Don’t you think that the saying ‘if you squeeze it, there will always be something’ is true?

Moreover, there are many girls who like me. How could I like you, Yukinoko, who always gives me a cold face, has a poisonous tongue, is unpopular, and likes to observe me secretly, and wants to jump out and treat me at any time?

Humph, wait until you understand people's hearts before you confess to me, and I might give you a chance to be a substitute.

As you are now, to use Echizen Ryoma's mantra, you are still far away!

"Yukino-chan, you are thinking too much. Although I do not despise the attribute of small breasts, it is a special attribute that needs to be combined with other attributes to be meaningful. If it is not a lolita, or a blond twin-tailed loser, small breasts This attribute will only bring down the rating.”

Mo Yi explained seriously:

"So Yukino-chan, you really don't have to worry about me having special thoughts about you."


The expression on Yukinoshita Yukino's face, who was crossing her arms, instantly collapsed. She trembled all over and let out a strange laugh, saying:

"I have small breasts, so I'm really sorry, Mo Yijun."

"That's not necessary—"

Mo Yi ignored the other party's appearance of turning dark, or in other words, Mo Yi derived pleasure from Xu Naoko's new expression that had never been shown before, and continued:

"Ahem, actually I'm not saying that Yukinoshita Yukino is not good for you. In fact, your character is already perfect, and some minor flaws are understandable. Although you have a paralyzed face, a poisonous tongue, are unpopular, and have small breasts, as long as When you meet someone with unique tastes, such as a slightly masochistic lover, your charm is unstoppable.”

"The short answer is, you're a good guy, but we're not a good fit."

"Okay, let's talk about what I wanted to say before -"

Unfortunately, before Mo Yi could finish speaking, Yukinoshita Yukino threw Mo Yi to the floor with a smile distorted by anger, showed a charming smile that Mo Yi had never seen before, and asked:

"Mo Yi, tell me, how do you want to die?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Why is this sense of déjà vu so strong?

I still remember, someone just told me today, and then she was fucked by me.

Chapter 112: Xuemiao, you will eventually be put to sleep by me

Facing the inevitable fate of Yukinoko, who pressed her soft body against her and prevented her from moving, Mo Yi kept hinting - Leng Jian, uh, calm down!

It's just a snow cat under the snow. As a master of the generation, how can you panic?

But it has to be said that although Yukinoko has small breasts, which is not Mo Yi's cute attribute, the other party's body is unexpectedly soft and material. According to the human biology that Mo Yi has learned over the years in order to create the most perfect work, the other party It seems to be the kind of body that develops late.

As long as from tomorrow onwards, be a sexually happy person, do more yoga, drink more milk and do more exercise.

From tomorrow onwards, I will care about food and papaya, plus face the sea and the joyful mood of spring flowers blooming——

Yukinoko, you can also become a new confident woman who is proud of others.

Ahem, I accidentally thought wrong again.

Although Yukinoko was smiling brightly, Mo Yi felt that she was cuter when she wasn't smiling, because her smile was a bit chilling at the moment.

Therefore, facing the other party's questions, Mo Yi felt that it would be better to make a choice quickly.

According to past experience, the best answer is of course to die of pleasure, but considering that Yukinoshita Yukino can't hear such incisive words that only female Maki can hear.

Mo Yi began to search for synonyms in his mind - shoot to death, explode to death, squeeze dry, replenish the demons and get the demons to kill everyone, get wind immediately, acute renal failure...

However, considering that the other party was still new, Mo Yi chose the most implicit answer and said:

"Bite me to death, is that okay?"

"Bite to death?"

Yukinoko didn't expect that the other party would choose such a painful way to die. You know, even a tiger can't bite an adult to death in one or two bites, let alone a human killing a person with bites. Painful and bloody!

However, the main problem she was thinking about at the moment was not Mo Yi's unexpected answer, but that Mo Yi was so cold.

When she threw the opponent down and pressed him down in this somewhat ambiguous and embarrassing posture, she began to regret it. Not to mention the opponent's strength, it was impossible for her to hurt him. His current appearance was just to tease her. , just like playing with a cat. Although I don’t want to admit this cruel truth, it is the fact.

On the other hand, in the past few days, in order to learn more about Mo Yi, when she checked the works of Master Yakumo, her knowledge reserve has increased a lot.

According to the other party's theory, at this time, you should find something in the other person's pocket poking you, and then you will ask inexplicably, what did you put in your pocket in the middle of the night?

Then, in order to ensure that the other party does not carry weapons of mass destruction, he should use one hand to reach down when asking questions.

After a few hard squeezes and a few seconds of confusion, he shouted with a red face:

"You pervert!"

At this point in the plot, the next development depends on whether it is a pure love story or an adult story.

When Yukinoko was thinking about how to deal with the situation where the other party was not cold, she discovered a terrible fact. After a few quiet moments, she confirmed again that the other party was very cold and she did not need to deal with the unfolding of the imaginary plot.

But why couldn't she be happy at all?

Although I, Yukinoshita Yukino, can't be said to be stunningly beautiful, I have had indoor shoes stolen since I was a child because I was jealous of girls, and I have been confessed to because of my natural beauty so many times that even I can't count.

You, Mo Yi, are actually not excited when faced with such a large welfare distribution like mine. Are you looking down on the lovely me?

Thinking of this, the kind smile on her face could no longer be maintained. She changed back to a look that was much colder than before. She stared at Mo Yi and read:

"Kill you to death, I refuse. I choose to strangle you to death. You have no vision and only use superficial standards of female value!"

After saying that, he strangled Mo Yi's neck with both hands, trying to cover up his embarrassment and anger in this ridiculous way.

Facing the attacks from Yukinoshita's snow cats and below, Mo Yi naturally would not sit still and wait for death. He was going to use a move of falling cats and eighteen palms to push the opponent away, and then another move of crow flying to subdue Yukinoko who had lost her mind.

"Master, no, don't grab my braised bamboo shoots. At most, I'll help you warm your bed——"

In her sleep, Miss Sesshōin used her charming voice to say some words that miraculously did not make sense, directly breaking the tense atmosphere between Yukinoshita Yukino and Mo Yi.

Mo Yi: "..."

Miss Sesshōin, if you slander my character like this, believe it or not, I won’t give you snacks or an iPad to play with anymore, and will lock you in a den and sing "Tears Behind Bars" for a week?

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

Yukinoshita Yukino was also frightened and woke up by Miss Sesshoin's talk in her sleep. There were other people here. Although the other party was Gungun, he was also a talking Gungun.

If the other party saw the scene between him and Mo Yi, wouldn't he be misunderstood?

Therefore, Yukinoko snorted, looked at Mo Yi with contempt, then stood up from Mo Yi, sat down again in the original place, and said coldly:

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