"Although Illya is older than you, she is used to relying on you."

"Although I don't know what happened to you, I still hope you can accommodate her more."

"Perhaps this is a somewhat unreasonable request from my father, but I still beg you."

Faced with the gaze that just looked at you, Mo Yi was speechless. He didn't expect that the shredded rake was not such a shredded rake. He usually looked serious and indifferent, but in fact he was always present. Observing his daughter.

Is this the so-called daughter’s control?

Moreover, father-in-law, you have said so, can I still refuse?

More importantly, I will do it even if you don't say it. Illya is a precious treasure.

A future without Illya is not the future I want.

"Leave it to me, Uncle Kiritsugu!"

There is no need for long conversations between men. Mo Yi nodded seriously, conveyed his decision to the other party, and then turned around and went out!

Well, I went out and went to school.

At this time, Mo Yi couldn't help but think of the weird breakfast atmosphere before. Although everyone kept their usual expressions and smiles, the air-conditioning they radiated made even Hero Wei Gong and Uncle Shishi feel something was wrong and ate it. After a few mouthfuls, he hid in his room to start trouble.

Only Mo Yi was left to bear the burden. They talked about ordinary trivial matters and news with weird smiles and tones. For example, there was a student named Ito Makoto from the high school next door who was raped by his girlfriend for having sex with a man. After they killed him, he took his head with him and sailed to heaven on a good ship.

Moreover, they continued to add details, such as the brutality of the crime tools, Mr. Ito Makoto’s struggle and screams before his death.

The scariest thing is that even Yukinoko knew a little bit about this matter, and she kept giving out insights and comments, saying that it was all her own fault, and she didn’t have the ability to be reborn after being decapitated, and she dared to learn how to start a harem from the male protagonist in the light novel. Isn't that seeking death?

Chapter 123: Snow Meow: I’m waiting for you



As soon as Mo Yi opened the door, he was jumped by a familiar crying black and white cat, crying:

"I was almost caught by those stupid humans and I can't come back!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, it turned out to be the Sesshōin lady who was thrown out of the house by her sister-chan. Hearing her crying so pitifully, if it were another man, he might have promised her and bought her.

However, Mo Yi is not an ordinary man. Of course, he pushed the other person away with disgust and complained:

"Miss Sesshōin, I'm so happy to see you again!"

"But can you go back and take a shower first? You are very dirty now. Have you rolled in the mud? Also, you haven't brushed your teeth yet. A pet before brushing its teeth is not qualified to talk to its owner! "

"You have to remember this, Miss Sesshōin."

After that, Mo Yi picked up the fur around Miss Sesshōin's neck, threw it hard towards the window of his room, and threw her back.

It can be said that wherever you come out, you will return.

Mo Yi believed that if it were Miss Sesshōin, she would definitely be able to learn some truth about saving the world from today's experience.

"What a cruel guy. He actually did such a cruel thing to such a cute pet."

At this time, Xue Miaozi, who had been standing at the door of Wei Gong's house and seemed to be waiting for Mo Yi to come out, couldn't help but blame Mo Yi for this kind of pet abuse.

Mo Yi: "..."

I thought that Yukinoko also went to school with Tohsaka Rin and the others, but it turned out that she went out to look for Gungun who had disappeared.

It's normal to think about it. Xue Miaozi is a hard-core cat controller. Naturally, she has no ability to resist Lin Li and the most adorable person in the cat tribe - the giant panda.


The giant panda is not a cat, but a bear?

Does it matter? As long as she looks cute enough, that's all. Who cares if she is a bear or a cat!

More importantly, Miss Sesshōin can talk. Although she often complains that Yukinoko is annoying, she still tries her best to act cute in front of Yukinoko, trying to get Yukinoko to buy her more braised bamboo shoots to eat.

It would be even better if Xue Miaozi's online shopping account could be deduced. She could buy a year's worth of food in one go and no longer be afraid of Mo Yi's threat.

Therefore, she has been working hard on such an evil plan these days.

As a beast, she couldn't find a way to transform into her true form and then destroy the world?

When she learned about Mo Yi's fighting power, which was obviously more violent than the world she was originally in, she stopped thinking about it.

Her temptation was of no use to Mo Yi. In his heyday, his fighting power was only reduced to a pile of scum by the opponent's casual punch.

According to her guess, as long as Mo Yi doesn't want to let him go, even if the Holy Grail War is over, she can only be a pet in the Emiya family.

So, as a self-hedonist, why does she still want to do those impossible things?

It's better to start a new life as soon as possible and become a Gungun with a taste of life.

Humph, the best war strategy is not to cause trouble or resist. When she uses the cuteness of the panda to conquer the people around Mo Yi, and with the help of Pillow Wind, she might have a chance to regain her human form and abilities. .

Being resourceful, she naturally knew what to do to better survive under Mo Yi's power.

Faced with Xue Miaozi's responsibilities, Mo Yi naturally laughed it off and complained nonchalantly:

"Yukino-chan, that guy's true form is one of the manifestations of human evil. Why should we treat her so well?"

"For the sake of the safety of all mankind and the world, I should treat her less harshly, just like criminals undergo labor reform. Otherwise, how can I really make the other person change?"


"You are quibbling——"

Yukinoshita Yukino was fooled by Mo Yi at first, looking at Mo Yi's cheerful smile, she said:

"You just think it's more fun to do this, so you treat Gungun like this."

"Furthermore, with your ability, if you don't want her to recover, I'm afraid she will only be a Gungun for the rest of her life, how can she harm others."

"So, the words above are just excuses for your pet abuse!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Xue Miaozi is worthy of being a righteous partner, even a Gungun is so correct. Facing such Xue Miaozi, Mo Yi feels that he should adopt the coping strategy of "everything you say is right".

"Yeah, Yukino-chan, you are right. I won't be so rough with her next time."

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