"Damn(〃> dishes<)——"

"There is indeed the smell of other women here, and it is very strong. It seems that the other party is another vixen who is not satisfied with his desires!"

Erina lay on Mo Yi's body and sniffed some indescribable place, with an unprecedented serious look on her face as she said:

"The strange thing is that the smell of the other party is somewhat similar to mine, and it also has a strong smell of angel——"

"Well, there is also a slight smell of blood. It seems that this is the first time for the other party."

Mo Yi: "..."

Mo Yi looked at his sister Jiang who was doing very shameful postures and movements speechlessly, and said the above words in a serious tone like a forensic doctor.

Of course, what is even more shocking is when did Sister-chan develop such amazing skills? No wonder the other party can always detect those people she has been in contact with. It turns out to be this reason.

If today's events hadn't made her lose her mind, there's no telling how long she would have hidden this stunt before it was revealed to Mo Yi.

After all, the same move will only work once for Mo Yi.

"I wish there was only one, I've found the real culprit! But -"

Erina, who was thoughtful, stopped her puppy-like behavior, raised her head, showed a bad smile, and said with a sweet smile:

"Dear Onii-chan, I want to hear it from your own mouth."

"If you dare to say panic, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Your wife Ryugu Rena has been delivered, please sign for it! (funny laugh)

Chapter 119: The merciless sister-chan

"No mercy?"

Mo Yi looked at his sister who was still lying on him, raised his head slightly, licked his tongue at him, and smiled strangely.

Moreover, the other person just sniffed around the place on his body that was particularly energetic in the morning like a puppy, plus the other person's behavior of squeezing the protruding soft part of his heart near his thigh.

Mo Yi had to admit that he was a little excited at this moment.

But the hot-blooded Mo Yi is not as good as Shi Lezhi. The ruthlessness in the other person's words may be a little different from what he imagined. It only hurts but doesn't feel good.

It ranges from forced physical extraction to the most severe, killing the chicken to extract the eggs.

Although he can easily repair it with his own magic level, he can't withstand this kind of mental blow!

Moreover, he cannot encourage the other party’s behavior. It took him more than ten years to transform the sinister and arrogant Ilyas into the arrogant and cute sister Erina-chan. As long as he works harder, he can turn the other party into How could the sister-chan that I wanted make the other party turn evil again and make more than ten years of hard work go to waste?


"You still refuse to tell me about that ungrateful guy?"

Sister Jiang gritted her teeth and muttered:

"If you can do it, why don't you dare to say it, Onii-chan!"

"It seems that if I don't give you some sweetness, you think I'm joking -"

"This goddess is telling you very seriously. When I get angry, I even scare myself. If I say I won't show mercy, I will never show mercy."

After saying that, he pressed down on Mo Yi and rubbed it hard a few times. Mo Yi's efforts to calm down were in vain, but he became more and more excited.

However, the look in the other party's eyes became more and more dangerous.

It seems that the so-called sweetness of the other party is just to distract Mo Yi's energy and expose his biggest weakness so that the other party can punish Mo Yi.

But snap!

Why don't I know when my dear sister-chan learned such awesome interrogation and punishment techniques?


In fact, the reason why the goddess, who had a tough style in her previous life, knew such a cute posture was all because of Mo Yi.

Over the years, he has drawn many plots in which the heroine interrogates, changes or punishes the hero.

Erina was originally not interested in these, but in order to always pay attention to Mo Yi's latest news, she became the highest honorary member of Yakumo House. She has watched Mo Yi's first work and his latest work. Passed or conquered.

It can be said that perhaps Mo Yi has forgotten many relevant contents of his own works, but Erina can tell the details of any work completely.

It's just that she has always wanted to conquer Mo Yi's heart first and then his body, which is why her rich skills and postures have been buried for so many years.

Now, when it was time to use it, she naturally picked it up. After all, the person she usually contacted in her fantasy was Mo Yi. Coupled with the talent of the gods, she was like a fish in water, and she didn't look unfamiliar at all.

Sister Jiang secretly developed such amazing skills to deal with Mo Yi. Mo Yi, who has been fighting against the opponent for so many years, naturally has a hidden secret when facing Sister Jiang.


When Erina was about to scare Mo Yi, she heard Mo Yi calling her name in a gentle voice.

How many years has it been since you heard the other person address you with a gentle voice?

It seems that it was ten years ago that I heard the other person talking to me in such a gentle voice. Ever since the other person moved out, the tone in which he talked to me has always been teasing.

I still remember the scene when I saw the other person for the first time after my rebirth. It was the first time that the other person showed such a gentle smile to me, as if he had regained the most precious thing.

I thought it was just a boring world, but I didn't expect that I would be able to meet again in a different world.

Although both of them have hurt each other, with the death of the previous life, what resentment can't be eliminated?

Therefore, in the first few years, Mo Yi tried his best to be kind to her, and he could be said to be the ultimate brother and partner.

However, as Erina relied on Mo Yi, she found that she could not leave him more and more, but she also knew that he still had Alice Fitz in his heart, and other people, such as her nominal daughter.

After people get what they want, they will naturally want better things, or want to possess the cherished things completely and forever; and God is the same when it comes to the precious things in his heart.

So, she began to take action to change Mo Yi's inner thoughts and make him belong to her alone.

As Mo Yi, who knows the other party best, can naturally feel the other party's inner changes. Although he understands the other party's mood, he cannot accept the other party's intention.

So, the fight between the two began again.

Their war this time is no longer because of other people, the world, or ideas, but only because of love and responsibility.

As the struggle became more intense, Mo Yi finally left the Nakiri family and moved to Fuyuki City.

Unexpectedly, the fight between the two proud guys would continue until now.

Ten years, for her as Ilias, was simply a time to sleep, but for Erina after her rebirth, these ten years have been most of her life so far.

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