Although Yukinoshita Xue Miao's tone was still cold, Mo Yi could still tell that the other party was really angry.

After all, when a woman wants something but a man cannot satisfy it, she will naturally feel unhappy and dissatisfied with her desires, and will naturally become angry later.

Mo Yi can understand the nature of human nature. Naturally, he had secretly scolded countless eunuch authors back then.

"What, Mo Yi, the strongest student at Fuyuki High School, is actually a eunuch——"

At this moment, when the unknown students around them heard Yukinoshita Yukino's revelations, they were shocked and said to themselves:

"No wonder he studies so hard!"

"As the saying goes, ugly people have to study hard and still hope to get a wife. But Mo Yi is a eunuch. It seems that he can only study hard to cure himself and use his wife!"

"I didn't expect Yukinoshita Yukino to be so strong. Even if Mo Yi is a eunuch, she is willing to fall in love with her and make a lifelong vow. It seems that we have misunderstood her before. We thought she was arrogant and cold-blooded. Man, it turns out that she is the most gentle and lovely female classmate!"

"With a cold face and a warm heart, this is simply the best portrayal of Yukinoshita!"

Mo Yi: "..."

As the people around him cheered, more and more fans of Mo Yi gathered around to watch. Although the encouragement and cheering in their eyes made Mo Yi once again confirm his good popularity.

But, God really likes to be confirmed by people using this kind of thing!

I, Mo Yi, have fought several battles with the world's most lovable monster girl, the Demon King, without losing. I have survived strongly, which proves that the title of the world's cannon is not a joke.

You scumbags who can't even hold up a slime girl have the nerve to despise me?

I didn’t expect that my reputation as Mo Yi would be ruined by you, Xuenozi. If I had known this, I wouldn’t have teased you.

"What are you doing?"

Yukinoko, who was still sulking, was suddenly pulled by Mo Yi's right hand and walked quickly, and she couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Don't pull me, I'll go by myself!"

"If we don't leave yet, we will be on the front page of today's headlines and the UC Shock Department -"

Although Yukinoko refused dissatisfiedly, but seeing Mo Yi's tough look, she still let the other party pull her and run.

I didn't expect that the other party would be so carefree and serious, but his temperament would be irresistible. Is this his true face?

Xuemiao was thinking about some strange things while being dragged by Mo Yi to a deserted place.

"It's finally safe——"

After Mo Yi saw that there was no one around, he finally let go of Xue Miao's right hand with peace of mind. He didn't have to worry about being watched anymore, and the rumors were getting more and more exaggerated.

I originally wanted to use the rumors to deal with Xue Miaozi, a girl, and ask her to stop following him. Unexpectedly, the other party's words of "eunuch" were so emotional that he broke his perfect plan. It's really not as good as God. !

"Why did you bring me here?"

Yukinoshita Yukino also woke up from the strange state after Mo Yi let her go. She quickly showed a look of disgust, took out a tissue and wiped the place where Mo Yi was holding and said:

"I can tell you, although I can't beat you, I will rather die than surrender, and I won't let you get your way!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Xuemiao, this is the second time you've done this. Last time you held your non-existent chest and pretended to be scared. Now you don't even pretend to be scared. Do you think I, Mo Yi, can't be strong? Already?

Believe it or not, I will let you understand right here, what is -

Painful realization!

I am your everything!

Chapter 128: Xuemiao, one day, you will become light

Faced with Xuemiao's provocation, Mo Yi naturally had to fight back——

First, look at the other person with the eyes of Master Yakumo who examines the material, scanning back and forth from head to toe.

It was so quiet until I saw Xue Miao feeling uncomfortable all over, feeling once again being touched by the other party's invisible hands. Goosebumps rose up in sensitive places all over her body, and she wanted to make strange noises.

Yukinoshita Yukinya finally couldn't help it anymore, hugged his chest again, made a very cold and protective posture, and said:

"Stop looking at me with your dirty eyes, or I'll call the police!"

"Hmph——, you know you're scared!"

Mo Yi smiled in his heart, I can make you feel strange just by looking at Yakumo. Will you dare to be so naughty in the future?

However, for a person with a tough character like Yukinoko, the other party might forget such a small thing in the blink of an eye, so Mo Yi decided to continue the combo——

After the other party almost couldn't stand Mo Yi's Yakumo gaze, Mo Yi's eyes finally fixed on the other party's chest, then turned his head and said:

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Yukinoko: "..."

Xue Miao felt that the self-esteem she had developed over the years was taken out by Mo Yi in an instant, and then she threw it on the ground and stamped her feet hard until it could no longer be stuck with 502 glue.


Yukinoko in Mo Yi's eyes gradually lost color, her smile was full of twists, she let out a laugh that could scare children if they didn't sleep, an old witch would catch them giving birth to children, and her body was shaking with symptoms of magic power emerging.

Mo Yi could conclude that the combo he had just struck was extremely effective, and the Snow Meow Beast received a knowing blow.

Because the Snow Meow Beast received too much damage, the opponent's remaining health and rampage can be understood as blackening.

"Calm down, you must calm down, Yukino-chan!"

Mo Yi persuaded the trembling Yukinoshita Xue Miao with concern and said:

"There might be innocent students nearby. If they are seen, it will be troublesome."

"I miss you, and I don't want an innocent ordinary person to be involved in a mysterious matter like this!"

According to the magician, mystery is magical. Once you are involved in a mysterious incident, the possibility of being involved in similar incidents in the future will greatly increase, and you will never be able to escape until you become a member of the mysterious side. .


Mo Yi wiped the non-existent cold sweat and looked at the Xue Miao fist that he had avoided. The sound just now was the sound of the opponent's magic fist hitting the wall behind Mo Yi.

It seems that Xue Miaozi really cares about his evaluation of a certain part of her!


Mo Yi looked serious and shouted:

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