"Mo Yijun, I won't care about what happened before."

"You'd better tell me, if I thanked you before, what kind of topic would that be?"

As a result, the Third World War that was about to take place in Mo Yi's room was extinguished by the lady from the killing institute's dream.

"Actually, what I wanted to say before was, Yukinoshita, could you please stop looking at me strangely and muttering some strange words, for example, if you must accept my corrective treatment."

Mo Yi showed an innocent and troubled expression and said:

"Even if you are observing in secret and the volume is very low, my perception is far beyond that of ordinary people. It is no different from what is happening in front of me."

"Actually, I will also be troubled. Others will think that you are a stalking pervert, Yukinoshita."

Yukinoshita Yukino: "..."

She had never thought that her behavior could escape the perception of others, but when the other party said it like this, even Yukinoshita would feel very embarrassed.

Moreover, under Yukinoshita Yukinomiya's gaze, she could clearly see the joyful look under the other person's troubled expression.

This guy simply went out of his way to harm himself. He was really a bad guy.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Yukinoko finally spoke and refused coldly:

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I refuse-"

"Because I told you a few days ago that this is a war between us, and I will not give up until I change you!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Is this the legendary date battle, dating him and making him shy?

Is this the hidden meaning of Xuemiao?

Even if you hint at me like this, I won’t be fooled, Yukinoshita Snow Meowth!

If you continue like this, you will go on maternity leave, because the last woman who was as strong as me was already slept with by me today.

Mo Yi looked at Yukinoshita Yukino's serious and persistent expression, and started to complain in his heart full of evil.

Chapter 113: The partner of justice, Yukinoshita Snow Meowth!

Faced with Yukinoshita Xue Miao's declaration of another date battle, Mo Yi naturally would not accept it. He had so many things to be busy with every day, and the road to becoming a full-professional master was still far away.

And now, in addition to facing his sister-chan who is pressing harder and harder to turn herself into her private hot weapon, there is also another female hero Emi who needs his care and concern, not to mention that he has already agreed to go see her together. Illya of the Rainbow Sea, and the Demon King who is about to be resurrected.

Even though I go to school every day to pretend to be a douchebag, and at night I give advice and write inspiring words at Yakumo House, it seems that I am very relaxed. In fact, I, Master Mo, also have my own pressures and worries. But as a man, I can only put it aside You have to shoulder everything on your own, bear and solve it alone.

Do you know the pain in my heart and the hard work I have been doing, Xue Miao?

What else do you want from me? (I really am not sarcastic, please don’t misunderstand me.)

Therefore, Mo Yi was determined at first to accept Xue Miao's invitation to a date battle.

However, the girl on the other side has already looked over, so he naturally wants to respond to her determination.

In this impetuous and extravagant era, being able to make up your mind to do something because of your own beliefs is a great thing.

Let's not talk about whether there is any problem with Yukinoko's belief in changing the world and making the world right. It is just that the other party can clearly recognize his own beliefs and take action for them. This behavior will affect more than 95% of the world. For those who have been through this in a daze, she must have been ruthless.

Mo Yi has always maintained an attitude of appreciation and support for people who have dreams and can persevere, because only this type of people can save and change the world.


The salted fish saving the world routine is now popular?

Others are able to save the world because of plug-ins or generations. Do you know how hard the seniors who gave them plug-ins worked?

"Yukishita, although I don't object to a girl like you who works hard and persists in following her own beliefs——"

Facing Snow Cat's declaration of war, Mo Yi complained:

"But, I don't think there's anything wrong with me?"

"At home, I am a good brother who loves and protects my sister. At school, I am a good student with excellent grades. In society, I am a cultural master who creates great economic benefits every year. I don’t know how many related industries the Yakumo House supports. As a worker, even on the mysterious side, I have quietly devoted ten years of my youth to the safety of Fuyuki City."

Having said this, Mo Yi also started to get serious. His eyes were so sharp that he looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and asked:

"Yukishita, what do you think is wrong with me? Is there anything I need you to correct and treat?"

Facing the items listed by Mo Yi and the suddenly serious questioning, Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned for a moment.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with what the other party said. At least I can't find a reason to refute it at this moment?

Why are you so obsessed with the other person?

Yukinoshita Yukino kept questioning herself in her heart. Although it only lasted more than ten seconds, in her inner world, the long time was no shorter than Sanqiu.

I started to pay attention to the other person because of the task Jing Keai gave me. Then I fell in love with the other person's work "Five Centimeters per Second", and then I found out that the other person likes to play with the readers' emotions in his works.

Subsequently, the other party demonstrated his talents in front of his eyes again and again.

As Mo Yi said, even if he has a bad taste, it doesn't hurt.

He had done so well that she couldn't find anything to blame.

Could it be that because the other person is capable, I can ask the other person to contribute more to others?

This logic obviously doesn't make sense, and he doesn't owe anyone else anything.

The question comes back to the original point, why are you so obsessed with the other person?

Although she was unwilling to admit it, Yukinoshita Yukino still came up with the real answer from self-examination, that is——

From Mo Yi, she saw the possibility of realizing her dream of making the world right.

My weak self, unknowingly, selfishly pinned my dreams on him that I could not realize.

And subconsciously believe that if it were him, it would definitely be possible.

I am only a human being, but the other person was once a hero and a god. If even heroes and gods cannot change the world and save the world, who else can realize their beliefs?

So, subconsciously identifying with the other person, he entrusts his dream to the other person, and begins to want the other person to agree with his beliefs.

This is probably why he is so obsessed with the other person.

Mo Yi looked at Xue Miao, whose eyes were confused at first, and then clear, and he knew that the other party had understood his heart clearly.

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