At this moment, Erina was extremely tired. She was born to be the master and god of all things. Why did she feel that God was always against her and always sent all kinds of pig teammates to trick her.

Heartbroken and cold, only Onii-chan's arms can comfort me at this time.

So, Erina hugged Mo Yi harder and harder, and just hugged each other quietly without saying anything, enjoying it, and some of the thoughts in her heart began to change.

After another warm moment of rubbing their ears together, Mo Yi whispered warmly into the other person's ear again:

"Erina, can we make peace with this?"

After seeing that his sister Jiang did not resist and continued to be angry, Mo Yi felt that he could further expand the results of the victory, and formally reconciled with Erina, no longer fighting in the cold war.

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

Erina gently changed the posture of hugging the other person, and put her hands around the other person's neck. She looked at the other person's pretty face and said:

"Onii-chan, don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. It's not that simple for me to accept them!"


Go take a shower first, then come back and continue to update. If you are sleepy, go to bed. Don't follow the author's example of cultivating immortality, it is not good for your kidneys.

Chapter 121: I am the person who can make you happiest

After hearing this, an ominous premonition surged in Mo Yi's heart, and he knew that his proud sister Jiang couldn't be fooled so easily.

I wanted to cultivate each other for a few more years before using today's gentle offensive to conquer my sister-chan's body and mind in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that an accident like Huimei's happened, which caused the problems between the two to explode directly, so she had to resort to this carefully prepared Plan A, which she had rehearsed thousands of times in her mind.

Although the other party has become a little loose and does not directly show his little tiger teeth like before and jump over to fight with Mo Yi, it is not difficult to see that the other party's idea of ​​turning himself into her exclusive hot weapon has not completely changed.

But Erina directly pointed out her little thoughts. Even Mo Yi, facing his sister-chan whose IQ suddenly went up, could only smile awkwardly and wait for the other party's next words.

"Unless you can make me sexually satisfied, I won't pay attention to them!"

Sister Jiang, who was hugging Mo Yi, suddenly showed a charming and gentle smile and said:

"I used to be too naive and pursued perfection in everything, so I chose to conquer your heart first and then your body."

"But I found that I was wrong. If you knew about my good background, you would naturally not care about other unnamed guys."

"So, I decided to change my strategy and conquer your body first, then your heart, Onii-chan!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, the ominous premonition in my heart finally came true.

What you said makes sense, but after being translated by this devil’s wisdom——

I decided to drain you dry so that you have no time and energy to care about other vixens!

Why did my proud and pure sister Jiang become like this? Who taught her bad things?

Are you the secretary who always looks at me with strange eyes, blushes inexplicably, and rubs my thighs? !

Although he had no memory of that night in his previous life, Mo Yi still remembered the emptiness he felt when he woke up the next day, feeling like his body had been hollowed out, his waist hurt and his feet were weak.

In addition, the day before yesterday, the female hero Yusa Emi, who only had the opponent's bloodline, fully demonstrated her fighting power. She fought with herself, a retired demon, for ten hours, making herself feel empty and wise for the second time in her life.

It can be seen from this that the fighting ability of the goddess Sister Jiang is so awesome. Even if the opponent is just a reincarnation and the fighting ability is not as good as before, Mo Yi has no doubt that he will definitely be knocked to the ground by the opponent and cannot get up again!

After all, in such a battle, you will only get weaker and weaker, while the other party will absorb your magic power and become stronger and stronger.

No matter how strong Ren Moyi is, he can withstand it for a day or a month, but he can't withstand it for a year.

Facing Erina's charming smile and the expectation and charm in her eyes, Mo Yi figured out the best way to deal with it in just a few seconds.


"It turns out it's already so late. It's not the behavior of a junior to make Uncle Kiritsugu wait for us to go out for dinner for too long!"

Mo Yi suddenly understood and said to Erina who was licking her tongue:

"Erina, you go out to have breakfast first, I have to wash up."

After that, he broke away from Erina and prepared to get up to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Erina: "..."

Damn Aqua, do you really think I am Aqua!

You can say such blunt words to change the subject.

Faced with the warm invitation of your cute and cute sister, as Onii-chan, shouldn't you dare to be the first, strive to be the first, pounce directly, and do whatever you want? Isn't it in line with the plot of your novel?

Even you, the original author, don't follow Yakumo's Basic Law. How can you expect readers to believe the story you wrote?

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

Erina hugged Mo Yi hard, but failed to break free from her control, and complained dissatisfied:

"If I hadn't inspected the goods long ago, I would have thought you were a useless guy."

"But, if you think you can escape this way, are you looking down on this goddess?"

"Today, whether you are willing or not, this goddess will let you understand who is the person who can make you the happiest——"

"You will soon understand that your world only needs this goddess!"

After saying that, not only did he not let go of Mo Yi, but he hugged Mo Yi harder and harder, and then pushed hard, suppressing Mo Yi on the quilt again as he remembered.

Mo Yi: "..."

No matter how nice you say it, it won't change your evil plan to turn me into your hot weapon, sister-chan!

Damn it!

At this moment, Mo Yi faced an extremely terrible fate and choice. Should he resist with all his strength, or should he pretend to be obedient and look for a breakthrough opportunity?

Of course, the third option is to actively fight and try to see if you can create miracles in the battle like before, turn the impossible into possible, and defeat Sister-chan's evil fantasy again.

"Onii-chan, are you still okay?"

At this time, a cute voice sounded from the door again.

Erina: "..."

Damn it, I didn't think of that!

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