Xue Miao all used enhanced magic, their speed exploded, and they chased Mo Yi.

"If you don't listen, I don't want to talk to a female pervert—"

Mo Yi turned around and complained, only to realize that the other party had actually used magic to cheat and was about to catch him in a few steps. He quickly accelerated and ran, staging a "Fast and Furious" plot on the way to school.


A girl whose skirt was blown up by the strong wind caused by Yukinoko and Mo Yi's pursuit quickly pressed down the raised skirt and exclaimed: "What's going on?"

"It seems that Senior Yukinoshita Yukino is chasing Senior Mo Yi?"

Her good friend Yazi, whose skirt was blown up, said to Meiyi next to her:

"So Meiyi, you are so bold, you don't wear safety pants, but wear black ones?"


Mei Yi quickly went up to cover the other person's mouth and explained forcefully:

"You must have seen it wrong, Yazi!"

"I'm obviously wearing black safety pants!"

It is easy to understand why Mo Yi and Yukinoshita Yukino would be recognized by others. After all, they are both top students at Fuyuki High School. Coupled with their independent style, they have naturally become celebrities in Fuyuki High School.

Perhaps, Yukinoko will soon be driven into a rage again by the rumor that this morning, Yukinoshita Yukino chased Mo Yi to hold the other party responsible because she was pregnant.

————The dividing line in front of the traffic light————

Mo Yi looked at the panting Xuenoko proudly and said with a smile:

"Yukino-chan, there are students from Fuyuki High School around here. If you don't want to hear some weird rumors, it's best not to do anything, um, and speak."

"Although I am a man as free as the wind and don't care about these rumors at all, but as a girl, you are different!"


After hearing Mo Yi's words, Yukinoshita Yukino realized that the students rushing to school on the roadside were looking at her with strange eyes. There were also many students muttering to their friends around them, "No." I know what stupid words I want to say.

But without having to listen clearly, Xue Miao could guess what they were talking about. They were just talking about things that didn't exist between themselves and Mo Yi.

Although he doesn't care, the Yukinoshita family is one of the directors of Fuyuki High School. If the news goes too far, it will be in trouble if his mother finds out.

Yes, it was her mother who was in trouble.

According to her understanding of her mother, she would definitely find trouble with Mo Yi.

Although he didn't know why his sister Harano became a magician, Yukinya was sure that the Yukinoshita family was not the so-called mysterious and powerful family.

Facing a mysterious boss like Mo Yi, even if her mother could get support from the mysterious department of the District 11 government, it would be impossible to fight against him.

After getting to know each other these days, Yukinoshita Xuemiao also understands why Mo Yi is not worried about the Holy Grail War at all. On the one hand, his strength is indeed not what the so-called servants can fight against. Even the heroic spirit body may not be able to say that. Really hurt him.

On the other hand, Fuyuki City was originally set up by the other party ten years ago, a composite overlapping barrier he called the Fuyuki Great Barrier. It is unknown how many millions of spells enveloped the entire Fuyuki City.

As long as he wants, he can control everything in Fuyuki City at will, even without using his own abilities.

And the Yukinoshita family is located in Fuyuki City, so how could they resist Mo Yi, the real owner of Fuyuki City.

Although Mo Yi's information has not been leaked, the fact that Fuyuki City is divided by a mysterious figure or force has long become an unspoken agreement and unspoken rule among various forces.

If his mother really did something that went too far and angered Mo Yi, she would really be asking for her own death.

At that time, how should the Yukinoshita family solve the problem?

Xue Miaozi, whose IQ has been online for a long time, instantly suppressed the anger in his heart, and the collapsed expression on his face returned to his normal ice face. He stood there quietly and ignored Mo Yi.

The feeling given to the people on the roadside is that Yukinoshita Yukino was angry with Mo Yi, and now she is having an awkward cold war with him.

Chapter 125: Xuemiao: If I don’t read novels, I will die!

Mo Yi smiled and looked at Yukinoshita Yukino who stood beside him silently and didn't want him to run away. He couldn't help but wonder, wouldn't it be bad to tease Yuki Miaozi who likes to be serious just now?

It went so deep all of a sudden, it seemed like the medication was too strong.

However, the angry look of Xue Miaozi seems to be much cuter than the usual calm and serious look. Even now with the same expressionless look, she is much more loving than usual.

Oops, I seem to have been invaded by the Snowcat virus without even knowing it.

I seem to be thinking too much. I am doing good deeds. A cold and serious person like Xue Miao does not have a qualified mentor to inspire her inner nature and loveliness, and is unable to show her unique charm and charm. beauty.

That's right, I was teasing her like this for her own good, not because I thought she was so cute and interesting.

However, the system's reminder came from Mo Yi's mind - Xuemiao's daily training tasks have been completed today.

Now that the daily task has been completed, it is better to flirt with the other party again, because cats are very vengeful animals and can only go along. If they make the other party angry, then Mo Yi will have the task of raising a snow cat in the future. How is it done?


Mo Yi pretended that what just happened had never happened, and asked seriously like usual;

"I saw that you were hesitant to speak. Is there something you want to tell me?"

"You, this guy——"

When Yukinoshita Yukino saw Mo Yi, who seemed to have lost his memory and talked to him shamelessly, the depression and anger sealed in his heart almost broke out.

However, I thought that since I wanted to change the other person's unreliable style, I naturally had to learn to tolerate being in contact with the other person, so that I could possibly change the other person.

Perhaps there was also the fact that she had been teased so much by Mo Yi that her body had developed certain antibodies and adaptability without her realizing it.

"Forget it, I don't want to compete with a no-name family guy like you."

The depression and anger in Xue Miaozi's heart gradually dissipated, and then he took out a stack of manuscripts from his schoolbag, held it up for Mo Yi to take a look at, and said:

"This is the novel manuscript you gave me the night before yesterday."

"Is there really something wrong with my youthful love story?"

Mo Yi only remembered this when he saw the novel manuscript in the other person's hand. At that time, he casually took the other person's novel manuscript and gave it to the other person. Later, he found it very interesting and let the other person accept the parallel world. Bombard yourself with stories to see if you can make the other person think about something, thereby changing the other person's somewhat sad and unrealistic ideas.

"Don't like this story? Or is there something wrong with it?"

Mo Yi said meaningfully.

After hearing Mo Yi's words, Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Mo Yi with a complicated expression. After carefully observing Mo Yi during this period of time, she could easily see the playful and joyful emotions in his eyes.

What a wicked guy.

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