Although it only took less than two days, Yukinoko had already read it all.

The night before last night, after making another declaration of struggle with Mo Yi, she was in a complicated and excited mood. She couldn't sleep when she returned to the room, so she took out the novel she got from Mo Yi.

When I read the title of the novel, I thought it was another youth love story similar to "5 Centimeters Per Second".

But when she opened the first chapter and read it, she realized that she was wrong. First, there was the inner monologue of a very decadent male protagonist, or the type of man who gave up treatment that she could not stand the most. The scary thing was that she was attracted like this. I couldn't stop watching it.

Soon, a character with a full sense of déjà vu, Touma Xuenya, appeared, and then Yukinoko finished her insomnia. She also studied it over and over again on Sunday, and explained the entire novel thoroughly.

Of course, after Touma Xuemiao said that this world is neither gentle nor correct, and she wanted to make this world more accurate, Yukinoko finally understood why this character seemed to have a sense of déjà vu.

This is basically a character based on her.

No wonder she has such a strong sense of agency, but it is precisely because of this that she always feels very embarrassed when she reads this story for the second time.

For example, when Touma Xuemiao told the big teacher why she was not popular - because I am cute!

Fortunately, she was in her room when she read this novel. Even when she rolled on the floor in shame and shouted, "Fake, it's not me, I didn't say that", no one noticed this. Shameful scene.

In addition, she quickly found other prototypes of the fallen novel characters from reality. Not to mention the volunteer department, when she heard that it was the renamed thing of her own service department, the members inside naturally found the prototype instantly.

When she found out that Mo Yi actually used her as the prototype of the novel, she wanted to get Mo Yi to come out and beat her up, but after thinking about it, she had better read the novel clearly first and see what kind of existence she was in the eyes of the other person, and then decide how to teach her a lesson. Mo Yi.

After reading it, she had to admit that if she hadn't accidentally become a magician in the other person's writing, she might have become the Snow Cat in the other person's writing.

However, when I see myself in the story, in addition to the sense of identity, I also have all kinds of depression of not living up to expectations, just like seeing another me that I hate.

Of course, she also saw herself in the eyes of others. In fact, it was a bit hard to accept.

Until the end, she had to admit that she was indeed very immature, and the same was true for herself under the other person's story. Even though the story was coming to the end, she didn't necessarily grow much.

Then, something unpleasant happened, that is, the novel has not ended yet, which really made Yukinoko feel uncomfortable!

She wanted to know what kind of outcome Mo Yi would have for herself.

At that moment, how much she hated this kind of eunuch behavior. Yes, according to the new knowledge she learned at Yakumo House, this kind of behavior was called eunuch.

Let me not talk about it, you gave me a strange name for Snow Cat, and arranged for me to fall in love with a guy who is impossible to fall in love with. But you actually dared to throw an unfinished story to me.

According to her understanding of Mo Yi, maybe the other party did it on purpose. He first wrote a story based on her, and then deliberately made her a eunuch to satisfy his bad taste in her.

Damn it!

Xuemiao had to admit that the other party's conspiracy was successful. Even though she had guessed the other party's true purpose, she still couldn't help but wonder what the outcome would be and how Dongma Xuemiao would change in the end.

Second Miss Yukinoshita has read countless literary works since she was a child, but this is the first time she is so eager to read the whole story, but she is tortured by the unfulfilled desire.

In just over a day, Xue Miao roared countless times in her heart. She really wanted to read a novel, she really wanted to know the outcome of Xue Miao, she really wanted to pull out an author like Mo Yi and beat him to death!

If there is no follow-up, I am going to die!

Chapter 126: There is no reader who can defeat me!

When I think of knowing that with my own efforts, the other party is not ignoring me, but even observing me clearly when I don't know it, and even knowing the real Yukinoshita Yukino better than myself, I can't help but feel a mixture of love and hate in my heart. stand up.

It is better for the other party to understand you than to ignore yourself. It shows that you still have something that attracts the other party. It shows that you hope to let the other party recognize you and become warriors of love together to make the world a better and correct place.

But when I find that everything in my heart has been seen through by the other person's eyes that are always full of ridicule, I always feel uncomfortable and strange. Just like now when the other person looks at me with the same evil eyes, it seems like I am being caught by a pair of invisible big hands. Touching her body, she felt very uncomfortable, which gave her the urge to run away and make strange noises.

"All this is the other party's conspiracy. He just wants you to give up contact and change his mind -"

Yukinoshita Yukino took a deep breath and continued to encourage herself in her heart:

"Yukishita Yukino, you have to hold on——"

"Yukishita Yukino, you won't lose -"

"The future of mankind depends on you, Yukinoshita Yukino, just hold on!"

After regaining her firm belief in the Tao, Yukinoshita Xue Miao looked at Mo Yi with a normal expression of keeping strangers away and said:

"You wicked guy, stop pretending, don't think that I don't know that the prototype wine of Touma Snow Cat in your story is me!"

"You actually included someone else's image in the story without their consent. I can call the police!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Xue Miao is Xue Miao. How can other girls be so direct? After you express my malice like this, how can I still evade taxes and enjoy myself in a roundabout way?

If you are so direct, your future husband will have a hard time.

For example, after working hard and you have no strength left, if you say "It's so fast, just feel it, keep going", your husband will definitely die.

According to my understanding of you, Xue Miao, you are the kind of person who won't give up until you reach your goal. But there are some things that you just can't do if you don't want to, and you can't force it, such as the oars being turned into ashes.

But, what a cute snow cat.

"Yukino-chan, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand--"

Faced with such a direct Xuemiao, Mo Yi decided to use one of Da Zhonghua's office tricks, pretending to be crazy and doing Tai Chi, and said:

"Xue Miao Dongma is just a beautiful girl I had a dream about one night, so I used her as the protagonist. If you misunderstood me, I'm really sorry!"

"Well, also, I will indicate on the title page of the novel that any similarity is purely coincidental."

"No, no need to quibble!"

Snow Cat under the Snow put her delicate face in front of Mo Yi, stared at Mo Yi with her eyes full of power, and said word by word:

"You once accidentally said the name Yukinoshita Snow Meow—"

"This is the best evidence!"

"Impossible, I don't have the strange and cute attribute of saying what I say in my heart, so it is impossible for me to say the pet name in my heart, Yukinoshita Yukinomiya!"

Mo Yi responded righteously and said:

"Yukino-chan, you can't deceive me!"

Snow Cat under the Snow: "..."

I don’t need, Snow Meow, such a strange nickname!

Moreover, you, this soulless person, have already spoken out!

This lady is so angry. You guys definitely did this on purpose, and you still put on this grievance and justice look. If I couldn't beat you, I would definitely give you a kidney shot at the corner where I'm waiting, and then cover you up. mouth, dragging you into a deserted alley, knocking you down with saliva and snot flying from your nose, and will not let people like you go until you lose your memory!

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

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