The wind is a little noisy today!

Laughing amusedly.

"Mo Yijun, you are really a toy taking advantage of your position. As soon as you appear, you start to amuse yourself."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled happily and said:

"It seems that Master Yakumo has successfully escaped from Emi-sensei's poisonous hands!"

Seeing that Mo Yi was not as straight as he imagined, Teacher Zhen Shizi finally felt relieved and did not have to worry about his toys being played with.

"Hey, Shiyu-san, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Mo Yi greeted him warmly as if seeing an old friend:

"Because we encountered some unexpected things, we were delayed a little bit."

"Could it be that a cute black cat blocked the way to the rooftop for student Mo Yi, so he accidentally got lost on the road of life again?"

Xia Zhigao Shiyu glanced at Mo Yi angrily, complained about the reason why Mo Yi was late last time, and said with a smile:

"It's very ungentlemanly to make a woman wait. If you do this, you won't have a girlfriend!"

Mo Yi: "..."

As expected of Teacher Zhen Shizi, he launched a vicious attack that made me miss and recall him endlessly when we met him, and he clearly had a happy smile on his lips.

However, what you said is correct, I was indeed blocked by a black cat.

After making many turns, I thought I would get rid of the pursuit of Xue Miao behind me, but I didn't expect to encounter Wu Geng Liuli, a black cat, and the other party took the initiative to say hello to me.

As the other party's future master, naturally he can't ignore it. Little girls are very sensitive, especially black cats with very high self-esteem. So Mo Yi could only stop and resume his usual demeanor of a close senior. Have a few words with the other person in detail, and remind the other person that he remembers to participate in the activities of his own game manufacturing club, and then he will introduce the other person to everyone.

After whispering a few words of encouragement to the other person, watch the other person leave happily.

Mo Yi was about to leave and go to the rooftop to meet Teacher Shizi for a while.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, Xuemiao, who thought he had escaped, was thrown over his shoulder, and Mo Yi was successfully arrested.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed that he was not only blocked by a black cat, but also double-teamed by a snow cat.

Before Mo Yi had time to complain, Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't laugh anymore, because after Mo Yi walked out of the rooftop door, there was another person who walked out closely, that is, after he walked out, he looked at her with eager eyes. Looking at her Yukinoshita Yukino.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had a stiff smile on her face, stopped walking toward Mo Yi, first stared back at the other person with a vicious look, and then asked kindly:

"Dear front desk gentleman, can you explain?"

"Why did you bring the president of your service club to our date? Do you want to help me realize my wish?"

"But my biggest wish now is that the troublesome guy disappears automatically in front of me and doesn't become a light bulb during our date."

Although I don’t know why Yukinoshita Yukino appeared here at the same time as Mo Yi, I will never see through the eyes the other person casts on me the moment he sees me. It is clearly anger, nervousness, jealousy, and protectiveness. The mixed emotions of food, hostility and other strange emotions make the rumored snow girl Yukinoshita Yukino look like this. Naturally, the only reason is that Jun Moyi is sandwiched between them.

She had seen this look too many times.

Kasumigaoka Shiu couldn't help but feel distressed, dear front desk gentleman, you are really troublesome. Less than a week after joining the so-called service club, you attracted the rumored snow girl and added a rival to me.

Should I praise myself at this time? My eyesight is so good that even Yukinoshita Yukino, who is said to be Lily, has taken a liking to my favorite toy?

Just because he saw through the essence of the matter in an instant, since he was destined to be a competitor, Teacher Zhen Shizi naturally would not show mercy, and directly used venomous words to mock Yukinoshita Xuenya.


Xue Miao glanced at the useless part in front of her with a cold expression, looked at Mo Yi and her own Kasumigaoka Shiyu with dissatisfaction, and then turned to stare at Mo Yi.

She naturally knew Kasumigaoka Shiu. Not only did he have the best grades, but he also acted independently and liked to sleep during class.

But because of his perfect appearance and temperament, he is deeply loved by the majority of students.

As one of the top ten school belles, Yukinoshita Yukino, although she doesn't care about this kind of thing, she must have heard about it.

Moreover, according to the law that beautiful girls are mutually exclusive and that the poor and the powerful are incompatible, even Yukinoshita Yukino, who doesn't like gossip, has already known about the cow spirit in front of her.

Of course, after Mo Yi used the excuse of establishing a game production club to not participate in the daily operations of the service department, Xuemiao also joined it in order to pursue and treat Mo Yi. Her job was to assist Kasumigaoka Shiyu in script creation.

The two had also communicated with each other, but they were not familiar with each other because they were both literary and black, and their relationship was that of ordinary classmates.

They couldn't understand it at first, but at this moment, the two finally understood that it turned out that all of this was Steins;Gate's choice.

Mo Yi: "..."

As soon as Teacher Zhen Shizi opened his mouth, Mo Yi knew that today's lunch would not be that delicious.

How come I didn't know this was a date? Didn’t you mean to discuss issues related to the new book with me?

Although the other party's thorny words in the cow spirit's words made sense and left Xue Miao speechless, I was still very unhappy. Why couldn't I appear with Mo Yi?

I am not only with him now, but also at home, but did I say that?

Mo Yi is a partner I recognize. He and I will change the world in the future, and nothing can compare to your sour-smelling little things.

Therefore, it is reasonable and reasonable for me to be with him!

And the most important thing is, high school students are not allowed to fall in love, do you know Kasumigaoka Shiu?

Chapter 145: You are so shameless

Mo Yi didn't agree with Teacher Zhen Shizi's statement that the meeting on the rooftop was a date, otherwise he wouldn't have been easily caught by Xuemiao.

It contains the most innocent, beautiful and sacred date for a girl. No matter what, Mo Yi will not let others down.

And the rooftop scene is clearly about Infernal Affairs, or the plot of Brother Cheng vs. the World, how can it be considered a date?

Moreover, according to the past practice of meeting with Zun Shizi on the rooftop, the most they could do was have a piece of bread together and then talk about writing and work. This was not what Teacher Zun Shizi called a date!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Mo Yi knew about this, but Xue Miao did not.

Coupled with the previous rumors, she really thought that Mo Yi was secretly dating Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and she also interrupted other people's dates.

If it were someone else, or it would be too much fun, I would just interrupt your date. I don't allow others to show affection in front of me.

But Xue Miao is the kind of guy who always makes sense in everything, and this matter is his fault emotionally, so when faced with the provocation from Teacher Shishizi, he didn't know how to fight back.

So, the target of the blame turned to Mo Yi!

"Classmate Mo Yi, is this the weak girl you said you need to rush over to save?"

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