What a pair of awkward sisters.

After taking a shower, Mo Yi returned to his room and started today's work, such as the daily updates of "Yakumo's Household Affairs", "Death Elementary School", and the Oriental Gensokyo and Xingyue projects that are being launched.

"It turns out it's already past one o'clock."

Mo Yi stretched and realized that it was already so late.

"This guy is really stubborn."

Mo Yi looked at Miss Gungun Sesshoin speechlessly, who didn't know when he climbed onto his bed again to catch up on the drama, and then fell asleep.

He had obviously renovated her bed, and its comfort level was no worse than his own bed, but the other party just liked to cause trouble and made his bed a mess.

At this time, Mo Yi also regretted a little, whether he should have killed the opponent with one punch and summoned other followers again.

This is not a pet, it is clearly the master.

However, Mo Yi is a nostalgic person. These days, Miss Sesshōin is quite abiding by the rules. Although she always makes trouble in his bed, she also perfectly completes the hygiene tasks assigned to her, so Mo Yi doesn't There is no reason at all, just punch the opponent and send him to the Hall of Valor.

A Wangwang will develop feelings after being raised for a few days, not to mention a Gungun that can act cute, talk and do hygiene.

"Bang, bang-"

Two knocks on the door brought Mo Yi back from his thoughts.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

"Are you still working?"

A cold voice sounded as the girl came in:

"You are really diligent, Mo Yijun."

The only person who has the effect of frostbite is Yukinoshita Yukino in Emiya's family.

"After all, many people will stay in front of the screen, waiting for my update."

Mo Yi patted the place beside Yukinoshita Yukino, motioned for him to sit down casually, and said:

"As a creator, we naturally have to respond to their expectations and not let them down."

It was also the first time for Yukinoshita Yukino to enter a boy's room in the same grade. She was a little curious and glanced at it very quickly. It was not as messy as described in the book, with paper towels all over the floor.

It should be said that it was unexpectedly neat. Except for some manuscript papers scattered on the floor, there was also a large sleeping dog on the other side's bed.

"Mo Yijun's conduct as a creator is really admirable."

Yukinoko looked at Mo Yi and said with no appreciation in her tone:

"If you were not Master Yakumo, I would admire you very much."

After getting to know each other in the past few days, Yukinoshita Yukino also completed the knowledge about the book, the Eighteen Forbidden Books, etc. because Mo Yi is Master Yakumo, and fully understood the meaning of Master Yakumo. .

Now, Mo Yi couldn't bear it anymore!

Of course, he was not angry because the other party looked down on him, but because of the thousands of book painters, eighteen-ban gamers, and people with both virtue and talent who worked hard day and night on the front line so that boys and girls could grow up healthily. The teachers were unhappy.

Although this profession seems disgraceful, there are still people working hard for its growth. As long as there are still people looking forward to it, there will always be people struggling.

Ahem, in other words, many things are forced by life. If possible, everyone wants to find a career that is both glorious and profitable.

But, is it possible?

Many notebook painters work hard to be cartoonists from the beginning, but after countless failures, or during the process of hard work, they also need to eat. If they don't draw notebooks, they will really starve to death.

Who would want to be homeless if they could?

Ahem, there is another important reason -

Even if we all grow up, how can we forget the voices and smiles of Teacher Aoi, Teacher Hatano and Teacher Tiankai?

They have accompanied us through so many sleepless nights!

In fact, most people are like this. They claim that there is no distinction between high and low professions, but not many actually do it.

This is called reality.

"Yukino-chan, you seem to look down on Huang Man's profession?"

Mo Yi put down the pen in his hand and complained:

"There is no distinction between professions. Teacher Huang Man is not stealing or robbing. Just like the cleaners on the street, we also work hard to meet the needs of others. Why can't we be respected?"

"Yukino-chan, is your idea really correct?


After listening to Mo Yi, Yukinoshita Yukino was silent for a moment and then said lightly:

"I'm sorry, I was wrong just now."

Mo Yi smiled. In fact, what he said just now was just a complaint. The other party's thoughts were mainstream thoughts, and it was understandable that the other party would think so.

However, Yukino-chan is indeed the correct Yukinoshita Yukino. After hearing Mo Yi's judgment, she did not quibble like others and admitted her mistake directly.

This is the difference between Yukinoshita Yukino and others. There is a clear right and wrong.

Fortunately, I am not a bad person. If I have bad intentions, I can definitely use various reasons to fool the other person into doing all kinds of shameless things, and the other person will think that I deserve it.

Compared with her sister Haruno, who is a good friend on the surface but stabs someone in the back, Yukinoko is cuter. At least she doesn't have to worry about the smile on her face and the MMP behind her back.

After seeing the other party admit his mistake, Mo Yi naturally wouldn't pursue him, so he took the initiative to talk to the other party, stepped down, changed the subject and said:

"Actually, I have also been undergoing a transformation recently, preparing to develop in the direction of all ages."


After hearing Mo Yi's words, Yukinoshita Yukino became interested and asked:

"Is it the same or similar work to "5 Centimeters per Second"?"

"Can you show it to me?"

Hum hum——

Yukinoko, you said you don’t want it, but your body is still very honest, right?

It seems that you have become a fan of this master.

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