Snow cat under the snow crossed his arms, stared at Mo Yi, and said:

"How can I see that Izuka-no-oka Shiu-san is in need of rescue? And there will be a danger of human life——"

After saying that, she got closer to Mo Yi and kept using "freezing light" on Mo Yi with her cold eyes, as if she was going to freeze Mo Yi to death.

"Anyone killed?"

After hearing what Yukinoshita Yukinomia said to Mo Yi, the wise teacher Shishiko reacted instantly. It seemed that Yukinoshita Yukino was pestering Mo Yi for some unknown reason, and the front desk gentleman came to see him. So he made up an excuse about a hero saving the beauty, but Xuemiao still didn't give up and followed him.

Hum hum——

Fortunately, Mr. Front Desk, you have a conscience and have not forgotten me, your best female friend who has been waiting for you.

However, when she saw Yukinoshita Yukino's angry look, she couldn't help but become happy and said meaningfully:

"If you don't make a light bulb, Yukinoshita, someone will indeed die——"

"Do you think it's the front desk gentleman who wants to kill someone?"

After that, he winked at Mo Yi and continued seductively:

"Mo Yijun, you are really bad, you actually like to kill people on the rooftop, but if it's you, that's fine."

Mo Yi: "..."

As expected of Teacher Zhenshizi, she never misses any opportunity to hurt each other.

Haven't you felt that the temperature on the rooftop has dropped by several degrees Celsius due to the cold air emitted by Snow Cat?

If you stimulate her like this, she will take out a chainsaw and chop at us. Although I am not afraid, in the bloody ending, there is not only the ending where Yan Ye kills Brother Cheng, but also the ending where Yan Ye uses electricity The ending of sawing the rooftop and killing the world.

Moreover, I won’t believe your dirty words. Your so-called killing is probably just taking out your mobile phone and having a plate of King Pesticide with me. Do you think I still don’t understand your tricks?

I, Mo, have already experienced your depth personally.

"You are so shameless, Kasumigaoka-san!"

Yukinoshita's face turned red by what Teacher Zhen Shizi said, and Yukinoshita automatically imagined the plot of the book in her mind, feeling both shy and angry.

That's right, even if you are angry, you are still very angry.

Unexpectedly, Kasumigaoka Shiu, who looked like a literary girl at first glance, would actually say such explosive words. Looking at her charming eyes, Yukinoshita Yukinia knew that the person talking about killing people was definitely the kind in the plot of the book. Losing lives.

No wonder Mo Yi degenerated like this. It was because there were too many such guys around him that he learned to be bad and degenerated like this.

Of course, the other reason for being angry was that Mo Yi had just stolen his first kiss and had not yet agreed on how he would be responsible, just because this guy Kasumigaoka Shiyu lied and put herself aside to see him.

Am I not as good as the shameless guy in front of me?

What’s so good about cow essence!

The most important thing about a woman is her connotation. Mo Yi, you are simply blind. You are actually confused by the cow spirit and want to do those shameless things with the other party on the rooftop.

By doing this, are you worthy of your family, your sister, and me?

You disappoint me so much. Fortunately, I followed you today, otherwise you would have been eaten by cow sperm.

Many thoughts flashed through Xue Miao's mind instantly, and she said angrily:

"With me here, you can't even think of doing such an immoral thing!"

"Is it?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi smiled evilly and said:

"Yukoshita-san, we just want to play games on our phones together during lunch time. Well, it's the kind of masturbation game where you need to die a lot of lives to pass the level."

"Why did we catch a cold and become immoral?"

"Could it be?"


Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly realized and said in surprise:

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of Yukinoshita-san, you're really dirty!"

Snow Meow: "..."

The most filthy person is you, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, how dare you tease me with such an aggrieved excuse now?

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

But there seemed to be no problem in the other party's words. Xue Miao didn't know how to fight back for a while, so she could only snort coldly.

As a result, Kasumigaoka Shiu and Xue Miao, who had a teasing smile on their faces, locked eyes with each other on the rooftop, as if an infernal gunfight and life-and-death duel would be staged in the next moment.


Faced with this stalemate, Mo Yi decided to take the initiative to mediate and said:

"Yukishita, actually this morning, Shiyu-san made an appointment with me to go to the rooftop after lunch to discuss some work issues. You also know that she is a light novelist. Being stuck in a creative bottleneck is a very painful thing. Her works are very important to her. For writers, isn’t it their second life?”

"So this is the most important thing that can kill people. You know, every year, many writers suffer from depression and even commit suicide due to stress."

"Even though classmate Shiyu looks very quiet, she is actually very enthusiastic. That's why I was joking with you just now. I hope you don't blame her -"

"I'm not kidding, Mo Yi."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu happily watched Mo Yi talking nonsense seriously. She liked to see Mo Yi like this, but now she was not about appreciating her beloved toy. She took the initiative to wink at Mo Yi and said in an ambiguous tone:

"If it's Mo Yijun, I don't mind even if it's on the rooftop -"

"This is serious. I hope you, Mr. Front Desk, will remember that it will always be effective!"

Sorry everyone for updating so late.

Today I have been stuck because I thought of some tangled things, and I can’t think of how to write.

There will be another update later.

Chapter 146: The perfect answer that won’t hurt anyone

"Houzui-chan, didn't you see that I was helping you mediate conflicts?"

Mo Yi was thinking about comforting Xue Miao, who was about to turn black. Unexpectedly, Teacher Zhen Shizi interrupted Mo Yi's efforts very uncooperatively. If you stimulate Xue Miao like this, you won't be afraid that she will knock you out when you go home alone. Go to a dark corner for various physical treatments?

You know, the other party not only had ideas, but also tried to physically treat me several times, but I was clever enough to break her evil plan.

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