"People live to change the world."

When Mo Yi saw that the other party had figured it out, he took the opportunity to talk, hoping to change the other party's already sick values:

"Such a belief is not ridiculous, but people always have to act with strength, and the real value of dreams lies in realizing them with one's own hands, Yukinoshita."

"Not to mention, does this world really need to be changed? Do other people really need other people's salvation? Are you sure that your thoughts are correct?"

"You must know that your correctness does not mean that others recognize it as correct. Using your own ideas to demand others is the greatest arrogance, Yukinoshita Yukino."

Hum o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o——

Mo Yi sighed in his heart, it seems that my tongue is not bad either. With this surging emotion and my special pronunciation skills, I don't believe that a mere snow cat can withstand this wave of will judgment.

Wake up, Yukinoko——

Hurry up and realize that people have their limits. Although dreams can be infinite, they must also be based on reality!

Don't shut yourself up alone in your heart anymore, accept this master's royal invitation.

After eating my tongue-in-cheek, just take over and become my good friend!

Faced with Mo Yi's unexpected mental healing technique, Xuenaozi's heart was inevitably shaken. She lowered her head silently and whispered Mo Yi's evil god-like whisper.

"I have known for a long time that this world is neither correct nor gentle."

"It's just wishful thinking for me to make the world right by myself."

Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly raised her head, and a line of tears in her eyes had formed two streams on her pretty face. But her tone became firm again and she said:

“But I think it’s impossible to be wrong in dreaming that more people can be treated with tenderness and more people can smile.”

"Even if your words make sense, they are only reasonable!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Unexpectedly, after the righteous partner in this world was transformed into a righteous chef by himself, the burden of being a righteous partner fell on Yukinoshita Yukinomia.

Yukinoko, your real name is actually Emiya Yukino, or Yukinoshita Shirou, right?

Chapter 114: Snow Meow Line Officially Opened

Facing Yukinoshita Xue Miao, who inherited the soul of a righteous partner, Mo Yi met the other party's firm gaze with his indifferent but profound eyes, fully accepting the other party's words without showing any recognition or denial. Conviction shot through his eyes.

Waiting for the other person to continue to vent their emotions.

Come on, Wang Situ, let me, Zhuge Kongming, see what brilliant ideas you have?

"Although I know that my idea is very self-righteous, if it's you Mo Yi, you can definitely do it and let more people in this world be treated with gentleness and more people smile-"

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Mo Yi without admitting defeat, trying to convince the other party, or in other words, convincing herself, her tone gradually returned to its usual calmness, and said:

"I will let you recognize my belief and become my partner, Mo Yi!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, the sensible Yukinoshita Yukinya finally figured out what was in her heart.

I thought you had some brilliant ideas, Yukinoko, but I didn't expect it to be such a terrible idea.

I really don’t want to spread your anger anymore. I was already tired enough in my previous life. Do I have to go on a king’s journey in this life to build a world where no one will be hurt?

Thinking about it, I feel that the future is slim. The combat power in this world is higher than that in the previous world. Even Mo Yi dare not say that he is definitely the best one.

Even if he is the best fighter, can he still beat a group fight of people of similar strength?

Moreover, the biggest flaw in your words is not this, but the underlying meaning of your words -

I, Snow Cat under Snow, will conquer you Mo Yi, and then let you Mo Yi conquer the whole world for me!

But bang, it’s really terrible!

Girl, your thoughts are outrageous and dangerous.

If you continue like this, the only result will be that you, who are full of motherly love, are busy taking care of your first to seventh children, and you will no longer have time to fight for your dreams.


Yukinoshita Xue Miao took two steps forward, and her face with tears on her face was only a few centimeters away from touching Mo Yi's face. She exhaled her breath and hit Mo Yi's face directly. Mo Yi, who was not paying attention for a moment, He took a breath of the carbon dioxide exhaled by the other party and said:

"Our war is not over yet, but the goal this time is to make you recognize my beliefs and become my partner!"

"So, I will need more care from you in the future——"

"I won't give up until I get your approval!"

After that, the second young lady of the Yukinoshita family walked away gently with a gust of fragrant wind and not a single cloud, leaving only the other party's tears of enlightenment shining on the floor.

He was really an innocent Xue Miaozi. Looking at the opponent's decisive back, Mo Yi seemed to see the former Demon King.

The Demon King, I think he also had such an innocent ideal back then, the idea of ​​​​letting monster girls and humans coexist peacefully, but in the end he chose to die because of the realization of his dream.

He hopes to use his death to end the war between monsters and humans and lead the two to a glorious future of peaceful coexistence.

At this moment, their figures seemed to overlap in Mo Yi's eyes.

If I think back then, if I had not rescued the beautiful snake lying on the roadside, the following story would not have happened, and I would not be where I am now.

It’s really a time worth remembering!

Yukinoshita Yukinya, since you want to launch a date war against me, let me see your consciousness and see if you, the naive one, can sleep with me, a retired veteran cadre.

When the time comes, I really don’t know whether you have slept with me or I have slept with you.

————The dividing line where the Snow Meow Line is officially opened————

"Miss Erina, we are here."

Hisako looked at the familiar scenery outside the window and said to Erina, who was anxiously crossing her arms.


Erina had a very uncomfortable weekend. No, it should be said that shortly after meeting Mo Yi on Saturday morning, she began to feel restless and anxious. It seemed that something very important was being secretly eaten by a nasty mouse. a feeling of.

This feeling has not diminished because of the past day. After a day of investigation, she did not find anything wrong.

But as a reincarnated god, the omens that appeared in her heart could not be wrong. Since she sensed that someone was touching her precious treasure, someone must be doing such a bold thing.

It was not until last night, when she thought that it would be school time again tomorrow, that she discovered the truth. She had not yet confirmed the situation of a baby that was so precious and so natural!

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