Xue Miao, Dirty Shizi’s teacher: “…”

Isn't this the so-called eunuch?


Teacher Zhen Shizi asked curiously:

"This story is a very interesting one from the perspective of both the creator and the reader. In popular terms, it is a masterpiece."

"Mr. Front Desk, why don't you continue writing?"

"Isn't this a good opportunity for you to make a name for yourself in the market at your age?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who is always paying attention to Mo Yi's news, naturally knows that Mo Yi wants to spread the name of Master Yakumo to a wider market.

The throne of the Eighteen Forbidden Realm is not enough for Mo Yi, who is sitting in front of him. He seems to be bullied by his vicious tongue, but is actually proud of himself.

Xue Miao is also curious about the other eunuch's reasons.

"I told you, the rest of the story is up to you."

Mo Yi took it a step further and said with a smile:

"Because I plan to hold an essay contest for fan writing at Yakumo House, so that everyone can write about their youth in their hearts and their ideal youth love story."

"Wouldn't it be more fun this way?"

"Let everyone help the great teacher make a choice——"

After listening to Mo Yi's words, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was surprised, but she felt it was natural.

As the saying goes, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

Spring Things is indeed a very exciting story, or a new genre of campus novel that has never appeared on the market. As long as it is properly promoted, it will definitely become a masterpiece in the eyes of nerds.

The more people like a work, the more they will cling to their own interpretation and only recognize the characters in their own eyes.

If we follow Mr. Front Desk's approach, we can definitely set off a wave of discussion about youth, and we can definitely establish the name of Yakumo Master in the field of campus love reading, and promote the all-field strategy of Yakumo House.

As for whether Mo Yi has the ability to do this, although Teacher Zhen Shizi always dislikes him and speaks harshly, she has always had inexplicable confidence in Mo Yi, believing that as long as he is serious, he can definitely do what he wants to do. things.

This point has never changed since the other party accompanied him, step by step from a new author who was about to be cut off, to a dirty poet resounding in the romance novel world and Yakumo's house.

Even if he has not told the other party, Kasumigaoka Shiu knows that in his heart, he has always admired the other party in the field of creators, hoping that he can be closer to Master Yakumo and become a creator recognized by the other party.

As Mo Yi's best female friend, she naturally supports his business practices, but as a creator, she still wants to see the end of this story written by him.

Chapter 151: Snow Cat is becoming more and more cute

"The ending we wrote might be interesting-"

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu expressed her thoughts, Yukinoshita Xue Miao was the first to express similar thoughts to hers, saying:

"But I still want to see the ending written by you personally, Mo Yi, the ending that belongs to you, the original author."

Xue Miao, you value me so much, you really surprise me!

However, the original work of this book ended here, and Mo Yicai did not want to continue writing it in his own way.

Regarding creation, some of Mo Yi's works are my own works awarded to me by the eradication system. I have slightly modified them to make them suitable for the world, while keeping the original author's ideas unchanged.

The remaining works are completely original works.

This is because he did not choose to forcefully continue writing. It was not because he could not write, but because he thought that if the same work was changed to another author, it would easily be read in a different flavor, causing the work to lose its purity.

Some people say that Dream of Red Mansions only reads the first eighty chapters of Cao Xueqin's abbreviation, which is what it means.

When Mo Yi subconsciously wanted to persuade Xue Miao with polite words, he hesitated after seeing the expectant look in his eyes.

Yes, for Yukinoshita Yukino, "Spring Things" is not exactly her portrayal, or rather, Mo Yi's understanding and evaluation of her.

The longing in her eyes showed that she wanted to know what Mo Yi thought of her, and whether Mo Yi would choose her in the story in the end.

For a moment, after trying to understand the meaning of the other person's eyes, Mo Yi changed his mind and said with a smile:

"Since you want to see the ending I wrote, I will write out the ending of the youth love story in my imagination and give it to you!"

"This is an out-of-print ending, an ending that only you can see."

"Humph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

Xue Miao naturally saw the change in Mo Yi's facial expression and guessed the reason why the other party changed his mind. He couldn't help but feel happy and thought to himself - you are on the right track!

When getting along with Mo Yi these days, he has always been angry at himself, especially what happened today. It was the most angry and serious day since Xuemiao was born. In such a mood, it seems that Mo Yi is willing to do it for With his own thoughts, he changed his plan and wrote an ending that only they could see. Xue Miao was naturally very happy.

Although his words were written for her and Kasumigaoka Shiyu, it can be seen from Mo Yi's expression that he changed his mind because of his own suspicion.

After all, in this day and age, it’s not easy to write a love letter for someone you like, let alone write a novel for that person, which is super rare.

At this moment, Xuemiao finally felt that it turned out that the other party had not always ignored him, but that she also had a place in his heart. Otherwise, he would not have written a story based on himself and wasted a lot of time just because he wanted to. Just write an ending that is only for her.

Although she was so happy, Yukinoshita Xue Miao, who was used to treating Mo Yi with cold words, didn't know what to say to express her feelings. In the end, she had no choice but to avoid Mo Yi's smiling eyes and snorted softly.

However, Xue Miao couldn't help but regret expressing her thoughts like this. She clearly wanted to say thank you to the other party, but why did it end up like this?

Mo Yi naturally understood Yukinoko's reaction and knew that the other party was actually very happy now, just because he didn't know how to express it.

But this is also good, because Mo Yi feels that this snow cat is much cuter and more humane than when he first met him.

If there were only Mo Yi and Xue Miao at the scene, maybe this warm and subtle atmosphere would be maintained, but next to Mo Yi sits the dirty teacher Shizi who likes to cause trouble!

Now, of course, Teacher Zhen Shizi couldn't bear it anymore!

You idiots dare to stage such a youth love drama in front of me. Do you think that I am transparent?

Moreover, Teacher Zhen Shizi also figured out something in an instant.

Touma Yukinya and Yukinoshita Yukino?

Yes, isn’t the Touma Snow Cat written by Mr. Zendesk very similar to Yukinoshita Yukino?

In other words, Yukinoshita Yukino is basically the prototype of Touma Yukinew.


You're just a front desk gentleman, if you don't just be my toy, you just go around hooking up with beautiful girls every day, but now you actually dare to go behind my back and write a story for a woman I've only known for a week?

Where did you put me, who has been with you for more than a year?

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