Kasumigaoka Shiyu said tit for tat:

"Front desk gentleman, do you think so?"


Back table-chan, you and Xuemiao are just arguing, why are you asking me for my opinion?

Why don't you always respect my opinions?

"Mo Yi and I still have very important things to do—"

Xuemiao directly answered for Mo Yi:

"However, our matters are not urgent. I can wait until you finish talking about work matters."

Xuemiao emphasized the word "work" very hard, as if she was reminding Mr. Shishizi of something, and then started over again, as if you can start talking, I will wait patiently.

Gritting her teeth, Kasumigaoka Shiyu glared at Yukinoshita Yukinya fiercely and muttered in her heart:

"He is really a troublesome and difficult guy——"

This is all the fault of this guy Mo Yi. He doesn't know what he did to the other party, so that in less than a week, the Snow Girl, who was called unkind, pestered her so persistently.

As expected of Master Yakumo who will die if he doesn't flirt with girls for one day!

Thinking of this, Teacher Zhen Shizi glanced at Mo Yi fiercely.

Mo Yi: "..."

Is this my fault again? Isn't it the time's fault?

Feeling the resentful look from behind, Mo Yi wanted to suggest something to Xue Miao beside him——

Yukinoshita-san, lunch break is a precious time for studying. As a good student, how can you waste your time here?

Unfortunately, before Mo Yi could speak, he was stared back by Xuemiao's cold and unpredictable gaze.

At this time, I couldn’t help but sigh again:

"It's hard to be a man, especially when a handsome guy like me wants to be a gentle and good man. It's like a man plus a man!"

Chapter 150: Xuemiao, in this way, he is mine

Seeing that Teacher Zhen Shizi couldn't send Yukinoshita Xue Miao away, she just ignored him.

After all, he did have important things to discuss with Mo Yi.

"Front desk gentleman, I gained a lot after watching "My Youthful Love Story Really Has Problems" last night!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's expression became serious, revealing the rigorous expression of a creator and asked:

"It's just that I wonder if you have finished writing the follow-up? I can't help but have a look and learn from it."

Teacher Zhen Shizi, who knew that Mo Yi's creative speed was much higher than that of ordinary people, looked at Mo Yi expectantly.

"With the speed of your creation, it should be completed by now."

What's going on today? I was asked by two people in a row, and they are still sitting on my left and right. Does this mean they won't let me run away?

Xue Miao originally maintained a transparent policy of keeping things irrelevant to himself. After hearing the dirty poet mouse talking about the novel "Spring Things", he remembered that he had had a fight with Mo Yi in the morning about this matter. And there was also an eunuch incident.

That's right, there is such a rumor circulating in the school now, saying that he and Mo Yi got into an argument on the way to school because of the fact that he was an eunuch.

Regarding rumors, Yukinoshita Yukino has always had the attitude of accepting rumors and leaving it to the wise, and the explanation of this matter will only become more wrong. Others don't care whether it is right or wrong, as long as it is interesting and meets their requirements to kill time.

Xue Miao has long understood this.

However, this time, after hearing rumors about herself and Mo Yi, her heart was particularly complicated and very different from usual. What was difficult for her to accept was that she actually felt a little happy and shy in her heart.

Especially in the morning, I heard Yuigahama Yui talk about whether she and Mo Yi were dating, and was Mo Yi really a eunuch? When things like this happen, my heart can no longer remain calm.

Afterwards, she used it. It was good to let Mo Yi, a lecherous guy, be misunderstood, so that no more innocent girls would be harmed by him. (Absolutely not, then he is my Yukinoshita Yukino!)

At this time, Yukinoshita Yukinya also took the initiative to interject:

"Mo Yi, you said this morning that after writing this novel, you planned to stop writing it?"

"I haven't had time to explain clearly in the morning, so now is a good opportunity."


Teacher Zhen Shizi couldn't help being surprised when she heard this. She didn't care why they were together in the morning and said:

"Such a great story, Mr. Front Desk is going to cut it in half?"

"What a pity!"

After saying that, the two of them stared at Mo Yi at the same time, putting pressure on Mo Yi, as if you dare to eunuch, we will make you fall with the sword.

These two guys actually formed an alliance in an instant to persecute an innocent author like Mo Yi.

Mo Yi: "..."

At this moment, Mo Yi realized a truth. If he wants to get along well with girls in the future, he cannot let them unite. The best way is to let girls fight against girls. Otherwise, they will reach an agreement. The resentful gaze turned to his own.

The principle of all things lies in balance. This is true for national affairs, and it is also true for getting along with girls!

After feeling the pressure of the men's gazes, Mo Yi knew that if he dared to say, yes, I am willful and I want to be a eunuch, he would definitely be rubbed by these two guys in various positions on the ground.

Chasing a book and catching up with an eunuch is one of the ten most tragic events in the world, and it is no worse than wearing a certain-forgiveness hat on your head.

"Of course not a eunuch!"

Mo Yi reacted instantly and emphasized righteously:

"Am I, Mo Yi, the kind of person who knows how to be a eunuch?"

Xuemiao looked at Mo Yi suspiciously. The more serious this guy was, the less trustworthy he became. He made it clear this morning that he would not update again.

"Then when can we see the follow-up?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi asked expectantly.

"You shouldn't ask me this question, you should ask it yourself?"

The witty Mo Yi thought of the perfect answer in an instant and said:

"Because I don't plan to continue writing."

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