Chapter 147: Snow Cat that bites two pieces in half

For the sake of world peace, and in order to prevent the sad ending of Blood's End from happening again, Mo Yi had to silently endure the attacks from Teacher Xue Miao and Zhen Shizi.

The left side is cold, the right side is hot——

However, Kasumigaoka Shiu did not intend to spend the lunch time of the three of them in such a boring way.

"Mr. Front Desk, I hate eating carrots——"

Mo Yi, who was eating his lunch in silence, knew that Teacher Zhen Shizi was trying to cause trouble again when he heard her words.

"These are for you -"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu leaned against Mo Yi, handed her lunch box to the front of Mo Yi's lunch box, and then put the carrot that she didn't like to eat after one bite onto Mo Yi's lunch box.

Mo Yi: "..."

Shiyu-san, it’s okay if you don’t like to eat the piece and give it to me, but if you even take a bite of the piece and put the piece with your teeth marks in front of me, is this really okay?

Although I am in great health, I am not afraid at all even if your saliva contains components of computer accessories. The most I can do is exercise in the afternoon.

But the snow cat on my left has been watching me!

Moreover, you can pinch me. Why are you sniffing around on me like a puppy? This scene feels very familiar. I seem to have experienced it once today.


At this time, Mo Yi heard a noise and glanced to the left. It turned out to be Xue Miao biting a round carrot into two pieces.

What kind of hatred do you have between Carrot and Xue Miao?

Why can such a clear execution sound be made?

Moreover, Xuemiao, when did you have such superb ventriloquism skills and be able to make such a crisp sound by biting a carrot with your teeth?

I have eaten these carrots, and they are obviously cooked very soft. Even if they are raw, they cannot make such a sound.

In fact, Mo Yi kept complaining in his heart to hide the chill in his heart, because when Xue Miao was biting the carrot, she was staring at the carrot with teeth marks on Mo Yi's lunch box with an unusually cold gaze.

She was clearly eating carrots, but Mo Yi felt a dull pain in a certain part of her body, as if someone had bitten it off with his white teeth, and then slowly chewed it into pieces, and finally was thrown into the stomach acid and passed through Qiqi Forty-nine days.

The saddest thing is that he did not rise from the ashes like Sun Monkey, but became some kind of cat nutrition.

"Mo Yi, I like to eat meat, so I won't be polite about your meat."

After giving up her puppy-like sniffing movements, Teacher Zhen Shizi smiled with satisfaction:

"Front desk gentleman, you don't mind!"

Mo Yi: "..."

At this time, Mo Yi finally remembered the origin of the sense of déjà vu.

Isn't that what sister-chan did to me this morning?

Erina also discovered the smell of her daughter Yusa Emi through this stunt.

Teacher Zhen Shizi, don’t you know that the same moves are ineffective against Saint Seiyas!

How could I, Mo Yi, fall twice in the same place?

When I was getting dressed in Emi's office, I used the membrane method to completely eliminate the smell on myself and my clothes. Even my sister-chan, who has the nose of God, couldn't detect it.

Unexpectedly, my previous behavior was proven so wise so quickly.

Mo Yi has long been used to Teacher Zhen Shizi's behavior. When eating with her in the past, she would be like this, using the excuse of helping him lose weight to pick out her favorite dishes.

However, Mo Yi is used to it, and Xue Miao next to Mo Yi can't stand it.

Damn it!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, you actually ignored me, Yukinoshita Xue Miao, in broad daylight, and did such a shameless thing. Do you think I am transparent?


Yukinoshita Yukino leaned forward, looked at Teacher Zushizi coldly, and said expressionlessly:

"How could you do this to a boy?"


Teacher Zhen Shizi ignored Xue Miao's aggressive gaze and said without knowing why:

"Yukoshita-san, what did I do?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi pretended to be cute, ignored her warning, and continued to rummage through Mo Yi's lunch box to choose the food she liked.

Snow Meow: "..."

Yukinoko finally understood why Mo Yi was the only friend Kasumigaoka Shiyu could talk to in her class. It was because they were both shameless and very similar in their appearance of pretending to be crazy or stupid.

In her original impression, Kasumigaoka Shiu was supposed to be an independent and talented literary girl. Although she was a bit lonely, she could be understood to have a genius personality.

Just like myself, I am not understood by others because I am too good.

But the other party's vicious tongue at the beginning, coupled with his current behavior, has completely subverted Xuemiao's original image of her. She is basically a female version of Mo Yi, and even worse.

Because in her eyes, Mo Yi, who couldn't even deal with her, was now obediently letting her control him and getting into trouble.

Thinking like this, Xue Miao discovered a big secret——

It turns out that Mo Yi became so shameless and unscrupulous, and it was all thanks to you Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Xue Miao came to a conclusion in her mind - it seemed that it was necessary to keep the other party away from Mo Yi.

Faced with Teacher Zhen Shizi’s behavior of treating her as transparent, Xuemiao naturally couldn’t bear it anymore and said coldly:

"First, you still have so many seats over there, why are you so close to Mo Yi? Don't you know that men and women should keep an appropriate distance?"

"Secondly, even if you don't like what you have eaten, you should not put it directly on other people's lunch boxes. Don't you know that you are doing this hygienic?"

"Third, what you did by sniffing around Mo Yi just now is very indecent, don't you know?"

"But Mr. Front Desk and I are very good friends!"

After Teacher Zhen Shizi finished selecting her favorite dishes with satisfaction, she looked at Xue Miao without any fuss and continued playfully:

"Shouldn't good friends share their favorite things? I gave him the carrot he liked the most, and then he gave me my favorite meat. Isn't this a testament to our friendship? "

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