As for the other party's intention, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who deeply understands the essence of making trouble, naturally realized it instantly. The other party was testing him and at the same time, it was also a warning to him.

Hum o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said in his heart:

"You're so naive. Do you think I, Teacher Kasumi Shiko, care about the opinions of other students? I guess because I am your student, I don't dare to express my thoughts directly?"

"Mr. Front Desk is my favorite toy. What can't I tell others about this? However, this is only my own business. I don't care what other people think. But since you take the initiative to provoke me, I can't be cowardly. !”

The moment he stood up, Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought about how to answer.

Because Yusa Emi is a foreign language teacher, the class is naturally about asking and answering questions in English.

So, Teacher Zhen Shizi stood up generously and calmly, and then started her performance.

When Yusa Emi heard Kasumigaoka Shiu's first self-introduction in London style, she couldn't help but admire it in her heart. It was a very standard spoken language, and she was indeed a top student.

Before class started, Jing Keai told her about the situation in the class in advance.

For example, there are two top students in the class who are a pain in the ass, Shi-chan, who is naturally very familiar with them, and the other one, Kasumigaoka Shiu, who likes to sleep in class.

However, within a few seconds, the appreciation in her heart was replaced by anger.

Because the guy who stood up, after introducing himself, introduced his last friend, her teacher Mo Yi, in fluent English.

It was normal at first, saying that Mo Yi was very nice and always helped her!

However, later I will give a detailed introduction on how to do it, how to help her, etc.

When she gave an example, she said:

Once when I was home on leave due to a cold, the helpful classmate Mo Yi went to visit her that day and helped her solve many problems, such as helping her wash away the clothes that she had not had time to wash yesterday. Clean those close-fitting clothing.

As a result, the words that followed became more and more outrageous. Just two minutes of answers were enough for Yusa Emi to conjure up a modern campus love story in her mind about a sweet man and a literary girl.

Damn it!

Yusa Emi struggled to suppress the emotions in her heart and express them on her face, which is called Yan Yi.

After saying that, the other party put on a happy expression, and finally gave him a provocative look, clearly saying, Teacher Yuzuo, Mo Yi is mine, you should go home and have a blind date.

How can it be cultivated? It is simply too much to deceive others!

If it were in the previous world, Emi would have challenged this arrogant person to a life-and-death duel.

However, the other party's identity is her student, and she can distinguish between public and private affairs, so she will naturally not do anything that violates the code of female warriors by avenging private revenge.

So, after eating a wave of dirty Shizi brand dog food and watching the other person sit down proudly, she could only glare at Mo Yi fiercely and tell her beloved Shijiang with her eyes - you are dead. Got it!

Mo Yi: "..."

My pot?

When Teacher Zhen Shizi opened his eyes and made up a story, Mo Yi knew that he would be the one to suffer in the end.

Because Teacher Zhen Shizi's oral skills are indeed very high, except for Yusa Emi, a language genius, only Mo Yi could hear what the other person said.

But just because of this, Mo Yi knew something was going to be bad, especially since Teacher Zhen Shizi was hiding his conscience and bragging. Both the other party and I were already looking forward to the future. We would have a boy and a girl in the future. We even thought about the names. Momo, the girl’s name is Mo Baobao, a very Chinese name.

To be honest, when Kasumigaoka Shiyu was bragging, Mo Yi began to admire her, how she could answer questions with sophisticated words and grammar that ordinary people could not understand, and at the same time make up a heartwarming campus love story on the fly, and other Literary talent is not bad.

At this moment, Master Yakumo had to say one word of admiration. He was worthy of being the dirty teacher who wrote campus love stories. After telling such a sweet and wonderful story, he didn't even blush and sat down with happiness on his face.

It seems that classmate Shiyu has reached the highest level of deception, the level of deceiving himself.

Emi-chan, who was completely changed in her heart, was testing Kasumigaoka Shiu, and after giving Mo Yi a vicious look, she did nothing else and continued her wonderful teaching performance.

However, Mo Yi will not be deceived by the kind and elegant smile on the other party's face. The other party will definitely make trouble for him. What he sees now is fake, it is just the calm before the storm.

A storm is brewing!

"Mo Yijun, is my speaking level okay?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu ignored Yusa Emi who had been watching Mo Yi, poked Mo Yi's back generously, and whispered:

"I often practice with bananas——"

Mo Yi: "..."

Teacher Zhen Shizi, I don’t understand what you are talking about.

What does spoken language have to do with bananas?

Could it be that in order to exercise the flexibility of the tongue and the clarity of pronunciation, you speak English while eating bananas?

But bang, it’s so snappy!

Unexpectedly, Teacher Zhen Shizi, who always fell asleep in class, actually studied so hard after returning home!

Sure enough, there is no simple success in this world.

Just like you often see that your deskmate is always sleeping, but his test scores are always dozens of points higher than yours, there must be a reason.

Maybe other people’s parents are postdocs?

"Shiyu-san, your spoken English is really great——"

Faced with Kasumigaoka Shiyu's unrelenting harassment, Mo Yi could only give a quick answer while Huimei was asking someone else a question.

"However, now I want to listen carefully to the class and be a good student."

"So, don't talk anymore."


Kasumigaoka Shiyu ignored Mo Yi's wish to become a good student again and said meaningfully:

"Classmate Mo Yi, you are so dirty!"

Chapter 140: Call me Teacher Huimei!

"Am I so dirty?"

Mo Yi understood the meaning of Teacher Zhen Shizi in an instant.

You have changed, Teacher Xia Shizi, you were not like this in the beginning.

Why do I need to open the Yakumo dictionary in my mind when I'm talking to you now to hear what you're saying?

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