Facing Mo Yi, who couldn't be beaten again and again, and who couldn't speak seductively, Xue Miaozi could only snort, but because she was still leaning in front of Mo Yi's face, the other party's carbon dioxide hit Mo Yi again, making Mo Yi hit her again. Eat the opponent's snow cat's breath.

Before Mo Yi had time to complain about the other party's sneak attack that attempted to tarnish him, Xue Miao continued:

"Don't you? You know it very well!"

"But can you explain why the novel manuscript you gave me has no ending?"

Saying this, Yukinoshita Xue Miao showed an extremely terrifying expression, squinted at Mo Yi like a ghost and said:

"Don't you know that creatures like eunuchs can be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts?"

"Do you know how much I want to knock you out right now and lock you in the basement. Every time you write three thousand words, I will give you a meal until you write something that satisfies me. I won’t let you out until the end!”

Mo Yi: "..."

Xuemiao, this is not your character. How could you show such a devilish expression? Is this the so-called reader's anger?

At this moment, Mo Yi was extremely lucky that he had not revealed his true address and identity information. Otherwise, someone would have sent a razor blade bomb to his door. Maybe whenever he went out, a few dual-wielding machetes would jump out of the grass. The burly men threatened me with the swords in their hands to update, and if I didn't follow the update, they wouldn't let me go out.

The resentment of readers is really a terrible thing, and even the right Yukinoko cannot resist it.

"Yukino-chan, this is a criminal act!"

Mo Yi quickly moved away from Xue Miao, who was leaning against him and attacking him with resentment, and complained:

'"Besides, you can't beat me. There are no readers in this world who can beat me!"

(In the Moe Emperor's room, Ophis was watching the last episode of "The Daily Life of the Yakumo Family" and saw a tense moment when the heroine was about to be undressed by the villain. What appeared in front of her was To be continued next time. Four big words. Ophis turned off the computer silently. After a few seconds, the entire Bilibili headquarters resounded with Ophis's soft and cute roar - Gou Ri Mo Yi, you broken dog, one day , I will defeat you and make you a hot weapon that can only code in my room!)

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Yukinoshita Yukino muttered:

"If I can beat you, you can start taking sick leave today."

Mo Yi: "..."

Yukinoko, it turns out you have actually considered the possibility of locking it up and updating it!

You have changed. You were not like this before. Who taught you bad things?

Seeing the frightened and confused look on Mo Yi's face, Xue Miao couldn't hold on to the vicious expression on her face. She laughed and thought to herself - It turns out that you, too, have something to be afraid of!

I seem to have found a way to get over each other.

"Huh? So Yukino-chan, you can also laugh?"

Mo Yi couldn't help but marvel when he saw the other party quit the update mode and started laughing. This was the first time the other party laughed when she was alone with him. He had seen her chatting with Ilia and others before. Only when he was young did he laugh and said:

“It’s really a great experience!”

Chapter 127: Only by studying hard can you use your wife

"Is it weird that I laugh?"

When Yukinoshita Yukino heard Mo Yi's complaints, the bright smile on her face that was like a flash in the pan disappeared instantly, and she said coldly:

"If all the evil people in this world like you were taken to jail, I believe I would laugh happily every day——"

After saying that, he glanced at Mo Yi fiercely.

Mo Yi: "..."

Xuemiao, your words are very familiar. Why do they sound so similar to what the justice heroine in my book would say, such as the words of a female teacher, a female investigator, and a superwoman.

Based on the plot routine in the book, can I think that you are provoking me and deliberately attracting my attention?

When Yukinoko saw Mo Yi start to be in a daze again, she knew that the other person started to think of some meaningless words again. According to Illya's description, inspiration appeared.

But considering that the other party is Master Yakumo, what else could his inspiration be serious about?

Xue Miao wanted to speak to interrupt the other party's inspiration. No need to guess, the other party's so-called inspiration must have come from herself. Thinking about it like this, her whole body was in bad shape. How could she let the other party continue?

This time it’s still a serious light novel. Next time, it might be one of those obscure works that I need to hide in my room and cover my eyes alone in order to hold back my shyness and read it.

"Have you finished writing the follow-up to this novel?"

It was the first time that I received a reader’s reminder face to face. It felt very strange. Although I felt very proud, Mo Yi didn’t want it at all. He said:

"not yet--"


As Xue Miao walked, she looked at Mo Yi's expression. According to her research on Mo Yi's micro-expressions in the past few days, she concluded that the other party was not lying this time, but was really not lying yet.

Although it was to divert attention and prevent the other party from thinking about those meaningless things, the chasing soul in her heart had already awakened, and she looked at Mo Yi's face with a seemingly unconcerned expression and asked:

"Then when can you finish writing?"

"there is none left--"

Mo Yi answered naturally.

"there is none left?!"

Xuemiao suddenly froze, a thunder struck in his heart, and stood still.

"You mean, you want to be a shameful eunuch?"

After saying that, his eyes moved from Mo Yi's face to some indescribable place, and the threat was self-evident.

Mo Yi: "..."

There is nothing I can do about it. The original author is a eunuch. I am also very desperate!

Also, can the author's work be called a eunuch?

It could be cooing, or going out to collect news for a while, or taking a break to adjust the physical and mental state, or it could be suppressing. For the sake of justice, I can only stop watching indefinitely and go out to move bricks to earn legal fees.

Moreover, Xue Miaozi, your eyes are very dirty, it seems that you have thoughts that you shouldn't have.

“Actually, I’m also very helpless about this!

Mo Yi explained seriously:

"I didn't just say that the inspiration for this story came from a dream, but when I was about to finish this dream and make a lifelong vow with Miss Toma Xuemiao, I was woken up by Erina, so I'm going to blame this Don’t carry it!”

"Who wants to make a lifelong vow with you, you eunuch!"

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