Mo Yi made a suggestion that sounded very scientific.


Xuemiao lowered her head and said coldly:

"Before, I was seen when we were in school together. If you use this reason, it will only give people the feeling of contradiction and cover-up, and it will strengthen the suspicion that there is something unknown between us."

Mo Yi: "..."

Yukinoko, you are very witty!

If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that you slandered me as a eunuch. Now that I think about it, should I just leave you here and go to school happily by myself?

Complaints are all, Xuemiao is quite good, and Mo Yi will naturally not do such a heart-breaking behavior.

At this time, Mo Yi once again noticed the bright red on the other party's lips, which must have been bitten by her just now.

"Yukino-chan, do your lips still hurt?"

Mo Yi pointed at the other person's lips, his tone was much gentler than usual, and asked:

"How about I help you treat it?"


Yukinoko, who was about to evolve into a humming monster, couldn't help but complain in her heart. I have basically never been injured since I was a child. Of course it hurts. It's really insincere to ask now.

"It's just a small matter——"

"Let's solve the problem of how to go to school first!"

You say you don't care, but the flash of happiness in your eyes has betrayed your heart, Xuemiao.

At this time, a bold idea emerged from Mo Yi's mind, and then grew rapidly——

Mo Yi looked at Xue Miao and asked:

"Yukino-chan, have you ever heard of demon healing?"

"To mend demons?"

Yukinoshita Yukinya asked in confusion:

"What is it?"

Mo Yi said meaningfully:

"I have a method similar to magic healing, which can solve the current problem."

This time, Yukinoshita Xue Miao didn't notice the evil flash in Mo Yi's eyes, and said coldly:

"Then use your method."

"Woo woo (┭┮﹏┭┮)"

After Yukinoshita Yukinoshita said this, she could only purr and could no longer speak.

In addition, the two of them were originally in a posture similar to the wall-dong, and now she couldn't escape or push away. First, she had no strength, but she forgot to push away.

That’s right, I forgot about it, so I wasn’t addicted to it and couldn’t extricate myself, Kuya!

About ten seconds later, Mo Yi finally let go of Xue Miao. He looked at the other person who looked dull, lost his ideals, and looked a bit broken. He said seriously:

"The magic repair is completed——"

‘Yukino-chan, do you feel that your whole body is full of power now? This is the power of the membrane technique! ’

"Besides, I also helped you heal the injury on your lip."

"No need to thank me, you should."

Mo Yi smiled and sighed, the other person looks so cute now.

Oops, I seem to be attracted to Xue Miao. What if the other party relies on me because of my righteous behavior of mending demons? What should I do?

No, I will not be attracted by a mere snow cat. This is just a punishment and warning for the snow cat who always pesters me.

Hum hum, look at Xue Miaozi, do you still dare to go against me? This is the result of offending this master!

After Mo Yi explained himself in his mind, he looked at Xue Miao's body and began to exude a cold aura. He knew that the other party was about to explode and said quickly:

"Xue Miao, this is proof that I accept your challenge——"

"If you still have the idea of ​​​​changing me, you'd better be prepared first, because there is a hell called maternity leave ahead!"

"Now that you have recovered your strength, I will take the first step."

After that, he turned around and ran away.


Although Yukinoshita's snow cat has been fully resurrected, or in other words, her physical strength is as good as ever, after all, the person who can replenish her magic land is Mo Yi.

But she still kept leaning on the wall. The moment Mo Yi turned around and left, she finally came back to her senses, smiled strangely, gritted her teeth and smiled at Mo Yi who was about to run away:

"Thank you very much, Mo Yi——"

"Don't run away if you can, and let me repay your kindness -"

"Don't thank me, I'm just an ordinary red scarf."

Hearing the other party's strange laughter, Mo Yi dared to stay there, even though the other party couldn't kill him, or in other words, if he continued to entangle with him, he would just repeat the dark plot over and over again.

However, as a good student with comprehensive moral, intellectual and physical development, Mo Yi is still busy going to school, learning knowledge well, and repaying the world with more works in the future.

"red scarf?"

Yukinoshita Yukinya didn't know about the red scarf, but it didn't matter. What she wanted to do now was to press and rub the guy who dared to steal her first kiss, and beat him up, even if he cried and begged her to let him go. The kind that won't stop.

"Don't run away, you bastard!"

Yukinoshita Xue Miao didn't care about her ladylike manners, and immediately chased after Mo Yi, while making various threats to Mo Yi from behind.

"You'd be stupid if you didn't run—"

Mo Yi turned around and saw that Xue Miao, who was emitting black energy from his whole body, could not use magic. He also caught up with a speed beyond ordinary people. He quickly accelerated and turned around to complain:

"I'll give it to you when I catch him, hehehe!"

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