Therefore, she fell to the ground softly, not only because of the test of Mo Yi's will, but also for this reason.

"You're already like this, so you'd better stop talking and take a rest, Yukino-chan."

Mo Yi looked at the other person's blushing face and turned away, and couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He didn't expect Xue Miao to have such an expression, and continued:

"Actually, I have something very important to tell you -"


Yukinoko, who was still weak and could only rely on Mo Yi's arms to stand up, hummed for no apparent reason, but she obediently said nothing and waited for Mo Yi's so-called important things.

"Actually, I am a member of the Fraternity Party, Yukino-chan!"

"As long as you're cute, there's no problem. Besides, except for the shortcoming of being small, you're perfect in other aspects. It just hits my cute spot."

"Also, it feels good to be able to hold it with one hand. Well, it will give people a full sense of conquest and satisfaction."

"So, Yukino-chan, you don't have to feel inferior because you look down on yourself, and you don't have to doubt that you are very cute and adorable!"

Snow Cat under the Snow: "..."

I thought that a guy like you with no reputation would have some wise ideas, but I didn't expect that you would say such vulgar words. Sure enough, as long as this guy returns to his usual demeanor, nothing good will happen!

Xue Miaozi pretended to be dead at first. Listening to Mo Yi's words, as a girl, being held by the other party like this and hearing such shy words, Xue Miaozi, who has a strong personality, was so shy that she pretended to be dead. But Mo Yi went too far, and Xue Miaozi finally couldn't stand it anymore. However, his body was not up to par, and he was paralyzed into mud. He couldn't move his fists, so he had to shout loudly:

"Shut up, shameless old thief!"

"Baga, hentai, no road race!"

Humph, I didn’t expect you, Xue Miaozi, to secretly learn the Nail Palace Three Chains, and you turned out to be quite cute.

However, you are no longer able to resist. You are just a useless cat. All you can do now is act cute in my arms.

"Yukino-chan, hiding your illness and avoiding medical treatment is not the right attitude towards life."

Mo Yi decided to ignore Yukinoshita Xue Miao, who was struggling hard in his arms, but was just massaging Mo Yi with his weak body. The doctor said in a serious tone:

"With my level of membrane skills, things like yours are just a small problem. You can change it into whatever you want. Well, you can choose the size and shape."

"If you are interested, you can come to me anytime."


After hearing what Mo Yi said, Yukinoshita Xuemiao couldn't help but ask. Then she realized that she was actually discussing such a private issue with the other party. She quickly turned away and explained:

"I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't care, you idiot!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Yukinoshita Yukinomiya, you have been exposed - you know, you want, you have, your true thoughts,

Moreover, being tired is not your persona. Can you please respect your original "Snow Girl" persona?

"Forget it, come to me if you need it. I'm not kidding. This kind of trivial matter is just a matter of magic."

Mo Yi suddenly remembered that he and Xue Miao had been fighting here for a long time and seemed to be late again.

"Yukino-chan, can you walk on your own? We seem to be late -"

Snow Meow: "..."

Mo Yi, you have a weak soul!

You have made me like this, and now I am still thinking about such a trivial matter as being late for school?

Even the top students like me, who have never been late, don't care about this kind of thing, but you, the late king, care about it instead?

Could it be that I am not as good as a little thing like being late?

Unless things between us are resolved, none of us will be able to go to school!

Moreover, I also want to move, but unfortunately I can’t stand firmly because of your tossing. Are you trying to embarrass me?

Chapter 131: Have you ever heard of magic replenishment?

"It seems I have to carry it to school -"

Mo Yi looked at Xue Miaozi who turned away and pretended not to speak, and asked in embarrassment:

"Are you going to yell or not, Yukino-chan?"

"Don't yell!"

Xue Miao, who used silence to resist Mo Yi's tyranny, quickly refused. If he was really carried to school by the other party, wouldn't the rumors go to heaven?

If I see anyone in the future, my mother and sister will definitely know about it, and that will cause trouble.

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino turned her head sideways and whispered:

"You just leave me here and go to school by yourself. I will get there by myself after I have a rest."

"Anyway, you'll be happier if I'm not here!"

Why do I hear a hint of resentment and a little temper in your words, Xue Miao?

Is it an illusion?

"Never give up or abandon is one of my life principles."

Mo Yi complained:

"Your challenge has been approved by me, Mo Yi, Yukinoshita Yukino."


Yukinoshita Yukinya would not admit that she was shocked by the other party's words just now, 'Don't give up, don't abandon'. It's easy to say, but how many people in the world can really persevere to the end.

But the other party's understatement revealed the pride and naturalness in the other party's heart, all confirming that the other party had been insisting on it and regarded it as an honor.

This guy, if he gets rid of the bad taste and salty style he has developed in his life, he will definitely be a very charismatic leader.

That's not right, Yukinoshita Yukino, how can this soul be able to change his bad taste? That's why your efforts are needed to help you correct this unhealthy attitude towards life!

Therefore, Yukinoshita Yukino, your actions and sacrifices are meaningful. You must persevere and not be easily defeated or change your original intention by the other party.

The future of mankind depends on you.

"How about I help you on the road like this? When you get back, you can also use it to twist your foot on the road. I happened to be met by the helpful person."

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