It’s Illya again!

In the past, when I called Mo Yi to wake up, every time the plot reached a critical moment or improved, this guy would jump out and cause trouble. It seemed like he was reminding Mo Yi to come out for breakfast or that he was about to be late, but in fact he was just here to cause trouble.

Pretending to be cute, pretending to be stupid, pretending to be cute, pretending not to care, I'm just doing it for your own good, it's not intentional——

This kind of move was often used against Alice Fitz in her previous life when she was still playing the trumpet Emilia. Back then, she always pretended not to understand why the other party was angry, with an innocent look on her face and a smile in her heart. But it was extremely refreshing.

I didn’t expect that in this life, someone would use my bad moves to punish me, but I couldn’t do anything about them. This goddess is really angry to death.

It was rare that he finally figured it out and jumped out at the critical moment when he was about to use thunderous means to conquer Mo Yi. It seemed that this guy had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

At this time, several people including Tohsaka Rin, Matou Sakura and Yukinoshita Yukino walked out from Illya's side. Their faces were all strangely red, and they all fantasized about some unknown thing.

Matou Sakura: "Yu, we are waiting for you to come out for breakfast——"

Tohsaka Rin: "(ˉ▽ ̄~)唷~"

Xue Miaozi didn't make any sound, just stared at Erina who pressed Mo Yi on the quilt with her cold eyes, like a fried cat that had her favorite dried fish taken away.

Erina: "..."

Damn (〃> dishes<)——

One Illya was annoying enough in the first place, but now a group of nameless pests appear one after another, which makes me mad to death.

Erina also knew that her perfect plan could not be implemented. You can only find another time to execute it.

However, we couldn't let these shameless guys be so proud, so a bold idea emerged from our hearts!

Chapter 122: This is my Erina’s attack round


Facing the crowd of people watching, Mo Yi, who was pressed by Erina with her hands around her neck, felt embarrassed. She tentatively called her sister-chan's name, hoping that the other party would understand that her evil plan had gone bankrupt. .

After hearing Mo Yi's words, Erina became even more annoyed. She turned around and looked around at the group of nameless guys outside the door with an annoyed look.

The girls outside the door have extremely high EQs and IQs in their daily lives. Of course, you can see the anger in Erina's eyes and the warning in her eyes to get out of here.

Then, facing Erina's warning, they naturally would not admit defeat. Instead, they stared back closely to let Erina understand that they would not do what you wanted and make you angry to death.

"Damn(〃> dishes<)——"

Erina glanced at Mo Yi, and when she saw that the other person had let out a breath, she became even more depressed and angry. She put her little mouth to Mo Yi's ear and muttered:

"Onii-chan, do you think this can stop this goddess' will?"

"I'll give you a break today, but you can't escape -"

"You are destined to be my Erina."

After that, according to the bold idea that emerged in his mind, he kissed her hard in front of the four guys outside the door.

Mo Yi: "Woo--"

Mo Yi never imagined that the arrogant Erina would dare to do such a bold thing in front of outsiders. If there was no one around, Mo Yi would naturally accept the challenge boldly, but now/

When Mo Yi whined, he had already felt the cold breath coming from outside the door. In his limited side view, he could already see Illya's clenched fists and stiff cute smile.

Sister-chan, you are trying to cause trouble!

Also, don’t stick out your tongue, the French kissing method is not suitable for the national conditions of District 11.

————The dividing line after Erina’s victory————

Thinking of Illya's expression with dull eyes and smiling face, Erina felt that she was in a good mood today. Under the strange looks of everyone, she arrogantly walked away, leaving Mo Yi and Zai Feng lying there. The melon-eating masses are in a mess.

"Miss, you seem very happy today?"

Hisako looked at Erina with a pleasant smile on her face with strange eyes, and couldn't help but ask.

Although the eldest lady would usually feel tired and happy after coming out of Emiya's house, she would not show it, and would deliberately look angry and disdainful.

But what happened today?

The tired and majestic eldest lady actually walked out of Emiya's house with a proud smile on her face. If she had to find a suitable description for Hisako, it would not be in compliance with the rules, but she felt that the weasel who had successfully eaten the chicken was The smile is the reflection of the eldest lady's expression at this moment.

"It's nothing, I just figured out something I've been worrying about for a long time."

Erina, who was in a happy mood, laughed and said:

"Now it's my attack turn, Erina."

"Let's go, Feishao——"

————The dividing line after breakfast——————

"Brother Mo Yi, you should go to school first. Just leave it to me to deal with it."

Emiya Shirou looked at Mo Yi who was thinking deeply and said:

"Why don't you see Miss Sesshōin coming down for breakfast today?"


Mo Yi looked at the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Emiya family and couldn't help but laugh inwardly. In the Emiya family, apart from Yukinya, a cat-sucking patient, the only one who cared about Miss Sesshouin was Emiya Shirou.

After all, Miss Sesshōin was responsible for cleaning up the dishes these days, and suddenly he was asked to waste his time helping others. Hero Emiya was naturally not used to it, and he thought of Miss Sesshōin.

Poor Miss Sesshōin, not to mention that when she was having a sweet dream, she was thrown away by her sister-chan with the earth-throwing move, and then disappeared. No one cared about her. The first person to think of her was the hero Emiya. Because no one helped him clean up, he thought of the other party.

We still don’t know if she will get lost and cannot find her home, or if she will be discovered and watched, and finally be captured and taken to the zoo, becoming a treasure of the town.

Although I no longer have to do housework, I can only eat the steel-like bamboo instead of the fresh bamboo shoots every day. It feels very pitiful when I think about it.

Mo Yi thought for a while, Miss Sesshōin is so pitiful. I should wait until school is over to find her. After all, it is almost time for class.

"Mo Yi——"

When Mo Yi was about to step out of the house, Uncle Kiritsugu stopped him.

Mo Yi turned around strangely, looking at the shredded rake who stopped thinking about life in the corridor, waiting for the other party's next words, and said:

"Uncle Kiritsugu, what's the matter?"

"Illya looks a little unhappy today."

Kiritsugu said calmly, but Moyi still felt his care for Illya from the other person's words.

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