It had been so long that she began to wonder whether the gentle Mo Yi in her memory was just a fantasy she had imagined to comfort herself.

Today, she finally heard the other party calling her name in such a voice, which convinced her that the happy memory was not her fantasy.

The broken smile on Erina's face could no longer be put on, and she turned back into the arrogant sister-chan again. Although she was very happy in her heart, she felt that she looked pitiful or happy, wouldn't it be very shameful, how could she be in the future? The other party raised his head?

To put it simply, I got tired again in the late period.

Therefore, Erina showed her usual aloof queen expression again, looked at Mo Yi's vicious and cute expression, and said in a nonchalant tone:

"Why are you calling me by my name in such a weird and disgusting tone all of a sudden?"

"Humph, don't think that I will let you go!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Sister-chan, with your bright red face and your evasive eyes that dare not look directly at me, do you believe what you are saying?

However, this kind of Erina is the cutest and cutest. She obviously wants her very much and is very happy, but she still pretends to be indifferent and has an arrogant expression of not knowing why.

It’s so foul!

But this is good, it shows that the plan A that I have been thinking about to reconcile with the other party in the past few years is effective——

It also shows that in fact, the other party has always wanted to reconcile with himself, but just like himself, he can't wipe his face.

Chapter 120: Let’s make peace, Erina

"Let's make up, Erina!"

Mo Yi looked at Erina tenderly, who did not dare to look at him, and kept turning his violet pupils to look at Mo Yi, and then turned back to avoid being discovered by Mo Yi, and said:

"Let me give you a good hug——"

After saying that, he pulled Erina, who was blushing and full of anticipation, from her position on her thigh. Regardless of the opponent's resistance, she hugged the opponent with both hands, and let the opponent's chin rest on her shoulder. Go up and stay close to yourself.

At this moment, both Mo Yi and Erina could feel the trembling and strength of each other's heartbeat.

"Hmph, it's so rude to use such force all of a sudden -"

Erina, who was pulled up by Mo Yi, complained softly:

"Seeing how pitiful you are, I, the goddess, will show mercy and give you a hug."

In this way, the two of them were immersed in the quiet warmth of feeling each other's body temperature and heartbeat.

I don't know how long it took before Mo Yi let go of his sister Jiang who was hugging her so tightly that she had become soft and adorable.

"Don't let go, I like the feeling of holding me tighter."

Erina's soft voice reminded Mo Yi in his right ear.

Well, since it was Sister Jiang's request, Mo Yi had no choice but to continue to hold the other party tightly and keep the other party close to him.

Feeling that the time was about right and my sister Jiang had calmed down, Mo Yi started to talk about what happened with Yusa Emi the day before yesterday.

After all, although such a tender attack is effective, in order for two people to get along harmoniously, they still need to be honest. If they don't even dare to tell the truth, how can they trust each other?

"Erina, do you remember how we met at the coffee shop last Saturday morning?"


Erina, who was still immersed in Mo Yi's arms, responded softly while half awake and half drunk. Although she knew that the other party was going to talk about what she wanted to know, she felt that it was more important to enjoy this embrace that she had not enjoyed for almost ten years, so Without letting go of Mo Yi, he continued to listen to what the other party said.

"Actually, you know the owner of that cafe, Erina. Maybe you haven't noticed that the maids in the cafe are mixed with the descendants of the angel clan you created before."


Erina hummed softly again, thoughtfully, and said nothing more.

After all, she had confirmed the so-called murderer through the smell before. What Mo Yi said now only proved that her conclusion was correct. Even if she regretted it now, it could not change the fact. In this case, it was better to seize the moment and enjoy the peace and harmony. Mo Yi's tenderness.

Mo Yi was a little surprised when he saw Erina being as docile as a well-fed cat, but he had no choice but to continue talking, saying:

"After you left, when I was leaving, I met Yusa Emi, who had just returned from shopping for groceries. She used to travel with us—"

Under the description of Mo Yi's spring and autumn brushwork, Erina finally knew the truth she wanted to know. The time when she felt uneasy coincided with the time when what Mo Yi said happened.

Although it was said that what happened could not be changed, Erina couldn't help but be angry after knowing the murderer. Well, very angry.

He never expected that the thief who stole his own cheese would be his daughter created from his own flesh and blood.

At this time, should she say that she is worthy of being her daughter, and that her aesthetic taste is the same as hers, or should she say that she regrets it?

I shouldn't have thought about creating a daughter and training her to become my most loyal subordinate.

Moreover, later on, he also developed real feelings and regarded the other party as his daughter.

If she didn't truly love her, Emilia's sister-chan wouldn't have sacrificed her life to save her.

You know, at that time, she saw that the vixen Alice Feiz had evil intentions towards Mo Yi. Although she was the first to get Mo Yi's first time, the situation was great, but that guy Alice Feiz always wanted to take advantage of her absence. Sometimes, he uses various temptations or tough methods, such as helping Mo Yi practice his ability to resist the temptation of the monster girl, as an excuse to violate his Mo Yi.

However, because I have always been vigilant and always sabotaged the other party's evil plans at critical moments, the other party did not succeed.

But in order to save her daughter, she could only sacrifice her life to help the other party in that moment.

Because his incarnation of the trumpet Emilia is a trainee priest, it is logically impossible for him to survive an attack by Tamamo Mae, one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Therefore, Emilia's trumpet account could only be logged out.

And he also lost the opportunity to get along with Mo Yi on the surface.

Although he can still pass through dreams and meet Mo Yi every night as a goddess, all the good feelings he had before are gone, and there are many things that a goddess cannot do except to maintain the dignity of her status as a goddess at all times.

Because of the cancellation of the trumpet, Mo Yi was finally eaten by the evil and cunning Alice Fitz, and he ate again and again, using various shameful postures and reasons, which really made her angry.

Although Mo Yi also embarked on the road to destroy the Demon King under his own guidance, Alice Fitz also used her own death to successfully turn Mo Yi into a black man and embark on the road to fight against her.

The original root cause of all this tragedy is that her alt account Emilia was canceled in order to save Yusa Emi.

If her trumpet was always there, how could Alice Fitz have a chance to get along with Mo Yi, and Mo Yi would eventually be defeated by this goddess's beauty and acting skills.

Damn it!

This goddess has sacrificed so much to save your life!

My daughter, is this how you repay your mother?

Erina, who was deep in memories, suddenly felt aggrieved. Her friend Aqua was of no use at all. The hearts of the people behind her angel team were also scattered. It was difficult to lead the team, and even she was the last one. My beloved daughter gave herself such a stab in the back after coming to the new world.

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