Mo Yi: "..."

Xue Miaozi, why don’t you care? If you don't care, you should continue to be a black man for me.

I didn’t expect that my matters would be more important than the things that Teacher Zhen Shizi had mocked you for wasting your efforts over the years. At this time, I finally understood that my importance in your heart was actually more important than your female dignity.

But, what expression should I use to express the excitement in my heart at this moment?

Teacher Zhen Shizi ignored Xue Miao's indifferent expression and continued to mutter to herself:

"I couldn't smell anything on Zendesk-kun just now, including Emi-sensei's smell. But——"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at it funny and calm, why did Mo Yi lose to Fei Longqi, and said with a sinister smile:

"It's weird because it doesn't smell like anything."

"Theoretically, people can smell, but Mr. Front Desk doesn't even have his usual smell. This is too strange."

"Unless special treatment is taken, it is impossible for such a strange situation to occur. After all, I have been sitting behind the front desk gentleman for so long, so I am naturally aware of his smell."

"In that case, why did Mr. Desktop have to clean up the smell on his body? Did he have some smell that no one can detect before, such as the smell of some female teachers' perfume?"

Let me choke you, Teacher Zhu Shizi, you are so witty!

How could I not think of this blind spot? The biggest flaw is that it has no flaw.

But, what did you do when you were sitting behind me, so that you could clearly tell the smell of my body?

Chapter 149: Xuemiao and Dirty Shizi confront each other in secret

"Start at (one_one)——"

After listening to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's perfect analysis, Yukinoshita Yukinomia did not pay attention to why the other party knew Mo Yi's smell so well, because the female foreign language teacher in the other party's mouth was more worthy of her attention, especially because Mo Yi's abnormal behavior of eliminating the smell on his body .

How could he do such an abnormal thing if he had nothing wrong with him?

So, Xue Miao also followed the example of Mr. Zhen Shizi and sniffed Mo Yi.

However, she was not Teacher Zhen Shizi, and she didn't know Mo Yi's taste, but he had had close contact with her in the morning.

I don’t know what the other person smells like, don’t I still know my own smell?

"Yukoshita, what are you doing? Don't come close, I'll be shy——"

When Mo Yi saw the other party's actions, he knew that the other party also wanted to smell him like Sister Jiang and Teacher Zhen Shizi did. I wanted to move aside, but was directly blocked by the soft body of the back seat.

"do not move--"

Yukinoshita Xue Miao said seriously, and after smelling Mo Yi carefully, she confirmed that the other person did not smell of herself.

It can be seen that Kasumigaoka Shiyu did not lie.

Mo Yi: "..."

After Xue Miao confirmed it, she glared at Mo Yi fiercely, then returned to her original appearance as if nothing had happened, and continued to enjoy her dinner in an elegant manner.

Mo Yi thought that the other party would get angry again and yelled, "What on earth did you do to the public with that female teacher? It's so shameless." Such words made fun of him.

However, no, Xuemiao made no other movements abnormally, which made Mo Yi worried and frightened. Could it be that Xuemiao has finally gone crazy.

You know, before the storm comes, it is the calmest. Just like Snow Meow now, maybe she is planning some evil plan in her heart to forcibly treat herself?

Just like Yusa Emi's treatment plan that plagiarized "Two or Three Things the Heroine and the Demon God Have to Say".

Thinking about it this way, it's really too cute. Are all female warriors such cute beings?

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Teacher Zhen Shizi, who was originally prepared to watch a good show, made an unhappy sound, but in her heart, she began to value Xue Miao and said:

It seems that he is not an easy opponent——

After Xue Miao discovered the authenticity of Teacher Zhen Shizi's words, she naturally felt uncomfortable and angry.

After all, I had just been teased by Mo Yi in the morning, and the other party hadn't wanted to apologize to me yet. Only a few hours later, the other party had become confused with another female teacher.

This feeling of disparity made the proud Yukinoshita Xue Miao extremely uncomfortable.

According to the usual situation, she should stare at the other person coldly at this time, or pull the other person's collar and question the other person.

It really disappointed her. Is it so difficult to change the other person?

Why should the other person make themselves sad and disappointed again and again.

However, no matter how uncomfortable she felt, she could not let her give up, because this was a war between her and Mo Yi, and it was also a vow to herself.

As for why he didn't want to explode like in the past, the most important reason was to slander Teacher Shizi.

She saw the smile in the other person's eyes, and she, who was not stupid, immediately realized that this was the other person's plan.

Deliberately telling the truth about this matter, letting yourself get angry and quarrel with Mo Yi, it is best to be angry away, so that you can achieve the goal of driving yourself away and being alone with Mo Yi.

What a cunning guy, he almost fell into the trap.

After thinking about it, Xue Miao was angry, but she could not let Teacher Shizizi's evil plan succeed.

The incident between Mo Yi and that female teacher was abominable, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu was not a good person either.

In other words, in Xue Miao's heart, Teacher Zhen Shizi was a greater threat and more hateful than the female teacher. She could no longer let the other teacher teach Mo Yi bad things.

It was for this reason that Xue Miao resisted the urge to teach Mo Yi a lesson on the spot and calmed down again.

No matter how much Xue Miao pretends, she can't deceive Mo Yi's shrewd eyes. Just by looking at the other person eating with the chopsticks in his hand, Mo Yi knows that the other person is not normal.

However, this is good, at least the three of them can finish their lunch in peace.

————The dividing line between the three of them during their lunch time————

"Now that we've finished lunch, let's go back, Mo Yi."

After Xuemiao sorted out the garbage, she said in a natural tone, with a hint of request, as if she was Mo Yi's girlfriend.

She may not have noticed this herself, but Teacher Shizizi, a campus love novelist, was certainly able to catch it.

Classmate Shiyu suddenly became unhappy. Who are you from the front table? Why order him?

A guy who has only known Mo Yi for a week actually dares to be so arrogant in front of me, an old classmate who has been dating him for more than a year, and even wants to ruin the happy lunch break between me and him?

"Yukoshita-kun, Mr. Front Desk has made an appointment with me to talk about some work issues. If you are busy, you can leave first."

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