"You know, after being cured by Bai Xue, the one that Yakumo's friends hate the most is naturally me, and the second one is you, Master Yakumo!"

"Not to mention, you have recently used the same Amway method to promote your new book, and you don't know how many people have been cured. Your credibility has long been bankrupt, Master Yakumo."

Mo Yi: "..."

I didn’t expect that people in the world would misunderstand me so deeply. It turns out that those who know me have nothing to worry about, and those who don’t know me have nothing to ask for!

Where did Conan lie to people with "Death Schoolboy"?

"Death" is more relevant than "Detective Conan". Otherwise, how can you explain that wherever Conan goes, there will be dead people everywhere?

If all the elementary school students in District 11 had such luck, District 11 would have been destroyed long ago.

As for the slogan used for "My Youthful Love Story, there is indeed a problem", let Master Yakumo take you into a new world and experience a brand-new love action blockbuster.

Something is wrong here or there!

There is a tennis duel in Spring Things that I have magically modified. This is modified according to the level of tennis in this world. Even the ground is broken. Isn't it an action movie?

The propaganda about Touhou is the main story of "Yakumo House Family Planning Matters". If you want to know more about the past of Yakumo House and the secrets that cannot be told, please pay attention to "Touhou Paradise Project". How is this deception!

This is obviously a dirty trick. Couldn’t Master Yakumo tell the story seriously?

However, Mo Yi also understands that people in the world are ignorant, so they need this master to treat them, wake up, and open their eyes to see the world.

Before dawn, this master was misunderstood. Is it any wonder?

All this is for the ideological liberation of all mankind!

One day, they will understand the greatness of my thoughts and the nobleness of my personality, and they will worship me as the first thinker of all time——

If there are no eight clouds in the sky, eternity will be like a long night!

Although I don’t want to admit it, Shiha-san’s words are right. Yakumo’s friends have learned to be smart and it’s getting harder and harder for them to be safe. As soon as they see Kasumi Shiko-sensei’s masterpiece, the first thing they think of is probably a stomachache. , rather than the initial excitement.

Friends who have become her fans will naturally follow her, and those who don't like it will naturally not be fooled. Perhaps after the powerful people in the human area change her demon into the Yakumo version, it will become popular again.

Thinking about it this way, there seems to be nothing wrong. After all, those who write fan fiction need to pay a royalties to the original author Kasumigaoka Shiu. What she earns is no less than the royalties earned by the romance novel master, and she is well-known. But it is much more famous than those hens who lay eggs and leave them alone.

However, as a gentleman says, a horse is hard to catch. If he said he wanted to help her, he would succeed in tricking someone!

Mo Yi thought for two seconds and smiled sinisterly:

"It doesn't matter-"

"I have another bold idea - on the premise of maintaining peace of mind as usual, I will also use the name of Master Yakumo to draw illustrations, and then use this as a work that I and Mr. Shiziko completed together."

"What's my idea?"

"As expected of Master Yakumo——"

Kasumigaoka Shiu thought about the other party's words and found that what the other party said made sense. Although the other party often gave out some slanderous things, no one in the Yakumo House could deny that as long as it is the work of Master Yakumo, no matter it is No matter what type of works they are, they are all masterpieces, and many of them have become classics and masterpieces.

As long as the other party's name is on it, it will be difficult for his new novel to become popular.

However, this is not her main purpose, and she is not short of money now. Just the royalties from Yakumo House for "Metronome of Love" make her an invisible rich woman.

If I really just want to make money, just sleep with the guy in front of me, or debut in the Yakumo House under the pseudonym of Dirty Shiko, do I still have to worry about my future life?

I, Shiyu Kasumigaoka, is not such a superficial woman. What she wants is something as luxurious as a dream. What she wants is to write her own story and prove to the other party that she is not a vase.

After I sleep with him in the future, I can proudly say that this is because of my own charm and talent, not just black stockings, cuteness and superb driving skills.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was first amused by Mo Yi's dark side, then glanced at her and complained:

"But, I want more than that, Master Yakumo."

Mo Yi: "..."

I always feel that there is something in your words, Zu Shizi, and that charming glance just now hides a very dangerous and bold idea in it.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a smile:

"I want to prove to others that my success, Xia Shizi, is not only due to classmate Mo Yi's help, but also my own hard work and talent."

"They always say that I have been unspoken by Master Yakumo and that I am one of the proprietresses of Yakumo House. Can I bear this?"

Well, Mo Yi understands the thoughts of a girl, especially a conceited literary girl, just like a child who always wants to prove his ability to his parents.

Being always slandered like this by others would make even Mr. Shi Zizi very concerned and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is understandable that he should rely on his own strength to write a masterpiece to prove himself.

Before Mo Yi could give Teacher Zu Shizi a few sips of chicken soup for the soul, Teacher Zu Shizi complained in a very unhappy tone with a hint of resentment:

"I haven't had time to unspoken rules, classmate Mo Yi, and enjoy the benefits I deserve. Why am I being slandered like this?"

"Besides, what do you mean, one of the boss ladies? Are they looking at me to dirty Shizi's teacher?"

"Tell me, should I be angry, Mo Yijun?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Teacher Zhenshizi, your words contain a lot of information!

I think you are my best female friend, but you want to sleep with me?

Moreover, you still want to kill like a god and dominate the game?

Your idea is too dangerous, you will be killed by sister-chan!

I didn’t expect that I appreciate your talent and appearance so much, and Shiyu-san, you’re going to repay me like this——

But bang, it’s so snappy.


Just when Mo Yi was thinking about how to complain and retaliate, the bell for class finally rang.

"Student Mo Yi, remember to wait for me during lunch——"

After Kasumigaoka Shiyu teased Mo Yi, she said energetically:

"I want to talk to you about the new work and the script issues for the games we will make in the future."

"If you don't wait for me, I will be angry——"

After saying that, he gave Mo Yi an ambiguous smile and continued:

"It's time for class. The new foreign language teacher has been watching us closely for a long time!"

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