However, we can’t blame the other party. After all, the other party is already very old and cannot be as energetic as young people. In a society that pays attention to the order of human relations, most of the senior people have backgrounds, so everyone can only endure it. .

Fortunately, the other party retired early last week because of family matters.

Now there is a new beautiful teacher. Why not make people happy?

Even if the opponent's level is the same as the old man before, just reading according to the textbook, he is still much better than the opponent.

After all, just looking at a beautiful woman makes you feel happy, and her voice is better than that of an old man!

"Hello everyone, I am your new foreign language teacher Yusa Emi——"

Yusa Emi generously showed off her calligraphy skills on the blackboard, and then restated her simple and clear self-introduction in Japanese, Chinese, English, German, French and other languages.

Although many people can only understand Japanese and English, and other languages ​​​​are like bibles, the female teacher’s voice on the stage is very nice. It should be that both the tone and timbre give people a sense of harmony.

Even if you don't understand what she is saying, you just think the other person is very powerful.

Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Yusa Emi's successful control of the field. On her resume, she was a teacher for the first time, but with her rhythmic aura, there was no trace of nervousness at all, and she exuded an aura of closeness and trust.

So, Jing Keai walked aside with confidence and gave up the stage to Yusa Emi to perform.

However, Yusa Emi did not disappoint her and was quickly accepted by the student council.

The moment he saw Huimei appear on the podium, Mo Yi was confused, but he soon figured out what was going to happen.

It would be a lie to say that he wasn't impressed. In order to see him more often, the other party actually gave up taking care of those problematic angels and being a store manager to do a job where he had to deal with bosses at first and naughty kids at next. road work.

However, Mo Yi was originally planning to tell the other party that Sister Jiang had discovered their affairs and Huimei's existence had been exposed.

When Sister-chan knows everything, Yusa Emi's strategy of becoming a teacher is meaningless.

Because even if she avoids sister-chan, she will probably be caught and beaten by sister-chan who is in a happy mood.

Forget it, it's useless to think about these things too much. Let's talk to Huimei when we are alone.

Now I still admire Huimei's appearance as a teacher, it sounds really good!

Intellectual and elegant, cordial without losing her dignity, her conversation revealed her calmness and erudition, which perfectly fulfilled Mo Yi's fantasy of what it would be like if my wife were my teacher.

Speaking of which, this was the first time I saw Huimei like this.

After all, so many years have passed, how could it not have grown?

My original image is still stuck in the image of the other person as a feisty and cute little lolita, a brave female warrior who is upright, stubborn and righteous, and the arrogant wife she was the day before yesterday.

The way the other party works is really beautiful beyond my expectation. It seems that Emi-chan still has many new postures that can be developed.

Yusa Emi, who has served as the patriarch of the Angel clan for more than a thousand years and held various positions, such as the principal, naturally has stage fright. How can a mere human high school student compare with the naughty kid of the Angel clan?

Therefore, while expressing herself perfectly, Yusa Emi kept looking at Mo Yi's expression from the corner of her eye. When she saw the other party looking at her expression with admiration and obsession hidden under the serious look, the anger in her heart also dissipated a lot. .

I had seen a lot of the other party's serious expression the day before yesterday.

She said she didn't want it, but her body was extremely honest. How could she hide it from a first-time wife?

Hum hum——

Master-chan, you have great vision. How can a beautiful girl with charm like me be comparable to a mere human teenage girl?

Mo Yi, who was listening to the class seriously, naturally could not deceive Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was observing him from behind every day.

She didn't need any evidence, just Mo Yi's serious appearance of listening to the class, she knew it was abnormal.

You know, Mo Yi is the number one cavalryman in Fuyuki High School. Even Jing Kei doesn’t show any shame in the Chinese class and does whatever he has to do.

Now, facing such a new foreign language teacher, Mo Yi changed his mind and listened carefully to the class?

If there was no story between them, Kasumigaoka Shiyu would have dared to walk to the playground and shout, I am Teacher Shizi.

As for Mo Yi falling in love with the other party at first sight, this is also impossible.

According to her understanding of Mo Yi, he is not someone who falls in love at first sight or changes his behavior because of beauty, otherwise he would not be against Jing Keai every day.

You know, although the foreign language teacher on the stage is beautiful, Jing Keai is also good. Not to mention, Mo Yi is bombarded by all kinds of slutty words from her, the female Si Ji, every day and still does not get involved in a car crash.

In this case, I really think there is only one, and that is my suspicion of teasing Mo Yi at the beginning. That is the thing - it is hard to say whether the other party is Mo Yi's lover No. 16, but they are definitely acquaintances, and they have a close relationship, otherwise Mo Yi, an independent guy, would never sit still and listen to lectures like an obedient puppy.

Therefore, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who wanted to continue to catch up on her sleep, stopped sleeping.

Still sleeping paralyzed!

Someone wants to steal his favorite toy. Can the proud teacher Zhen Shizi tolerate this?

While Yusa Emi was secretly watching Mo Yi, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was staring at the other party, and soon found that the other party's peripheral vision was always projected here, or on Mo Yi in front of her.

Now, no more guessing, it was once again confirmed that the new foreign language teacher named Yusa Emi was definitely having an affair with Mo Yi.

As for this leg, it's hard to say whether it's the left leg, the right leg, or the third leg.

Maybe the other party is Mo Yi's cousin, or the daughter of an elder, it's still possible.

The witty Kasumigaoka Shiu naturally would not directly attack or give up treatment like the heroines in those TV dramas whose IQ is lower than the world's average IQ.

Now it is better to continue to observe the other party, collect enough intelligence, and analyze whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, whether they can be wined over, or whether they can only be eliminated, and then make a plan.

As for the evaluation of ordinary people like Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Yusa Emi naturally noticed it. This also proved that the other party must care about Mo Yi. As for the specific information, it still needs to continue to be collected.

Only Yusa Emi can determine how to deal with this lovely student of hers.

Chapter 139: Classmate Mo Yi, you are so dirty!

"Kasumigaoka-kun, please sit down."

Yusa Emi on the stage said with an appreciative tone to Kasumigaoka Shiu, who had just finished answering the question.

However, Mo Yi could clearly feel the anger exploding in Huimei's eyes. It had clearly passed her critical point, allowing her to cross the career path from teacher to archer and use the legendary secret of self-destruction - Meteor Ichijo.

Why would things become like this?

The time probably goes back to when Yusa Emi finished introducing herself and started giving lectures.

At that moment, the two smart women decided to test each other to see if the other was a friend or foe.

So, Yusa Emi said that she wanted to know more about the classmates in the class, and then asked a few classmates to introduce the situation in the class. The focus was naturally on the classmates with whom she had a better relationship.

When Mo Yi heard Yusa Emi's words, he knew that Yusa Emi was trying to cause trouble again.

Sure enough, after Emi found two classmates, she asked Teacher Shizi about dirty things.

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