"Stop messing around!"


Yukinoshita Yukino raised her head and looked at the seriousness in the other party's deep eyes. He was not teasing her like usual, and his blackened eyes couldn't help but panic.

Could it be that I really went too far?

That's right, the other party's ability is far stronger than mine, but during this period of observation, the other party will not use his own abilities to solve problems except when necessary, but will live like an ordinary person.

The other party can obviously do whatever he wants, but he restrains himself and prevents his power from harming others.

And what about yourself?

He talks about making the world right, but he uses his own power in such a place.

Thinking of this, Xue Xia Xue Miao's originally stubborn eyes softened, but she didn't want Mo Yi to see the weakness in her eyes, so she lowered her head and muttered:

"I'm sorry, I was willful."

Mo Yi: "..."

Come on, Yukinoshita Snow Meow, who is as proud as a cat owner, actually admitted his mistake? Could it be that Yuyuko has lost her appetite today, Miss Remilia has become full of majesty today, or has Reimu suddenly seen through the truth that money is like dirt?

Unexpectedly, I just stared at Xue Miao with a deep gaze, and Xue Miao was conquered like this.

But Mo Yi, you are so cute!

In the future, it is better to use less subtle tricks like this, otherwise you will worry about how many concubines are needed to serve you every night in order to pamper them all within a month.

"It's okay. Growth is always accompanied by failures and mistakes. As long as we can recognize ourselves, we will one day become light and illuminate the world!"

Seeing the other party's disappointed look, Mo Yi could naturally guess why the other party was like this. Chicken Soup for the Soul poured it into Yukinoshita Xuemiao and said:

"Besides, I'm here--"

Having said that, Mo Yi placed his left hand on the wall that was covered with cracks beaten by Snow Cat under the Snow. Under a burst of blue electric light, Mo Yi's left hand returned like this. Even the color and luster of the wall surface was exactly the same as the surrounding walls, and there was nothing visible. different.

"This is?"

Yukinoshita Xue Miao was attracted by Mo Yi's light-weighting hand. Although she had long known that the other party's ability was comparable to the gods in mythology, she had only heard about it, just like hearing a story. It sounded very powerful. In fact, there are not many feelings.

Mo Yi should be blamed for this, because in the two battles he fought in front of Yukinoko, he didn't use any fancy moves. They were all Taijutsu style, knocking the opponent down with one punch, giving people the impression that he was bragging. It's very awesome, but in the end it's just an illusion that I can do whatever I want to do if I punch a monster.

At this time, it is necessary to mention a little bit about the mentor who taught Yukinoshita Yukino magic - Aozaki Aoko, a magician who mastered the fifth method of "Ao". She is good at destructive magic and loves close combat!

Well, the profession of magician is not originally a combat profession. It is closer to the position of a mysterious scientific researcher.

It can be seen that Aozaki Aoko herself is also a half-hearted magician. In terms of destructive power, she is second to none among magicians. But in other aspects, like the repair magic that Mo Yi just did, she is probably better than those magicians. The newly learned magician is not much better.

As her disciple, Xue Miao is probably a half-baked melee mage who can command destruction and not build anything.

Facing Xue Miao who was making a fuss, Mo Yi said truthfully:

"Have you never understood alchemy?"

"Besides, even a magician should have countless simple magic tricks that can achieve this effect. What's so surprising?"

Snow Cat under the Snow: "..."

At this time, she finally remembered what her master had said to her -

Although I am a magician, no one can match me in terms of destructive power, but apart from destructive magic, I am only a half-baked magician, so if you have a chance, Yukino, find an orthodox magician to learn from.

But remember, most magicians have different values ​​​​from ordinary people. You have to choose carefully, especially not to expose the fourth method hidden in the magic seal, which is enough for any magician to kill you. , and then snatch it from your body.

Chapter 129: Come to my room tonight

Mian Moyi's seemingly unintentional rhetorical question gave Xue Miao the feeling that a child in a big city was asking a child in a rural area, "You have never seen a Rolls-Royce." It was a very strange and natural tone.

That's right, Yukinoshita Yukinya was hit hard in her heart again——

I'm also desperate, there's nothing I can do!

If the master fails to live up to expectations, it will be difficult for the second generation of the devil to do it!

"My master is not very good at this kind of magic——"

Yukinoshita Yukinya said sheepishly:

"So, I only know combat magic."

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, I finally understand why the Yukinoshita Snow Cats in this world are so violent. They are not at all as soft and cute as the Snow Cats in "My Youthful Love Story". Take away her outer shell, and she's soft and cute inside. )

"Skills are just specializations——"

Seeing the other party's evasive and embarrassed look, Mo Yi smiled and said:

"If you're interested, come to my room tonight."

"What do you want to do?"

Yukinoshita Xue Miao looked at Mo Yi suspiciously, and at the same time placed the fist that had just hit Mo Yi in front of his eyes and shook it, saying:

"I won't do those shameless things just for these things!"

"It was my fault for not controlling myself just now, but I haven't forgiven you for laughing at me yet, Mo Yi!"

At this time, Xue Miao finally woke up from the state of being fooled by Mo Yi, and once again remembered that the other party mocked her dignity as a woman, gritted her teeth and stared at Mo Yi again, and said:

"Although I can't use magic, I have also studied Aikido for several years-"

"Be prepared to accept my punishment, Mo Yi."

After saying that, he prepared to punch and let Mo Yi taste Xuemiao's angry iron fist.

Mo Yi: "..."

Xue Miao is really difficult and irritable, and before she has even finished speaking, she automatically comes up with nonsense. Who has the dirtier thoughts?

Although I am a pornographic master and often create some pleasing works, this is a requirement of professionalism and quality. In reality, I am an old-fashioned and traditional man who despises these things the most. After knowing Among all people, I am the purest.

However, because in reality there are too many people like Yukinoko who look at people with colored glasses, so I am always misunderstood. Fortunately, I am strong and have long been used to enduring misunderstandings from others.

Sometimes, Mo Yi had to praise his noble character. Even if he was misunderstood, misunderstood and hurt by the whole world, he still gave the world a gentle kiss. If it were anyone else, he would have said, "The world is filthy." ', and then embarked on the path of becoming the world-destroying villain boss.


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