front of Yukino, making it particularly dazzling.

"Why are you tied up like this?"

Although seeing her sister being tortured like this by Mo Yi gave her a sense of pleasure in getting revenge, the other party was her sister after all, so her worry prompted her to go up and help her loosen her bonds.

"You are the only one who can use turtle shell binding so skillfully, right?"

Tohsaka Rin, who was eating melon and watching a show, joked in Mo Yi's ear:

"As expected of Master Yakumo——"

If I said that Miss Sesshōin did this, would you believe it?

Mo Yi looked at the eyes around him and knew that there probably wasn't one.

Facing Rin Tosaka who was causing trouble, Mo Yi complained and counterattacked;

"You can tell at a glance that Rin is bound by turtle shell, so you must have read these books a lot!"

"I'm not, I didn't, you're talking nonsense -"

Tohsaka Rin quickly explained:

"Xiaoying, don't believe Mo Yi's words."

"Sister, although I often feel troubled by having a sister who likes to read books."

Sakura looked at Tohsaka Rin, who was interacting with Mo Yi on a daily basis, and said kindly:

"However, I won't regard you as a pervert because of this."

"Woo woo (┭┮﹏┭┮), I have something to hide, you have to believe me, Sakura!"

The Tosaka Rin sank.

Chapter 110: If possible, who would like to——

After escorting Yukinoshita Harano home and bringing it to Yukinoko, Mo Yi didn't want to worry about what happened next. After all, it was the matter of the other party's sister.

One clearly loves her sister deeply, but treats her in a strange and awkward way. The other sister clearly admires her sister and wants to be like and surpass her, but in her heart she is extremely repelled by her.

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