"There are many types of works, and some have themes similar to "5 Centimeters per Second."

Mo Yi searched among the manuscripts and found a work that met her requirements. With a mischievous smile on her lips, she handed the manuscript in her hand to Yukinoko and said:

"You should like this."

Of course, Yukinoshita Yukino is not that kind of pretentious guy. She simply took it and read out the title of the work:

"There is really something wrong with my youthful love story?"

On the cover, the girl with long, straight black hair, who was lowering her body with a gentle smile on her face and stroking her cat, gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Thank you then, Mo Yijun."

After that, Yukinoshita Yukino accepted the manuscript, returned to the usual cold expression on her face, and said:

"Actually, I bother you so late to thank you, Mo Yijun."

Chapter 111: Tell me, how do you want to die?

"No, the other party also cares about you, they just use the wrong method."

Mo Yi naturally heard that the other party was thanking him for Yang Naiko's matter, and said:

"Have you discussed it yet?"

After all, he is not a demon, so how could he really care about killing and not burying him?

Over the years, unless those troublemakers who came to Fuyuki City were really hopeless, Mo Yi would teach them a lesson according to their behavior. For example, after breaking three legs, he would send them out of Fuyuki City. This was simply humane. A model of doctrine.

"I don't think she cares about me—"

Yukinoko retorted subconsciously, then regained control of her somewhat out-of-control emotions and said:

"No matter what, I have to thank you. After all, according to the rules of the mysterious side, it is not an exaggeration for Mo Yijun to directly make his sister disappear from the world."

Mo Yi didn't say anything more about Yukinoko's expression and words, he just smiled and listened to the other party's words. ,

"We have already talked with my sister. She is also in the red camp. After learning the true identity of the Holy Grail, she is also willing to ally with us to fight against the black camp."

Although Mo Yi didn't reply, Yukinoshita Yukino continued, not knowing whether he was telling Mo Yi or convincing himself.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Mo Yi sighed in his heart, he really looks like a child, Yukino-chan.

"Isn't that great?"

Mo Yi smiled gently:

"Then your sister left?"


Yukinoshita Yukino said a little embarrassedly:

"But she said she would go back tomorrow to pick up her things and move in together."

"Her reason is that she doesn't give the black camp a chance to defeat them one by one, so it is necessary to stay with us."

Mo Yi: "..."

I believe it, it’s Aqua.

This is clearly a senior sister-controller who is worried about his sister living with an old man without a wife and two young and energetic high school boys, so he specially finds an excuse to observe his sister day and night.

"Then Uncle Kiritsugu agrees?"

After all, Mo Yi is not the real owner here. The one who can make the decision is his future father-in-law, Kiritsugu. However, according to Kiritsugu's pragmatic thinking, Yang Naiko will definitely succeed.

"Uncle Kiritsugu agreed."

Yukinoshita Yukino said with a somewhat troubled expression:

"I don't know what kind of trouble my sister will bring you."

Well, Mo Yi used the wisdom of the devil to correctly translate Yukinoshita Yukino's words. Her meaning is probably that on the one hand, she doesn't know how to get along with her sister.

On the other hand, her sister is a troublemaker and is afraid that she will cause all kinds of trouble.

Yukinoshita Yukino regretted it after saying these words.

How could he show troubled expression to Mo Yi and show his weakness?

"Yukino-chan, it's okay, I'll take care of everything—"

Mo Yi gave the other party a reassuring look and said:

"As long as I'm here, your sister can't do anything. As long as you don't blame me for being too harsh."

Before Yukinoshita Yukino could take back the troubled expression on her face, she heard Mo Yifeng's calm and matter-of-fact words.

The distress in her heart disappeared in an instant, and what replaced the distress in her heart was trust and reassurance. At this moment, the name "Yukiono-chan" that she had always rejected became more pleasant to her ears.

After truly getting to know Mo Yi, she would naturally not regard him as someone similar to her sister as she did before. In other words, her sister was far from Mo Yi.

If the other person didn't lie, he was the same as the hero in the fairy tale, or perhaps more powerful and greater than the heroes she knew.

With him here, I no longer have to worry about my sister causing trouble, or in other words, what I need to worry about is that my sister is being tortured too much by the other party.

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded and said thanks:

"Thank you then."

Her tone was still as cold as before, but Mo Yi could still see the happiness and expectation in the other person's eyes. After all, she was tortured a lot by her sister. Now that she has found a backer and organization, it probably feels like -

My mother is no longer afraid that I will be bullied by my sister.

"Yukino-chan, if you really thank me—"

Before Mo Yi finished speaking, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly stepped back, folded his hands around his chest, looked at Mo Yi warily and contemptuously, and said:

"Mo Yijun, what do you want to do? I won't let you do whatever you want just because I'm grateful to you!"

"Even if, with your ability, I might scream without anyone hearing me, but even if you get my body, you won't be able to make me surrender. I'm not the heroine in your book, and I won't be beaten because of it. After you fall to the ground, I will fall in love with you for no apparent reason, and I will only call the police and hate you for the rest of my life!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Yukinoko, I'm going to complain about you who didn't know what the book was a few days ago. Now in just one second, you think of the corresponding plot of the book I drew. How much did you have to make up for it in the past few days by burning the midnight oil? The problem of the department.

Just with your arms around your chest like this, I just want to give you a bad review.

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